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AP Psychology 4/10/14. Warm-up Turn in Therapy graphic organizer.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Psychology 4/10/14. Warm-up Turn in Therapy graphic organizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Psychology 4/10/14

2 Warm-up Turn in Therapy graphic organizer.

3 Psychoanalytic Therapy NOT psychodynamic in this case…confusing! Freudian Free association Provide insight Transference Dream interpretation 3-7 years @$150/session…

4 Psychodynamic therapy Based off Freud Shorter, cheaper, goal-directed Face-to-face therapy Interpersonal psychotherapy: short and intended to relieve symptoms

5 Humanistic therapy What is troubling here and now…address this and symptoms will disappear Responsibility on individual: client-center (nondirective) Unconditional positive regard from therapist (Rogers) Gestalt therapy (Frederick Perls): intended to focus on the present (existential) and enable people to make better choices based on their whole (gestalt) circumstances. Existential therapy (Irvin Yalom): helps people cope with existence—inevitability of death, “condemned to be free,” and meaninglessness.

6 Behavior therapy Change the behavior/symptoms = change the problem Systematic desensitization (gradual) Aversive conditioning (opposite of S.D.) Flooding (used to treat phobias with prolonged exposure) Token economy (questions of ethics & “real world”)

7 Cognitive therapy Correct distorted thinking and symptoms disappear Aaron Beck (father of cognitive therapy)

8 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy RET (Rational Emotive Therapy) – Albert Ellis Dissatisfied with psychoanalytic, so he developed a new approach. “People are not bothered by things but by their view of things.”

9 Family therapy Treats a family as a system Genogram (pictorial display of relationships— visualize patterns & factors in genetic tree/relationships) You don’t actually draw the people 

10 Meta-analysis Statistically combining many research studies.

11 Psychopharmacology (biological therapy) Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) = extreme depression Psychosurgery: lobotomies…are not good (sorry guys) Chemotherapy: antipsychotics, antianxiety, antidepressants

12 Antipsychotics (neuroleptics) Major tranquilizers Schizophrenia: chloropromazine, haloperidol Side effects: tardive dyskenesia (involuntary muscle movements) and neuroleptic malignant syndrome (delirium, coma, death) New-generation antipsychotics (clozapine)

13 Antianxiety Minor tranquilizers Xanax, Valium Increase Cl ions (chloride) in nerve cells which decrease transmission Side effects: dependency, weakness/paralysis

14 Antidepressants Increase serotonin/norepinephrine levels in synapse MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAO breaks down serotonin and norepinephrine) Tricyclics: prevents reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine SSRIs: Serotonin prevented from reuptake into terminal button (Prozac) Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3): treats bipolar disorder (as well as schizophrenia occasionally). Dampens extreme mood swings

15 Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist Psychologist = PhD in psychology Psychiatrist = degree in medicine (can prescribe medicine)

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