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The unsociable sociability The individual is a part societies, wants to be, need to be; At the same time the individual recognize that he is unsocial,

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Presentation on theme: "The unsociable sociability The individual is a part societies, wants to be, need to be; At the same time the individual recognize that he is unsocial,"— Presentation transcript:


2 The unsociable sociability The individual is a part societies, wants to be, need to be; At the same time the individual recognize that he is unsocial, because there is always a feeling or thoughts that everyone should adjust to ”me”, or ”to my idea”, which lead resistance, negotiation, isolation, or even violence Individuals learn from this and develop moral standards, norms, legal framework, institutions, processes...

3 There is always hope! The individual can and do create his own laws, he has the autonomi to do that. The individual must decide what is right or wrong, good or bad (The categorical imperative). It is a freedom that commits, the situation ”push and pull”, it is conditions for develop ”rules of the game or relations”. This strengthen the idea of democracy, equality, moral education, individuality and the existential paradox of unsocialable sociability

4 The Nordic co-operative way It is not a place It is… A way of thinking A way of doing A way of relating A way of experience A way of feeling

5 What is Culture in this context? Simplified: Knowledge Thinking Values and norms Enviroment Relations Acting

6 Cultural heritage is about… Political culture of democracy, negotiation, diplomacy, secular state, defence (not aggressive military power), peace and work for security etc Economic culture of market and mixed economy, public health and sustainibility Social culture of welfare stat, social investment state, healthy lifestyle, leadership and organization etc The culture of people movements, people education, democratization of education, art, artefacts etc Humanistic culture, the autonomous and free individual, well educated, social and co-operative, promoted and supported by state and etc The idea of social contract: Between independent individuals in familrelations, organisations, local municipalities, states

7 The Nordic co-operative way Equality, individuality, social trust Democracy – political bodies KnowledgePeople to people - evaluation People education Media TeachersProducers/actors Schools- resources - activities - output - outcome - impact

8 Experience on interaction WeakStrong -Poor knowledge- Good knowledge -Weak network- Dense network -Different ”languages”- Common -Different norms and- Similar attitudes -Different vision- Shared vision -Low trust- High trust -Negative incentive to- positive incentives collaborateto collaborate

9 Regional Co-operation

10 Cross-border Co-operation at local and regional level


12 Inclusive trustbuilding co-operation Reputation, image och respect Open dialog Build relations Results Committment to the good relation and the task

13 Positive feedback system Activities/ organisation Results: Output Outcome Impact Reputation, image och respect Agents/ actors relations Resourses and competens

14 EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region PA Education

15 EU:s strategy for Baltic Sea Strategy The first makroregional strategy Adress common challanges Demand co-operation och co- ordination between memberstates Need political support, commitment and ownership EUSBSR is a part of EU2020.

16 EU:s strategi för Östersjöregionen


18 Styrning

19 EU:s strategi för Östersjöregionen The strategy in practice? EUSBSRFUNDING Actions & Flagship projects Europe 2020 Strategy COMMON STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK for 2014-2020: European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EMFF, EAFRD) SEED MONEY FACILITIES: Swedish Institute, IB.SH, CBSS, Nordic Council of Ministers OTHER EUROPEAN UNION FUNDS: Connecting Europe Facility, Horizon 2020, LIFE + programme, COSME, Erasmus for all, new environment action programme, etc. OTHER INSTRUMENTS: e.g. International Banks, national, regional and local funds, private funds and investments, funding resources provided by international institutions, etc.

20 Focus on the good life, human and citizen right together with effective problem solutions Needs Interest Feelings Goals Demands ¨Expactations Organization Action Leadership Output Outcome Impact 123 654

21 Motives behind participation? Moral/normative participation. Believe in the values, ethics, idea Calculated participation: ”What´s in it for me?” Pragmatic participation: Does it work? Will there be some resultat? Alienated participation: I have no identifikation, do not understand, but I am part of it by tradition etc

22 Why participate? Public good Partner in policy- and decisionmaking To feel affinity To have the status as a equal partner in problemsolving (remeber the existantial paradox) Reduced risk, or increased security or safety

23 EU/States Agencys Regions, NGO:s How to creat local /regional ownership? Flagshop Projects - Ordinary work? MAKRO MESO/MIKRO ”Owner” Producers

24 Program x EU”Crossboarder MakroregionalTeam, projects” National Regions Local Units Individuals

25 Important is Solve actual and relevant problems Relievethrough service Facilitate- to write and adminstrate projects - to find funding - to find knowledge - to find partners Promotedecided development Preventrisks Look after interest, engagemant Supportthrough co-operation, experts RepresentPR, lobbying etc

26 Impact-culture! Needs Interest Feelings Goals Demands ¨Expactations Organization Action Leadership Output Outcome Impact 123 654

27 PoliticalimpactGoals and means Level Economicimpact””” Socialimpact””” Culturalimpact””” Knowledge – values – environment- collaboration

28 Attitude The ”system” in open in both ends There is room for improvement It is a work in progress We can make it better We are able to solve problems We take charge of different opions and interest and find common solutions There is no such thing as a definitive form The current structure is not the only right one We have to have a balanced insight into the challanges ahead We have to have an intelligent responses to them ”Welcome aboard, everyone can contribute”

29 Message ”Identity” From ProcessSolution, models Towards Co-operation

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