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Presentation on theme: "JEOPARDY FINAL JEOPARDY"— Presentation transcript:

1 JEOPARDY FINAL JEOPARDY 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200
Plant Organelle ID Animal Organelle ID Cell History Cell Facts Organelle Functions #1 Organelle Functions #2 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 FINAL JEOPARDY

2 Plant Organelle ID - 100 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle. The outside thing

3 Plant Organelle ID - 100 question
Nuclear Envelope

4 Plant Organelle ID - 200 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

5 Plant Organelle ID – 200 question

6 Plant Organelle ID – 300 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

7 Plant Organelle ID – 300 question

8 Plant Organelle ID – 400 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

9 Plant Organelle ID – 400 question
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

10 Plant Organelle ID – 500 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle. Granular material inside

11 Plant Organelle ID – 500 question

12 Animal Organelle ID – 100 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

13 Animal Organelle ID – 100 question

14 Animal Organelle ID – 200 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

15 Animal Organelle ID – 200 question
Golgi Apparatus

16 Animal Organelle ID – 300 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

17 Animal Organelle ID – 300 question

18 Animal Organelle ID – 400 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle. Organelles inside the circle

19 Animal Organelle ID – 400 question

20 Animal Organelle ID – 500 answer
This is the name of the identified organelle.

21 Animal Organelle ID – 500 question
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

22 Robert Hooke coined the term “cells” after looking at this.
Cell History – 100 answer Robert Hooke coined the term “cells” after looking at this.

23 Cell History – 100 question
A slice of cork under the microscope

24 Cell History – 200 answer There were no cellular discoveries made until the invention of what scientific tool.

25 Cell History – 200 question
A microscope

26 Cell History answer This is the name of the scientist who was the first to see microscopic organisms living in pond water.

27 Cell History – 300 question
Anton van Leeuwenhoek

28 Rudolph Virchow stated that cells could only come from here.
Cell History – 400 answer Rudolph Virchow stated that cells could only come from here.

29 Cell History – 400 question
Pre-existing cells.

30 The cell theory states these 3 facts.
Cell History – 500 answer The cell theory states these 3 facts.

31 Cell History – 500 question
All living things are made of cells Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms Cells can only come from pre-existing cells

32 An organism consisting of many cells is called this.
Cell Facts – 100 answer An organism consisting of many cells is called this.

33 Cell Facts – 100 question Multicellular

34 An organism that consists of 1 cell is called this.
Cell Facts – 200 answer An organism that consists of 1 cell is called this.

35 Cell Facts – 200 question unicellular

36 Cell Facts – 300 answer The 2 categories of cells is based on whether or not they contain this organelle.

37 Cell Facts – 300 question A nucleus

38 Cell Facts – 400 answer An organism that does not contain a nucleus is called this. Also give 1 example of this type of organism.

39 Cell Facts – 400 question Prokaryotic. Bacteria

40 Cell Facts – 500 answer An organism that does contain a nucleus is called this. Also give 1 example of this type of organism.

41 Eukaryotic. Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists.
Cell Facts – 500 question Eukaryotic. Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists.

42 Organelle Functions #1 – 100 answer
This organelle is found all over the cell and functions to produce proteins.

43 Organelle Functions #1 – 100 question

44 Organelle Functions #1 – 200 answer
This structure is considered the storage site for the cell.

45 Organelle Functions #1 – 200 question

46 Organelle Functions #1 – 300 answer
This organelle nicely packs cellular products and ships them to the correct locations.

47 Organelle Functions #1 – 300 question
Golgi Apparatus.

48 Organelle Functions #1 – 400 answer
This structures has different functions which include repurposing materials for use in the cells and digesting unwanted cell material with its enzymes.

49 Organelle Functions #1 – 400 question

50 Organelle Functions #1 – 500 answer
This structure consists of microfilaments and microtubules which help give the cell shape and help the cell to move.

51 Organelle Functions #1 – 500 question
The Cytoskeleton.

52 Organelle Functions #2 - 100 answer
This organelle contains the following structures; nucleolus and chromatin

53 Organelle Functions #2 - 100 question

54 Organelle Functions #2 - 200 answer
This organelle has ribosomes on it and helps in the synthesis of proteins.

55 Organelle Functions #2 - 200 question
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

56 Organelle Functions #2 - 300 answer
This organelle assembles ribosomes.

57 Organelle Functions #2 - 300 question

58 Organelle Functions #2 - 400 answer
This organelle converts the suns energy into usable energy for the plant cell.

59 Organelle Functions #2 - 400 question

60 Organelle Functions #2 - 500 answer
This organelle has different functions, one of which is to help detoxify the cell.

61 Organelle Functions #2 - 500 question
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

62 Final Jeopardy Answer begin What fact makes mitochondria and chloroplasts unique among most other organelles. How is it hypothesized they acquired such a unique feature?

63 Final Jeopardy Question
They contain their own DNA. They are descendents of ancient prokaryotes.


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