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Biogas System Solar Hot water Charity Tournament 2012 Biomass Programs supporting Energy-Efficiency Dr. Twarath Sutabutr Deputy Director-General Department.

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1 Biogas System Solar Hot water Charity Tournament 2012 Biomass Programs supporting Energy-Efficiency Dr. Twarath Sutabutr Deputy Director-General Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), Ministry of Energy, Thailand

2 South-east Asia, new asset finance only, 2004–11 ($bn) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Note: Includes corporate and government R&D, and small distributed capacity. Adjusted for re-invested equity. Does not include proceeds from acquisition transactions $2.8bn? = 75% yoy growth Thailand very attractive due to high tariffs, long term target, local financing and good grid access Malaysia is attractive, but development is capped Indonesia particularly interested in geothermal, but improving for solar and wind KEY POINTS

3 3 Substations: 211 Transformers: 84,630 MVA Length: 30,840 Circuit-kilometers EGAT and PEA Transmission System PEA Distribution System Substations: 491 115 kV: 9,636 Circuit-kilometers HV Distribution lines: 298,996 Circuit-kilometers LV Distribution lines: 464,167 Circuit-kilometers EGAT

4 Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP) Committed to the development of low-carbon society Government Funding On R & D & D Activities Private-Led Investment 10 years Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP-Master Plan 2012-2021) Target 25 % of RE in Total Energy Consumption By 2021 solarwind 2,000 MW 1,200 MW 3,200 MW Bio-energy biomassBiogasMSW 3,630 MW 600 MW 160 MW 4,390 MW Hydro power Small Micro Pumped- Storage 324 MW1,284 MW 1,608 MW New energy Ocean & Tidal Geo- thermal 2 MW1 MW 3 MW Biofuels EthanolBiodiesel 2 nd –Gen. Biofuels 9 ML/day 5.97 ML/day 25 ML/day Renewable fuel 44% RE for Power generation = 9,201 MW 7.28141.97 95.70 1,790 17027.48 1.232.77 500

5 Promote RE on the Community scale Community Scale Power plant < 1MW Micro-hydroelectricityBiomass Biogas Hybrid (Solar+Wind+Biomass+….) Local Grid Solar PV Rooftop New Solar Home System (PV) Green Island Initiatives (& Some Tourists Destinations) Introduction of “Smart Technologies”    5

6 Andaman Sea Gulf of Thailand Islands in Thailand 347 Islands 562 Islands Total = 909 Islands in Thailand 200+ islands are inhabitated. 20+ have submarine power cable. 6 Achievements Village Electrification 71,133 Villages (99.99%) Household Electrification 12.96 Million (99.09%) Household without electricity = 117,117

7 Diesel generation versus off-grid hybrid PV-diesel system, market player interviews, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Assumptions: hybrid diesel generator operates for 12.5 hours per day on 50 cloudy days per year, battery bank sized to night time energy consumption, insolation 1400 kWh/kW/year, all prices are assumed constant in real terms (see associated research note for more details). $/litre diesel IRR Real IRR $/litre South-East Asia $/litre Latin America $/litre Sub-Saharan Africa Emerging markets loan Sources: Bloomberg New Energy Finance 0.87 $/liter Thailand Thai RE project loan

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