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Flaws in our brilliant ideas… By: Jessica. + Contributes to Global Warming + Acid rains + Availability of fuels + Prices may be inconsistent.

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Presentation on theme: "Flaws in our brilliant ideas… By: Jessica. + Contributes to Global Warming + Acid rains + Availability of fuels + Prices may be inconsistent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flaws in our brilliant ideas… By: Jessica


3 + Contributes to Global Warming + Acid rains + Availability of fuels + Prices may be inconsistent


5 + Scarcity + Non-renewable resource + Workers are in danger if work too long + H 2 O used for cooling becomes radioactive + Mining to getting U + Wastes need to be disposed of somewhere “Natural RADON Water 25¢”


7 + Need place for wastes + Could lead to uncontrolled reaction + More radioactive, compared to Uranium


9 + Difficult process; many countries gave up + Short reaction; won’t produce much + Need place for wastes + "Some optimal reactors require rare fuel, like He-3”


11 + Used only during day + Affected by: – cloudy day – rainy day + More costly, when compared to Solar Heating Panel


13 + Used only during the day + Affected by: – cloudy day – rainy day + Need space + Inefficiency from converting solar energy ! Photovoltaic Cell : Sun → Electricity ! Solar Heating Panel: Sun → Directly warms water


15 + Affect mobility of fish (especially during migration) 16million → to 30,000 fish! + Supersaturation of air into water + Formation of Scour holes + Land lost, and people must move from that area + Can lead to disasters: + Only used in areas near water

16 Effect similar to Bridge Scour, the constant force of water hitting the bottom creates these holes, and it could make the dam collapse. Water is indeed powerful.


18 + Wind may be too weak + Yields less energy, when compared to other methods + Turbines are costly + Takes space + Contributes to noise pollution


20 + May be too weak; need to be strong enough + Sustainable site needed



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