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Word Ladder white…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Ladder white…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Ladder white…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 2 Week 4

2 On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: white

3 Use the blue letters from white and four additional letters to make a word for something on a cats face. white

4 You should have spelled…. whiskers

5 Drop one letter and change one letter in whiskers to make a word for speaking quietly. whiskers

6 You should have spelled… whisper

7 Use the blue letters from whisper plus the letters a and f to make a word for a pier. whisper

8 You should have spelled… wharf

9 Use the blue letters from wharf along with the letters g and p to make a word for a chart. wharf

10 You should have spelled… graph

11 Use the blue letters from graph and the letters n and k to make a word for a practical joke. graph

12 You should have spelled… prank

13 Use the word chunk –ank to make a word that means empty. prank

14 You should have spelled… blank

15 Trade one letter in blank and make a word for wink. blank

16 You should have spelled… blink

17 Use the word chunk –ink to make a word for getting smaller. blink

18 You should have spelled… shrink

19 Use the blue letters in shrink and one other letter to make a word for ponder, something your brain does. shrink

20 You should have spelled… think

21 Trade one letter in think to make a word for an action one does to show gratitude. think

22 You should have spelled… thank

23 Add four letters to the blue letters in thank in order to make a word for a circus animal that eats peanuts. thank

24 You should have spelled… elephant

25 You just went from white to elephant in twelve words.

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