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Sarthak Pati1, Deepak Joshi2, Ashutosh Mishra2 and Sneh Anand2

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Presentation on theme: "Sarthak Pati1, Deepak Joshi2, Ashutosh Mishra2 and Sneh Anand2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real – Time Locomotion Classification using Transient Surface EMG signals
Sarthak Pati1, Deepak Joshi2, Ashutosh Mishra2 and Sneh Anand2 1 – Dept. Of Biomedical Engineering, Manipal University 2 – Center for Biomedical Engineering, IIT – Delhi

2 Contents Introduction to EMG and its acquisition Importance of EMG
Pre – Processing of EMG signals Features under consideration Classifier design

3 Fig 1 : EMG Signal of Healthy Subject
What is EMG ? It is a signal used to evaluate the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. Fig 1 : EMG Signal of Healthy Subject

4 Block Diagram EMG Acquisition Signal Processing Feature Extraction
Classification Using Basic Surface Electrodes Band Pass Filtering Time – Domain Features Linear Discriminant Analysis

5 EMG Surface Electrodes
Fig 2 : EMG Surface Electrodes Image Courtesy : Orthotics and Prosthetics Lab, BME Unit, AIIMS

6 Electrode Placement Fig 3 : Electrode Placement Diagram
Image Courtesy : Orthotics and Prosthetics Lab, BME Unit, AIIMS

7 Importance of EMG Diagnosis of Neuro - Muscular Disorders
Motor Control Disorders Prosthetic Control Sensing of Isometric Motor Activity (motion–less gestures) Flight control (Human Senses Group, NASA) Machine–Human Interfacing (Advanced Robotics, MIT)

8 Why EMG for this study ? Relatively easy to acquire and process
If properly utilised, gives good accuracy for control systems High sensitivity Single Muscle Recording Possible Access to Deep Musculature Little cross – talk concern

9 EMG – Signal Processing
Fig 4 : Frequency Response of Band Pass Filter

10 Feature Selection Criteria : Computational Efficiency
High separability with respect to locomotion modes

11 Classifier Design Obtaining LDA Transformation Matrix T
Each Locomotion Mode mapped to a single dimension data set using T Threshold – based approach for classification

12 Fig 5 : LDA classification between all the four locomotion modes
Results Fig 5 : LDA classification between all the four locomotion modes

13 Fig 6 : LDA classification between FW and SW
Continued… Fig 6 : LDA classification between FW and SW

14 References Deepak Joshi, Sneh Anand - Study of circular cross correlation and phase lag to estimate knee angle: an application to prosthesis; Int. J. Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics [in press] Hargrove L. J., Huang H., Schultz A. E., Lock B. A., Lipschutz R., Kuiken T. A. - Toward the Development of a Neural Interface for Lower Limb Prosthesis Control; Delsys Prize Winner Parker P., Englehart K., Hudgins B. - Myoelectric signal processing for control of powered limb prostheses; Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology Englehart K., Hudgins B. - A Robust, Real-Time Control Scheme for Multifunction Myoelectric Control; IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.50, No.7 Chan F.H.Y., Yang Y.S., Lam F.K., Zhang Y.T., Parker P.A. - Fuzzy EMG Classification for Prosthesis Control; IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol.8, No.3 Englehart K., Hudgins B., Parker P., Maryhelen S. - Time-Frequency Representation for Classification of The Transient Myoelectric Signal; 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 20, No 5 Phinyomark A., Limsakul C., Phukpattaranont P. - A Novel Feature Extraction for Robust EMG Pattern Recognition; Journal of Computing, Vol 1, Issue 1, ISSN:

15 Thank You Any questions…?

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