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Introducing Microblogging Delhi K-Community Learning Session 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Microblogging Delhi K-Community Learning Session 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Microblogging Delhi K-Community Learning Session 2

2 INFORMATION IS CreatedRecreatedCo-createdValidatedDisseminated

3 Some basics…



6 Interesting Tidbits Microblogging is social networking in 140 characters It is the SMS service on the Internet Started on March 1, 2006 with Facebook! It was all about what are you doing? It cannot replace blogging During 26/11 microblogs helped compile the list of dead and wounded. Helped broadcast emergency no. and blood requirements.

7 The timeline!



10 Social trivia!

11 What can you do? Share everything you find! Read top and latest news Send stuff to your friends Share your life-stream (The Truman effect!) Post questions, receive answers Answer questions, receive thanks! Drive traffic to your (fav.) site

12 The Business bit Brand management Promote and Cover Events Product Support Instant Feedback Instant Search Drive Website Traffic Capture Customer Views Promote offers

13 How is microblogging useful at workplace? Share status updates among work groups Inform employees of urgent developments Gather thoughts on a business problem Get quick answers to a client query Obtain real-time feedback on product features and services Provide live coverage of company meetings, executive presentation, etc. Notifying co-workers of completed tasks Train/Brief colleagues on the fly Mentor new employees Report deadlines, milestones Create weekly status reports Locate experts

14 Microblogging in… Learning – Session scheduling, Live knowledge stream, Real-time discussion boards, Just-in-Time support, Expert guidance, Knowledge repository, CoPs, Collaborative exercises, Feedback gathering, Course enhancement Project Management – Instant team collaboration, Share documents, Improved reporting and task tracking, Speedy knowledge sharing, Integrated solution Reduced ‘Performance management’ flaws!

15 Get creative! Ask for donations Political updates Event reminders and registrations Roadshow updates/alerts Get your work reviewed Audio/Video microblogs Launch petitions Sale/Purchase Contests Invites Daily MENU, headlines, RECIPES, Jokes, HOROSCOPE, Weather, GAMES, Deals, WORDS, TV guide, Artist, SCORE, Exercise, QUOTES, Job openings, TRAININGS, Traffic updates, FLIGHT STATUS, Movie reviews



18 Microblogging Glossary (Twerminology) Follow/Unfollow Hashtags Retweet/Like/Reply TW- -eet -eeple -eeps




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