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SUPERB Separator for Unique Products of Experiments with Radioactive Beams Matt Amthor Bucknell University ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop – July 12, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "SUPERB Separator for Unique Products of Experiments with Radioactive Beams Matt Amthor Bucknell University ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop – July 12, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUPERB Separator for Unique Products of Experiments with Radioactive Beams Matt Amthor Bucknell University ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop – July 12, 2014

2 Outline  Background – electromagnetic recoil mass separators  SUPERB  First order design  Alternative operating modes  Higher order properties  Summary  Performance  Budget  Status and timeline 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing2

3 Goal of the recoil separator  Collect reaction products  Remove unreacted beam  Disperse reaction products according to M/Q  Further identify reaction products  Energy-loss measurement (Z)  Recoil-decay tagging (characteristic decays)  … 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing3 Reaccelerated Beams < 10 8 pps Reaction products Unreacted beam separated by Eρ or Bρ Reaction products Separated by M/Q Additional detection Z, tracking, decay S EPARATOR FP E,M,Q ΔQ Δφ Δθ Δp ΔE ΔM

4 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing4  Mass resolving power (M/Q)  Efficiency  Angular acceptance  Energy acceptance  M/Q acceptance  Rigidity  Magnetic B  ~ p/q  Electric (if applicable) E  ~ E kin /q  Beam suppression  Physical mass dispersion  Focal plane implantation area  Drift lengths Recoil mass separator parameters In no particular order 12 July 2014

5 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing5  Electro-magnetic mass separators  modest solid angle (~10 msr)  1/300 mass resolution  fusion-evaporation  Large-acceptance separators  large solid angle (~80 msr)  1/300 mass resolution  tracking  off 0 degrees or with 0-degree beam blocker  deep inelastic, induced fission  Gas-filled separators  modest to large solid angle (10-70 msr)  all charge states collected  poor mass resolution  heavy nuclei 12 July 2014 Recoil separator types

6 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing6 Existing and planned recoil separators  Electro-magnetic mass separators  FMA (ANL)  RMS (ORNL) includes momentum achromat  EMMA (under construction TRIUMF) radioactive beams  S 3 (under construction GANIL) more charge states  SUPERB (proposed for FRIB)  HIRA (new Delhi), JAERI, CAMEL (LNL)  Large acceptance separators  PRISMA (Legnaro)  VAMOS (GANIL)  …  Gas-filled separators  BGS (LBNL)  TASCA (GSI)  RITU (Jyvaaskyla)  GARIS (JAERI)  GFRS (Dubna)  TOF-separators  TOFi (Los Alamos)  ISLA (proposed for FRIB) 12 July 2014

7 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing7 Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer Mass resolution:  M/M~1/350 Angular acceptance:  =8 msr(2 msr) Energy acceptance:  E / E =+/-20% M/Q acceptance:  (M/Q)/(M/Q)=10% Flight path 8.2m Max(B  )=1.1Tm Max(E  )=20MV Can be rotated off 0 degrees Can be moved along the axis Different focusing modes Q4 Q3 ED2 ED1 MD Q2 Q1 Fusion-evaporation Deep inelastic (degraders) Transfer (degraders) Used with Gammasphere 12 July 2014

8 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing8 S 3 separator – SPIRAL2 facility at GANIL  x mrad  y mrad  msr  E/E  M/M  M/M E  B  S3 50 50 8 +/-20% +/-10% 1/400 12 MV 1.5 Tm Funded, designed, under construction For experiments with high-intensity, stable beams 12 July 2014

9 ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing9 Based on the design of the mass separator section of S 3 optimized for experiments with reaccelerated radioactive beams at Rea12 (smaller beam spot) A.M. Amthor 1, A. Drouart 2, Z. Jackson 1, J. Nolen 3, H. Savajols 4, D. Seweryniak 3 1 Bucknell University, 2 CEA-DSM/Irfu/SPhN, 3 Argonne National Laboratory, 4 GANIL T 3QS ED 3QS MD 3QS FP SUPERB – first order design 12 July 2014

10 SUPERB – first order design 4 x 3 = 12 multipoles: “M5” superimposed quad- sext- and octupole Can use S 3 triplet designs directly 1 Electric dipole: “ES” with cylindrical symmetry More sizes to trade acceptance for Eρ max 1 Magnetic dipole “MS” Additional magnetic dipole to replace the electric dipole 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing10 Eρ ~ E/q separation M/Q separation

11 Large Acceptance Mode 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing11 Angular Acceptance in x =±43.7 mrad Energy Acceptance = ±22.3% Angular Acceptance in y =±147.6 mrad Mass Acceptance = ±17.4% Solid Angle = 25.8 msr Mass Resolving power = 1600 Bρ Max = 2.16 Tm

12 5th order M/Q resolving power 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing12 5 th order Monte Carlo with preliminary corrections 1228 1695 1920 1805 1513 1220 928 669 461 58 Ni + 46 Ti → 100 Sn +4n 2000 particles for each of 11 charge states (9 accepted) FP x (m) FP y (m) 28+

13 Design options  Second set of electrodes to increase maximum electric rigidity  Currently 10 MV (also can use a degrader)  20 MV (trivial with reduced solid angle)  30 MV (R&D goal)  Replace first electric dipole with magnetic dipole for a purely magnetic system for high electric rigidity experiments  Shorter distance between the target and the separator to increase the solid angle  Converging mode (after the focal plane) 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing13

14 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing14  High Resolution:  QQQ-D-QQQ  High momentum resolving power (1570)  Lower angular, energy, and mass acceptance  High Acceptance: (VAMOS like)  QQQ-D  Lower momentum resolving power (1001)  Very high angular, energy, and mass acceptance Fully-magnetic options two configurations

15 High acceptance option VAMOS-like 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing15 Angular Acceptance in x =±45.2 mrad Magnetic Angle = 18.23° Angular Acceptance in y =±150.0 mrad Bρ max = 2.12 Tm Solid Angle = 27.1 msrMomentum Resolving power = 1001 E and Bρ acceptance depends on the size of the focal plane.

16 High resolution option 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing16 Angular Acceptance in x =±53.4 mrad Energy Acceptance = 44.9% Angular Acceptance in y =±59.1 mrad Bρ max = 1.92 Tm Solid Angle = 12.6 msrMomentum Resolving power = 1570

17 Flexibility – solid angles / Bρ max 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing17  Reduced initial and final drifts allow solid angles above 60 mSr  Bρ max drops to 1.3 Tm  Small drifts wouldn’t accommodate large detectors around the target

18 SUPERB summary  State-of-the-art, flexible EM mass separator [comparison to FMA]  Large distance between target and separator: 0.9 m [3x]  Large solid angle: 26+ msr [3x]  Large M/Q acceptance: +/-15 % [3x]  better mass resolution: up to 1900 [5x]  Cost: approximately $7.2M  Including equipment, installation, swinger, extra dipole, contingency…  Time schedule  1 year - design  2 years - manufacturing of optical elements  1 year - construction  To do list  Detailed optics calculations (already started)  Simulate degrader or narrower e-dipole for high Eρ  Additional modes and configurations… 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing18

19 Thank you 12 July 2014ReA12 Recoil Separator Workshop, East Lansing19

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