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Statutory Assessment of Your Child When and how Statutory Assessment Key Stage 3Key Stage 4 Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 11 Optional testsStatutory (GCSE)

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2 Statutory Assessment of Your Child When and how

3 Statutory Assessment Key Stage 3Key Stage 4 Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 11 Optional testsStatutory (GCSE)

4 Statutory Assessment Foundation Stage Key Stage 1Key Stage 2 Foundation Stage Profile Year 1 Phonics Year 2Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Statutory Optional testsStatutory

5  New Early Years Foundation Stage Profile in 2013  Covers three prime areas of learning (CL, PD and PSED) and four specific areas (L, M, UW and EAD)  Teacher assessment using observations throughout the year  At the end of Reception, Profile given to Year 1/2 teacher and LA Foundation Stage

6  At end of Year 1, Phonics Screening Check using 40 real and made-up words  Used also with Year 2 children who did not meet the expected standard in Year 1  Results communicated to parents and LA Key Stage 1

7  At end of Year 2, tasks and tests in Reading, Writing and Maths  Teacher assessment in English (Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening), Maths and Science  National expected level: 2  Results communicated to parents, Year 3/4 teacher and LA Key Stage 1

8  Optional tests at end of Years 3, 4 and 5  Statutory tests in English and Maths at end of Year 6  National expected level: 4  Externally marked Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar (new in 2013)  Teacher assessment in Writing and Science  Results communicated to parents, LA and next school Key Stage 2

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