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(Teaching & Learning) RtI/CEIS 2012-2013. RtI Response to Intervention (RtI) is a process of implementing high- quality, scientifically validated instructional.

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Presentation on theme: "(Teaching & Learning) RtI/CEIS 2012-2013. RtI Response to Intervention (RtI) is a process of implementing high- quality, scientifically validated instructional."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Teaching & Learning) RtI/CEIS 2012-2013

2 RtI Response to Intervention (RtI) is a process of implementing high- quality, scientifically validated instructional practices based on learner needs, monitoring student progress, and adjusting instruction based on student response.

3 RtI Response to Intervention (RtI) is the process of teachers changing their instruction based on how well the students responded to it.

4 RtI Has become the national model for successfully reaching students when they are just beginning to fall behind expected benchmarks and providing appropriate supports and interventions at increasing levels of intensity.

5 CEIS (Coordinated Early Intervening Services) Are provided to assist students in K- 12 th grades who are not currently identified as needing special education or related services, but who need additional academic and/or behavioral assistance to enable them to be successful in a general education environment.

6 Purpose of Department Facilitate Effective Implementation of RtI Process Provide support with Research- and Evidence- Based Approaches to Early Intervention for Students Struggling with Learning or Behavior Facilitate/Train/Assist Universal Screening Process/Progress Monitoring Analyze Academic & Behavior Data Support SST Teams Administer Diagnostic Assessments

7 Important Information When the general education, or Tier 1 instruction, in the district is solid and done with fidelity, 80-90% of our students will experience SUCCESS! The RtI process involves: 1. Identification of Struggling Students (both academically and/or behaviorally) 2. Diagnosis of Specific Learning Gaps and/or Deficits 3. Creating Plan for Interventions & Goal Setting 4. Providing Appropriate Interventions (with integrity and fidelity) 5. Progress Monitoring 6. Data Analysis & Student Outcomes

8 Identification of Struggling Students (both academically and/or behaviorally) Universal Screening AIMSweb (Academics & Behavioral) CRCT 3-8 Pre-K Developmental Checklists GKIDS Speech/Language Questionnaires OAS Mini-Assessments Report Cards

9 Diagnosis of Specific Learning Gaps and/or Deficits READING DRA/QSI Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Decoding Word Study/Vocabulary Fluency Comprehension Sequencing Relating Background Information/Connections Making Inferences Comparing/Contrasting Summarizing Synthesizing Problem-Solving Distinguishing between facts/opinions Finding the main idea/supporting details

10 Diagnosis of Specific Learning Gaps and/or Deficits MATHEMATICS Early Numeracy Skills Oral Counting Number Identification Quantity Discrimination Missing Number MCAP Item Analysis Number and Operations Algebra Geometry Measurement Data Analysis and Probability Process Problem-Solving Reasoning and Proof Communication Connections Representations

11 Diagnosis of Specific Learning Gaps and/or Deficits Behavior (Behavioral & Emotional Screening System (BESS) or Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS)) Disruptive Behavior Problems Aggression Anger Management Conduct Following Directions Emotional/Confidence Problems Anger Management Conduct Problem-Solving Self-Management School/Learning Problems Advanced Organizers Strategy Computer-Assisted Instruction Daily Behavior Report Card Strategy Following Directions Social Problems Getting Along with Others Making Compromises Social Skills Staying Calm

12 Creating Plan for Interventions & Goal Setting INSTRUCTION is the KEY Identify the classroom(s), teacher(s), student(s), and other resources needed to implement the intervention. Define short-term and long-term criteria of success Specify intervention activities and schedule for implementation Make sure everyone involved is trained prior to implementation

13 Creating Plan for Interventions & Goal Setting INSTRUCTION is the KEY Do you need to “increase” or “decrease” behaviors? What skills (or prerequisite skills) need to be taught? What skills does the teacher have and/or need? What must the parent do?

14 Providing Appropriate Interventions (with integrity and fidelity) Reading Direct Small Group Instruction Guided Reading Harcourt Strategic Intervention/Intervention Station SuccessMaker Read 180/System 44 Mathematics Direct Small Group Instruction Guided Mathematics NumberWorlds SuccessMaker Cognitive Tutor iXL Math Behavior Schoolwide Expectations Taught and Posted Effective Classroom Management ( Rituals, Routines, Behavior Expectations Taught/Posted—1 st 20 Days— REVISITED ) Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) AIMSweb Behavior Intervention Lesson Plans/Resources Check-In/Check-out (CICO)

15 Progress Monitoring Collecting/closely monitoring/documenting student performance data Used to make adjustments in instruction and/or determine what is working or what has changed Indicates effectiveness of instruction for individual students and/or grade levels Motivates students and teachers to continue the work during intervention times Demonstrates that RtI IS working!

16 Data Analysis & Student Outcomes Evaluates Effectiveness of Instruction and Overall Approach to Intervention Informs Instruction/Instructional Decisions Discusses Student Progress (Adequate or Inadequate) Determines Movement of Students Between Tiers Determines When Exit Criteria Have Been Met

17 Department Staff Joan Whitehead, RtI/CEIS Coordinator Dr. Danielle Jones, Interventionist (Zone 1 + Howard HS, Howard MS, Brookdale, Heritage) Dr. Arrika Tunstell, Interventionist (Zone 2 + Miller MS, Carter, Morgan) Dr. Barbara Peck, Interventionist (Zone 4 + Central HS, Lane, Springdale)

18 Location/Contact Information 484 Mulberry Street Suite 235 478-765-8744 Interventionists

19 Questions/Comments

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