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Leadership 2009 SEM v9.0 Enhancements. Leadership 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership 2009 SEM v9.0 Enhancements. Leadership 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership 2009 SEM v9.0 Enhancements

2 Leadership 2009

3 SEM v9.0 includes: Compliance Changes (SPP, PEIMS Data Standards) 80+ User-Requested Enhancements New Spanish ARD Forms Reports (SEM and RU) New IEP Goals & Objectives (E/LA TEKS, PK Guidelines, etc.)

4 Leadership 2009 SEM Main Menu

5 Leadership 2009 The program will automatically attach to a new database without clicking the "Reattach" button.

6 Leadership 2009 Teachers will now be able to add PLAAFPs to page 3 of the ARD without accessing the ARD Committee Meeting Report*. By clicking the Delibs/PLAAFPs button on the Main Menu, staff can provide the student’s present levels of performance, and then the ARD facilitator inserts this information into the ARD with the click of a button. More info on ARD Page 3

7 Leadership 2009 School Information

8 Leadership 2009 The popup calendar has been added to the Progress Report date fields when the field is double clicked.

9 Leadership 2009 Staff Information

10 Leadership 2009 Options have been added to Staff Information allowing administrators to assign individual users access to the Merged and/or the Inactive databases (useful for staff who supervise multiple campuses but do not have Admin/Unlimited Access). Also, Access Codes have been removed since they are no longer required to log on.

11 Leadership 2009 Access to the new IEP Power Tools module can be assigned individually from this screen, or staff access can be assigned in bulk through an option in the I-Suite.

12 Leadership 2009 Added the option to fill in a provider number and add the staff member to (SM) 2 at the same time the user is being added to SEM.

13 Leadership 2009 File Maintenance Options/Directories

14 Leadership 2009 The district can now set the access level required to edit Student History records (default = Unlimited Access Level).

15 Leadership 2009 Upon locking a form set, the district can require staff to provide the reason why an ARD or FIE is out of timelines (default = reason required). This feature will be used to complete the Indicator 11 and 12 Reports as well as other Compliance reports.

16 Leadership 2009 There is now an option to give the FBA an alternate title. On the actual FBA form, there is a button named "Use Alternate Title" which allows you to toggle between the two names.

17 Leadership 2009 An alternate Action Plan title (Coordinated Set of Activities) is now an option.

18 Leadership 2009 Adding duplicate goals in the IEP/BIP is now possible by selecting the appropriate option in File Maintenance-Options/ Directories – IEP/BIP Settings.

19 Leadership 2009 Referral Forms now have their own tab with setting options.

20 Leadership 2009 File Maintenance Update/Print Popup Menus

21 Leadership 2009 The “Notice Actions Considered” popup can now be edited by district staff.

22 Leadership 2009 The “District Goals and Objectives” table can now be printed.

23 Leadership 2009 The “Suggested Modification Codes” popup now prints in numerical order.

24 Leadership 2009 The “TAKS Modifications” popup now displays all of the current TEA-approved state test accommodations.

25 Leadership 2009 The Service Types will now only pull the "Active" types indicated.

26 Leadership 2009 Reports

27 Leadership 2009 TAKS Information Report - Prints any information typed into a student's accommodations field on the TAKS worksheet (similar to Supports/Other field on the ARD schedule page).

28 Leadership 2009 Transportation Information Report - now indicates whether the student has Transportation as a related service on the Schedule of Services page.

29 Leadership 2009 Student Records

30 Leadership 2009 The name of the school (database) to which the user is attached is displayed at the top of the screen. Once a student is selected, the campus is also displayed.

31 Leadership 2009 Checkout – Areas are no longer defaulted on the checkout screen. The user will indicate areas to be restricted. This enhancement does not affect records currently checked out.

32 Leadership 2009 Checkout - If you've checked out a student, you will be prompted to check- in the student prior to selecting another student or closing Student Records.

33 Leadership 2009 Student Information

34 Leadership 2009 General - Staff can now check the At Risk indicator on this screen instead of just checking it through the ARD TAKS worksheet. If the indicator is checked in either location, the other location is updated automatically.

35 Leadership 2009 1st digit – Same ethnicity prior to the 2009-10 school year 2nd digit – Hispanic/Latino (1) or Non-Hispanic/Latino (0) 3 rd -7 th digits – Race (each digit = 0 or 1 in any combination) Additions were made to Ethnicity, and Race was added to meet the requirements of the 09-10 PEIMS data standards.

36 Leadership 2009 A check has been put on the Student ID field so that duplicate entries cannot be made across students.

37 Leadership 2009 "A Guide to the ARD Process" can be tracked in the Procedural Safeguard Log when a manual entry is made.

38 Leadership 2009 A preview button was added to the Procedural Safeguard Log. The system will recognize manual entries made in the Procedural Safeguard Log so that when the user goes into the ARD Committee Meeting Report* form, they no longer obtain the message that safeguards haven't been sent in the last year.

39 Leadership 2009 Two buttons, "Copy Address to Student" and "Copy Home Phone to Student", were added. These transfer updated parent info to the Student Info-General screen.

40 Leadership 2009 SHARS Information - A line for Interpreter has been added. Also, if the parent language is Spanish, the user will be prompted to print the form in Spanish.

41 Leadership 2009 Three new enrollment statuses have been added: Parent Revocation, Private/Home, and Not Enrolled.

42 Leadership 2009 Parent Revocation - If the Decline Special Education Services form is utilized, the user will be asked if they would like to change the student’s enrollment status to Parent Revocation upon locking. If “Yes” is the answer to the prompt, the status is updated automatically during the locking process.

43 Leadership 2009 Private/Home - This status provides a method of tracking private/home school students. When a service plan is locked, the user is asked if they would like to change the student’s enrollment status to Private/Home upon locking. If “Yes” is the answer to the prompt, the status is updated automatically during the locking process.

44 Leadership 2009 Not Enrolled - This status was added to allow districts to report on students that should be tracked but are not actively provided services by the district (e.g., RDSPD students that attend school in another district).

45 Leadership 2009 When the enrollment status is manually changed to Parent Refusal or Parent Revocation, a Date Student Left Special Ed is required. The user will not be able to exit this screen until a date has been provided.

46 Leadership 2009 When entering a Date Student Left Special Ed, you will be prompted to change the Enrollment Status to a "non-active" status first.

47 Leadership 2009 The default grade is no longer IC. It will be blank and highlighted in yellow when adding a student. When a student's grade level is changed, the user will now get a prompt to manually change the appropriate history records to match the changes to the student's grade level.

48 Leadership 2009 A Preview button and a date range was added to the Student Information-Staff Access Log for printing purposes.

49 Leadership 2009 ARD Meeting Forms

50 Leadership 2009 In the ARD Meeting Forms tree (file cabinets you see to the lower-left after selecting a student), the type of ARD is now indicated next to the date of the ARD meeting. For all ARDs, you should see: mm/dd/yy-(Type of ARD)(L).

51 Leadership 2009 On Notice of ARD, under "The purpose of the meeting is to:" the phrase "other post-secondary needs" has been added to it now reads "consider transition services/other post-secondary needs".

52 Leadership 2009 When entering an ARD for a 15 year old student, you will receive a transition reminder that states: "This student will turn 16 years of age before the next annual ARD. Transition needs must be addressed during the year the student is age 15."

53 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 1 - If an ARD is marked as an Initial and the student has a disability, there must be a date on p. 8 prior to locking. If not, the user will receive the following prompt: "This is an Initial ARD on a student with disabilities and it is not complete. You must enter a date next to the signature of the parent on page 8."

54 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 1 - When Begin Next Year is selected, the user should receive the message about going to Page 8 for the Consent for Initial Placement form.

55 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 1 – If a student has no disabilities on ARD p. 2, the district can opt to have the Instructional Arrangement = None instead of No Instructional Setting. This can be turned on in File Maintenance- Options/Directories.

56 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 1 - When a future FIE date is placed into the Date(s) of FIE field, a warning is given to advise the user that the date will not appear until it is at least equal to the current date. Added to help prevent incorrect dates that are simply typographical errors!

57 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 1 - A link has been added to get to the LPAC supplement from ARD p. 1.

58 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 2 - When the ARD type is a TRANSFER, you can now exit page 2 of the ARD without supplying OHI or SLD criteria.

59 Leadership 2009 ARD p. 2, Determination of Eligibility - The term "Multiply Disabled" has been changed to "Multiple Disabilities".

60 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 2 - Personal Care and School Health indicators were added to ARD p. 2, PLAAFPs-Physical. A link to the Personal Care Supplement has been added here also. These indicators will have to be addressed for EACH student at the first ARD completed after the v9.0 update.

61 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 2 - There is now an "NA" option as the FitnessGram does not have to be addressed for children before the 3rd grade. Also, the DblClk field for Physical competencies will now grow to match data entered. NOTE: This WILL push it to a second page if it grows enough.

62 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 2 - The footnote has been reworded: "A child must not be determined to be a child with a disability if the determinant factor for such determination is: Lack of appropriate instruction in reading, including in the essential components of reading instruction as defined in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA); Essential components of reading instruction means explicit and systematic instruction in: Phonemic awareness, phonics, Vocabulary development, Reading fluency, including oral reading skills, and Reading comprehension strategies; Lack of appropriate instruction in math; or Limited English proficiency."

63 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 3 - Academic PLAAFPs can be entered by teaching staff from the SEM Main Menu. The ARD facilitator then adds multiple teachers' PLAAFPs by using the multiple selector screen.

64 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 3 - Wording in the Academic PLAAFP has been changed from Developmental to Functional. The change more closely mirrors the Commissioner's Rules and Legal Framework.

65 Leadership 2009 ARD Schedule Page - If RDSPD is selected on the student's schedule, the grid will reflect a PEIMS indicator of "3". All other students have an RDSPD indicator of "0".

66 Leadership 2009 ARD Schedule Page - The words "Select Up to 10" no longer appears under Class Accom/Mods on the printed report.

67 Leadership 2009 ARD Schedule Page - Added a Supports/ Other line to the related services like we have on the instructional part of the schedule. The popup that corresponds to this dropdown has been named “Supports for ARD Related Services”.

68 Leadership 2009 ARD Schedule Page - The length of the Monitoring Frequency field has been increased. "Reporting Period" is now 20 characters.

69 Leadership 2009 SEM will check for errors in the accommodations field on the TAKS worksheet. If there, the user is warned there is a problem with the worksheet that must be addressed. Existing accommodations are then deleted and must be revisited. TAKS Worksheet

70 Leadership 2009 -Very slight wording changes to TAKS accommodations for 2009-10 test year (released 9/11/09). - “Student may request to change level of support” statement can now be individualized per student/subject area. TAKS Worksheet

71 Leadership 2009 ARD Schedule Page-SSI Form - The following statement was added to the SSI form for TMSFA: "The ARD committee for each student who was administered the TAKS-M in reading may determine if the diagnostic assessment is appropriate for use with that student." Also, all SSI references for 3 rd graders has been removed.

72 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 6 - The word "Supplement" has been taken off of the Least Restrictive Environment heading. It now reads:

73 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 6 - Wording has changed in Section B:

74 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 7 - The SHARS Parent Consent indicator will be unchecked and the date of expiration will also clear when a draft ARD is created. The user will be prompted to address this area at every ARD if the child is Medicaid eligible.

75 Leadership 2009 ARD Page 8 - Initial Consent for Placement will now print if the ARD is marked as a Begin Next year.

76 Leadership 2009 Notice of Decision - Added the terminology "Prior Written Notice" to the title.

77 Leadership 2009 Assessment Planning Supplement - Increased popup size for Sources of Data information. The name of this popup is APS Discussion. NOTE: The Autism Supplement List popup size was also increased.

78 Leadership 2009 Assessment Planning Supplement - Added a toggle button to give 2 options for the name of the form. This alternate title is entered in Options and Directories--ARD Form Settings under "Alternate Title for Assessment Planning Supplement".

79 Leadership 2009 Parent/Guardian Survey for Transition Planning - Now requires a parent name prior to triggering the form.

80 Leadership 2009 Locking: Users can no longer lock an ARD with a date that is prior to the last locked ARD date. They will receive a message that states "Your lock date is earlier than a currently locked ARD. Please check the date and re-lock."

81 Leadership 2009 IEP/BIP

82 Leadership 2009 New in SEM Version 9.0: 2009-10 English/Language Arts TEKS PK Guidelines Custom Objectives New coding system used to differentiate old E/LA TEKS from new E/LA TEKS (e.g., T04E instead of T04L, T04R, T04W, T04V) Old TEKS will remain in effect until the student has a new annual ARD (progress can be reported) Only new TEKS will be available for selection on new IEPs

83 Leadership 2009 You are able to move District Goals between the IEP and BIP.

84 Leadership 2009 The district now has the option to allow users to add duplicate goals with unique dates.

85 Leadership 2009 Exclude TAKS-Alt Staff can now view TEKS goals without the TAKS-Alt essence statement goals on the Display All screen.

86 Leadership 2009 Assessment/Evaluation Forms

87 Leadership 2009 FIE Title Page - You can now re-order the individual sections of the FIE when printing utilizing the Narrative version of the report. Place a check in the "Custom Print Order" box, renumber the sections, display or print.

88 Leadership 2009 FIE Title Page - Age calculations are now ALL calculated based on the age of the child on "Date of Report" instead of using the Current Date. This will record the age at the time that the date is entered in the form and shouldn't change unless the date of the report is changed.

89 Leadership 2009 FIE Physical - The "Explain" fields for vision and hearing screenings now expand to unlimited text. They have been turned into double click memo fields.

90 Leadership 2009 FIE Physical - To increase flexibility in the use of this form, if there are no checkmarks in the Hearing and Visual sections AND there are no entries in the "Explain" fields below them, The title ""Vision and Hearing:" will not print on the narrative version of the FIE report.

91 Leadership 2009 FIE Emotional/Behavioral section - Popups can now be added to the Characteristic Behaviors section when "one large field" is chosen on the form.

92 Leadership 2009 If the student is enrolled as Referral and the Initial Consent for Evaluation Date is blank in Student Enrollment, you will be prompted to use the signature date entered at the bottom of the printed/signed form as the Consent Date.

93 Leadership 2009 LD (Interv) Eligibility - The informational statement under Relevant Behavior no longer prints out (who can conduct the observation, etc.).

94 Leadership 2009 Referral Forms

95 Leadership 2009 Health Information - Added a field for "Decibel level". The field will accept up to three numbers.

96 Leadership 2009 Referral/Re-Evaluation/ Review Form - There is now a dropdown for Referral Reasons. This dropdown can be populated in the Update/Print Popup Menus using the "Referral Reasons" popup.

97 Leadership 2009 Referral/Re-Evaluation/ Review Form - Under current grades, a dropdown has been added so that you can enter multiple reporting periods.

98 Leadership 2009 Referral from Classroom Teacher – Enhancements have been made to this form, including the addition of “Grade Level Strategies” dropdowns.

99 Leadership 2009 Other

100 Leadership 2009 Decline Special Education Services form Modified/released in January of 2009; Set up User Form: (Parent_Decline_Services); Determine Option in Op/Dir (clear IA and disabilities when locking form?); Wording has changed slightly for version 9.0:

101 Leadership 2009 A Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) form has been added to this file cabinet. Complete an ECO on each student that meets the requirements for Indicator 7. Lock in the "Other" file cabinet independently of any other form.

102 Leadership 2009 Miscellaneous

103 Leadership 2009 You can now choose the number of copies you would like to print from the Print screen and from the Print/Preview screen. Simply increase the number by entering it manually and hitting Enter or using the <> buttons to increase/ decrease the number of copies.

104 Leadership 2009 For those districts that still use any of these forms, we now have the ITP Print form on the same screen as the ARD form.

105 Leadership 2009 Locking: If there are forms in a form set that haven't been moved to the right-hand side of the screen during locking, the user will receive a message that reads: "You have open draft forms that are NOT going to be included in this locked set (listed in the box on the left). Is this correct?"

106 Leadership 2009 Locking: An option has been included which will prompt the user to provide a reason if the ARD and/or FIE are out of timeline. This is turned on/off in Opt/Dir in the General tab (Require reason for out-of- compliance when locking ARDs/FIEs). If the user doesn't continue with the lock and supply a reason, the lock process will stop. This message will appear if an Initial FIE, 3-year reevaluation, Initial ARD, or annual ARD are out of compliance.

107 Leadership 2009 Spanish

108 Leadership 2009 Whether or not the district subscribes to Spanish forms, the Notice of ARD, Notice of Transfer of Rights, Notice of Assessment/Evaluation, Parent Consent for Assessment, and the Procedural Safeguard Log print in Spanish if the parent’s language is set to Spanish in Parent Information (no change here). SEM version 9.0 includes a new Spanish enhancement. Districts that subscribe to Spanish forms can continue to print updated blank forms OR….

109 Leadership 2009 …they can print a translated copy of any ARD form and/or the Referral-Parent Information form.

110 Leadership 2009 Example of ARD Page 1:

111 Leadership 2009 Recommendation: Wherever possible, translate popups so that the user can select an English/ Spanish option, thereby fulfilling more of the requirement of notifying in the parent’s native language. Rationale: SEM forms have been translated. Any keystrokes made by the user will not be. A few Spanish popup examples have been included on your USB drive.

112 Leadership 2009 Report Utility

113 Leadership 2009 New reports added: Indicator 11 Report Indicator 12 Report Indicator 7 Report (Preparation Info) Parent/Student Participation at ARDs Related Services by Student State Physical Fitness Assessment Report Transportation Special Needs Report IEP Progress Report Tracker–Objectives Staff Access Reasons

114 Leadership 2009 Changes made to existing reports: Annual ARD Compliance Report – Includes ONLY students who have 2 locked Annual ARDs in the system. This report will indicate “Compliance” or “Non-Compliance” when comparing the dates of the previous Annual ARD with the current Annual ARD. List of Student Accommodations/Modifications – Can choose a specific accommodation/ modification. If one is not chosen, the report will list all accommodations/modifications.

115 Leadership 2009 Changes made to existing reports (cont.): List Student By Form – Amendment ARD and Service Plan added. Included a date limit field so staff can select a set of forms within a specified date range. User can also choose to have only the last locked form display/print. Staff List – This report now includes staff members’ Restraint Training Dates that have been entered in the Staff Information section of the SEM.

116 Leadership 2009 Custom Report fields added: ESY (page 5 of ARD Yes/No) PCS (Personal Care Services) RDSPD Campus Name (from Student Enrollment) TELPAS fields HTAKS ELA (history field) Medicaid (SHARS Parental Consent page 7 of ARD) Parent Home/Phone/Cell Number (primary parent) Parent Address (primary parent) Next Campus Name (number already existed) Interpreter

117 Leadership 2009 New Utility Functions: (requires Administrative/Unlimited Access) Change Locked FIE Date – Function added to allow staff to change an FIE Date without having to unlock it. Merge SA2 Form Sets - Used to combine a student’s records when a student has been entered into the database more than once (e.g., the student is in the Inactive folder and also in the Merged or in more than one school folder) and the locked form sets are in different folders.

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