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Challenges for Schools in Slovenia Justina Erčulj Šola za ravnatelje (National Leadership School)

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges for Schools in Slovenia Justina Erčulj Šola za ravnatelje (National Leadership School)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges for Schools in Slovenia Justina Erčulj Šola za ravnatelje (National Leadership School)

2 Facts and Figures about Slovenia Facts about Slovenia Location in Europe: Central Europe - Mediterranean Europe Area: 20.273 km 2 The highest peak : Triglav (2.864 m) Length of Adriatic coastline: 46.6 km Population: ~ 2.000.000TriglavAdriatic coastline

3 The National Leadership School headship licence programme in-service training for managerial and teaching staff in education co-operation with teaching staff in schools coaching and consultancy for head teachers international activities and projects publishing participation in Slovene school reform

4 Levels in Education System in Slovenia Pre-school education Elementary schools Secondary education (general education – gymnasia, vocational and technical education) Post-secondary vocational education Higher education

5 Figures in Education Pre-school institutions808 Elementary schools816 Secondary schools140 Post-secondary colleges 41 Universities 3

6 Principles of Educational Reform Accessibility and transparency of the public education system Legal neutrality Choice at all levels Democracy, autonomy and equal opportunities Quality of learning not accumulation of facts

7 CONFLICTING DEMANDS Education for all Prolonged compulsory education Lifelong learning Stress on team work and collaboration Values, such as: environmental protection, tolerance, understanding. Increased social differences High rate of dropp-out Complaints about little knowledge Allientaion Increased violence, competitiveness and stress on material values

8 Dangers for schools From Knowledge Education Effectiveness Concepts Influence responsibility To Skills Training Efficiency Implementation Conformity acountability

9 Current educational discourse in Slovenia On the one hand External accountability (testing) Quality assessment and quality assurance Drop-out in vocational schools On the other hand Pupil-centred learning Inclusion Schools as cnetres of change Life long learning for all

10 Challenges for Schools Declining birth rates Balance between accountability and autonomy Revival of vocational education Competence-based education at all levels Bologna declaration

11 Challenges for School Leaders Day-to-day management and pedagogical leadership “Civil servants” and professionals External accountability and internal responsibility

12 PUPIL LEARNING Schools as professional learning communities

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