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Fact and Opinion Fourth Grade Unit 2 Week 4 By Kristi Waltke.

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Presentation on theme: "Fact and Opinion Fourth Grade Unit 2 Week 4 By Kristi Waltke."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fact and Opinion Fourth Grade Unit 2 Week 4 By Kristi Waltke

2 Facts A statement of fact can be proved true or false by looking in a reference book, asking an expert, or using your own knowledge and experience. Monkeys are mammals. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun.

3 Opinions A statement of opinion cannot be proved true or false. It is a belief or judgment. It often contains a word of judgment, such as best, should, or beautiful. It may begin with the words In my opinion or I believe. She is the coolest girl in school! Bananas are the best fruit on a summer day.

4 It seemed for a moment as if the horses were keeping time to the music. Is this statement from the story a fact or an opinion? It cannot be proven true or false. It uses seemed which is a judgment word.

5 Waking lumberjacks is a more difficult job than keeping up with a payroll. Is this statement a fact or an opinion? It cannot be proven true or false. It involves a belief or judgment. It may be true in Marvins case, but that is not what it takes to make it a fact.

6 Marvin of the Great North Woods is a biography. Is this statement a fact or an opinion? This can be proven. A person could use knowledge of what a biography is to prove that this story is a biography.

7 Here in the great north woods all was still and white. Is this statement a fact or an opinion? This can be proven. A person could be in the great north woods and check to see if it were still and white.

8 The great north woods was the best place for Marvin. Is this statement a fact or an opinion? It cannot be proven true or false. It involves a belief or judgment. Notice that best is one of words that signals an opinion.

9 As you read, try to distinguish facts from opinions. Remember how to figure out if a statement is a fact or an opinion.

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