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Connecting Europe through History II Knowledge, experience and perception of Migration and Movement in and across Europe 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting Europe through History II Knowledge, experience and perception of Migration and Movement in and across Europe 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting Europe through History II Knowledge, experience and perception of Migration and Movement in and across Europe 2009-2010

2 Overall Goal of the Project “To enhance mutual understanding among Europe’s citizens, and to share and boost cultural and linguistic diversity by tackling issues linked to movements of people as a common theme in European History”

3 EUROCLIO- European Association of History Educators Founded in 1993 in response to an initiative of the Council of Europe and the changing political climate in Europe Supports a network of at least 40.000 history educators Contribute to Life Long Learning of History Educators to enhance the quality of History Teaching, encouraging innovation and professionalism Promote Intercultural Dialogue through co-operation, communication, networking and outreach Contribute to Participatory Governance and management innovation through creating and strengthening of independent professional organizations EUROCLIO Mission

4 EUROCLIO- European Association of History Educators …supports the Development of History and Citizenship Education by Promoting Collaborative Values, Critical Awareness, Mutual Respect, Peace, Stability and Democracy… EUROCLIO Activities are focused on: Professionalism and knowledge exchange Network and dissemination of information Sustainable and participatory governance and operation EUROCLIO Members around the World

5 Connecting Europe through History I 2007-2008 Portugal Human Rights via History Teaching Citizenship Education: Teaching Teachers to Make Citizens Addressing Heritage Education, and Forming Inclusive Positive Narratives Reinforcing Civic Society University Professors & Students of Law and History Local History- and Citizenship Teachers Government Officials working with Human Rights Representatives of Civil Society Key Themes Target Groups Bulgaria Estonia

6 Connecting Europe through History I 2007-2008 More than 900 Educators, Professionals and Students met and exchanged experiences on the theme “Human Rights in Europe” More than 20 international seminars & workshops on the theme “Human Rights Education in Europe” Final Conference in the Netherlands with more than 100 participants from 23 different countries of Europe and beyond Project Publication “Teaching Human Rights Project 2007-2008” with reports from the international events Project Website functioning as an on-line bibliography on the theme of Human Rights Main Outcomes Final Conference The Netherlands

7 Who Are the Partners ? The EVROPAEVM Mission Act as an open academic network Share common learning and confront common concerns Serve as a resource for the promotion of European studies Provide opportunities for the joint pursuit of new pan-European initiatives Promote excellence in academic links in research and teaching collaboration Association of 10 leading European universities founded in 1992 to serve as an “international university without walls”.

8 Members of EVROPAEVM University of Oxford Universiteit Leiden Universitá di Bologna Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn The Graduate Institute, Geneva Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne Univerzita Karlova V Praze Universidad Complutense, Madrid Helsingin Yliopisto, Helsinki Jagiellonian University, Krakow Who Are the Partners ?

9 International Students of History Association The ISHA Mission Break the borders of national-oriented history teaching Advance contact between students from different countries Promote the cooperation of history students interested in the same fields of history Offer international publication channels for history students. Increase the interest in lesser known areas of history. Founded in 1989 as an academic network of students and recent graduates interested in history and related sciences. Who Are the Partners ?

10 BelgiumLeuven Bulgaria Sofia Croatia Osijek, Pula, Split, Zagreb Finland Helsinki, Turku Germany Berlin, Heidelberg, Marburg Ireland Gaillimh Italy Pisa, Rome Lithuania Vilnius Serbia Beograd Slovenia Ljubljana Switzerland Zurich, Fribourg The Netherlands Groningen, Nijmegen, Utrecht Who Are the Partners ? ISHA Current Sections

11 Main Aims For the Project Create awareness about Europe’s migrant past through a comparative questionnaire Give citizens the opportunity to interact and participate in the Project’s public events Enhance tolerance, mutual understanding and peace between and among European citizens Provide space for multiple perspectivity and intercultural dialogue within a Europe-wide dimension Encourage new inclusive histories

12 Target Groups National History Teachers Associations Students of History Education, Culture, Economics, Politics, and Migration Studies History Teachers in Secondary Education and Teacher Trainers Academics and researchers in universities Migration research institutes and think tanks NGOs and Cultural Institutions speaking on migration Policy makers at EU and national level

13 Kick off Event in Krakow, Poland October 16-18 2009 Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow Roundtable discussion “Migration as a Theme in History Teaching” within the EVROPAEVM Graduate Workshop on “Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe: How have the new member states changed?”

14 Upcoming Event in Paris, France History of Migrations in France and Europe: which challenges for the classrooms? - March17 2010 Palais de la Porte Dorée In co-operation with: Cite Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration' (CNHI) French Association of History and Geography Teachers National Institute for Pedagogical Resources (INRP)

15 Connecting Europe Through History II Planned Events Project 2009 -10 Hosting Institutes for events, workshops and seminars involving participants from each region and beyond, including: Leiden University, The Netherlands Copenhagen, Immigration Museum, Denmark Helsinki University, Finland Oxford University, United Kingdom University of Bologna, Italy Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria University of Ulster, Ireland Lisboa Universidad Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal

16 Learn more at:

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