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Torrance Unified School District Annual Student Achievement Dr. George W. Mannon, Superintendent Dr. E Don Kim, Senior Director of Elementary Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Torrance Unified School District Annual Student Achievement Dr. George W. Mannon, Superintendent Dr. E Don Kim, Senior Director of Elementary Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Torrance Unified School District Annual Student Achievement Dr. George W. Mannon, Superintendent Dr. E Don Kim, Senior Director of Elementary Education Dr. Timothy Stowe, Senior Director of Secondary Education Dr. Ramona Chang, Director of Curriculum October 12, 2009

2 TUSD Performance Goals  Performance Goal 1: All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in Reading/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and History/Social Science by 2013 – 2014.  Performance Goal 2: All English Language Learners (ELL) will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics.  Performance Goal 3: All students will be taught by highly qualified professionals.  Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.  Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate high school.  Performance Goal 6: Other District Priorities

3 2009 Growth API Under the Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999 (PSAA), California developed an evaluation system in which each school and district was given a “score”, based on standardized tests, ranging from 200 to 1000. California has determined and API of 800 to be the statewide goal for all schools.

4 API (2008 Base) Statewide Rank: Deciles 1 – 10 (10 is highest) Current Rankings# of Schools 104 916 83 76

5 Assessment and Evaluation  Required Examinations CA High School Exit Exam - CAHSEE California Standards Test (CST) Standards Based Test In Spanish (STS) California Alternative Performance Assessment (CAPA) California Modified Assessment (CMA) Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

6 STAR 2009

7 English Language Learners by Language Korean Spanish Japanese

8 No Child Left Behind  Federal Accountability Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP):  Proficiency (Goal is 100% by 2014)  API growth (Ultimate goal is 800)  Graduation Rate (applicable only to high schools)  Participation Rate: 95% of all students & subgroups must participate in state testing.

9 AYP 2009: TUSD vs. California In 2009, TUSD met ALL AYP and API Growth Target Criteria.

10 AYP Targets for ELA

11 AYP Targets for Math

12 AYP Targets for Graduation

13 Awards and Recognition 23 CA Distinguished Schools  Elementary and Secondary schools are eligible to apply every other year, Elementary schools will be eligible this year. 4 National Blue Ribbon Schools 2 Title One High Achieving Schools 1 National PTA Parent Involvement School of Excellence

14 2009 Growth API: Elementary Schools

15 California Modified Assessment (CMA)  CMA was piloted in grades 3-5 in the 2008 STAR testing. Results were not included in the 2008 API/AYP because performance levels for the CMA were not adopted until November 2008.  The CMA was given again to grades 3-5 in 2009 and was also integrated into the middle school level (grades 6-8 in ELA and grades 6-7 in Math).

16 STAR 2009: English-Language Arts Proficiency Levels

17 STAR 2009: Mathematics Proficiency Levels

18 STAR: Fourth Grade Writing Test

19 Standards Based Report Cards


21 STAR 2009:Secondary Schools English Language Arts Proficiency Levels

22 STAR 2009: Secondary Schools Mathematics Proficiency Levels

23 STAR: Grade 7 Writing Test

24 2009 Growth API: Secondary Schools

25 Hull Middle School  California Distinguished School 2007  Title I  API = 787  99% of students tested  Annual Measurable Objectives English Language Arts Math

26 Title I Expectations Program Improvement results in an increased amount of resources being directed toward: Academic enrichment classes Personalized professional development Increased opportunities for parental participation

27 California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) Class of 2011 February 2009 Administration First Time Test Takers Percent of Students Who Have Passed CAHSEE ELAMath TUSD9395 CA80

28 Advanced Placement

29 Scholastic Aptitude Test 2009 SubjectTUSDCANational Critical Reading 521500501 Math564513515 Writing528493 Aggregate161315061509

30 American College Testing Program (ACT) 2009 TUSDCANational English23.221.820.6 Math25.222.821.0 Reading23.922.421.4 Science23.221.420.9 Composite

31 Thank You for your interest in the Torrance Unified School District

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