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Welcome Back! Science Fair Notebooks Only today 1) Sit in your assigned seats.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! Science Fair Notebooks Only today 1) Sit in your assigned seats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! Science Fair Notebooks Only today 1) Sit in your assigned seats

2 Learning Target: With my science fair team, I will demonstrate my knowledge of the science fair process and dates this month on the exit quiz.

3 Announcements: Robert Frost trip this Monday – permission forms need to be back by FRIDAY. Come collect one. Science Notebook Assessment day is coming. Find your notebook and keep it in class. FRIDAY!!!! Last major vocabulary quiz this Friday. Note cards for extra credit. 30 vocabulary words. Practice version online. Turtle Committee – you need to complete your assignments by Monday – meeting Monday!

4 Are you a Timber Wolf? For your science fair project, you need to determine your team of two or three people and a project. They must be in this class. You may engineer a great paper airplane or build an excellent solar cooker. Have to decide by Friday. Everyone sit with your science fair team now. Solar cooker people need to start collecting BOXES!

5 Two Films to help you decide Paper airplanes aFBCoa0 aFBCoa0 Solar Cookers eyaaZM eyaaZM

6 Tournament Hottest Solar Cooker Paper Airplane that flies the furthest These two projects will be considered for the state fair. The rest also needs to be solid. Anytime after January 18th

7 Read the Science Fair information Sheet Prepare for the exit quiz. You may NOT use the sheet on the exit quiz – but you can take NOTES. Critical information for a successful project. This will help me decide who makes the cut this Friday. This will help you do a better project. Then work on review vocabulary crossword.

8 Quiz 1) What is the date of the first state science fair cutoff? (the top 25 will be chosen) 2) Which date do you need to leave free in February for the local fair? 3) When will the determination for the Aquatic Center field trip be made? 4) When are most projects DUE – board or Power Point project.

9 5) If you are not an extended project, what is the procedure for becoming an extended project if you need more time? 6) When do MOST people need to have their Experiments completed / data collected? 7) If you are potentially a team of 3 and you have a world problem project, what is the deadline for you to enter ecybermission fair? 8 -10) List three criteria for how I will select the finalists for the state.

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