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Modeling Your Way To A Sustainable Future Rebecca Farrow Siegel High School

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Your Way To A Sustainable Future Rebecca Farrow Siegel High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Your Way To A Sustainable Future Rebecca Farrow Siegel High School

2 Let’s Get Started! In your notebook, label today’s lesson: “Tragedy of the Commons” Review concept: Ecosystem Service- a resource we use and rely on for our survival.

3 Bell Work Ecosystem Service- a resource we use and rely on for our survival. Your Task: Create a list of ecosystem services in your notebook.

4 Partner Time: Partner with someone else and share your lists. Discuss the similarities and differences in your lists.

5 Partner Time: IN A DIFFERENT COLOR: – Write Your Partner’s Name – Write something from your conversation… A comment or question that came up An item from your partner’s list Feedback from your partner

6 Today’s Challenge: How can the overuse of an ecosystem service be prevented?

7 The Tragedy of the Commons

8 Check Your Supplies! For Each Group: Fish Crackers Gummy Fish Tray or Dish 12 Character Cards Timer For Each Student: Unit 5 packet Sheet 5.1 “Tragedy of the Commons” Pair of Chopsticks Cup Paper towel

9 Part A With your group, read the procedure for Part A. When you are ready, proceed with Part A!

10 Part B With your group, read the procedure for Part B. When you are ready, proceed with Part B!

11 Part C With your group, read the procedure for Part C. When you are ready, proceed with Part C! (SKIP FOR SAKE OF TIME TODAY)

12 Part D With your group, read the procedure for Part D. When you are ready, proceed with Part D!

13 Analysis Answer Analysis Questions 7, 8 and 10 in your notebooks. (Homework Option)

14 Exit Ticket Side 1: create a VISUAL representation of the concept “Tragedy of the Commons.” Side 2: Use “Tragedy of the Commons” in a sentence.

15 Extensions watch/sfw_video.aspx




19 Additional Extensions “Wicked Tuna” television series “The End of the Line- The Vulnerable Blue Fin Tuna” film Lorax and Response to the Lorax – forestry/timber industry Gas Land – fracking Food Ark – food production with limited land Tapped or Blue Gold: World Water Wars – fresh water

20 Other Ways to Use This Lesson: Simulate the harvest of game animals Simulate timber harvest (hard and softwood species) The issue of Grazing Rights/Bureau of Land Management



23 Recap of Major Strategies Use partners, but hold both students accountable for sharing – have them write something down Intentionally choose analysis questions – better quality of answers Have students use visuals to show the meaning of vocabulary terms – deeper level of understanding, great way to show student work in the room!

24 Inquiry Based Learning Student centered; teacher as facilitator Students construct meaning Student ownership

25 Questions / Comments

26 Modeling Your Way To A Sustainable Future Rebecca Farrow Siegel High School

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