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Districtwide Metrics. Early Childhood Performance at a Glance SY 10-11SY 11-12SY 12-13**SY 13-14SY 17-18 SY 20-21 DistrictProviderDistrictProviderDistrictProviderDistrictProviderOne.

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1 Districtwide Metrics

2 Early Childhood Performance at a Glance SY 10-11SY 11-12SY 12-13**SY 13-14SY 17-18 SY 20-21 DistrictProviderDistrictProviderDistrictProviderDistrictProviderOne Newark Struggling18%5%9%15% 26%12% 5%0% Adequate24%39%55%51% 53%51% 45%30% Good58%56%36%34% 21%37% 50%70% Performance Groups are defined by the ratings on the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS): Struggling = score of 4 or below Adequate = score of 5 Good = score of 6 or 7 Target Enrollment*TotalDistrictProvider SY 10-11 5,8001,4504,350 SY 11-12 6,4001,6004,800 SY 12-13 6,6001,6504,950 SY 13-14 (e) 6,8001,7005,100 Early Childhood Education in Newark is provided by both private providers and the district. District locations serve approximately one-quarter of enrolled preschoolers. More than 30 private providers operate programs in 76 locations with NPS serving as the fiscal & “quality control” agent, while the district operates 36 programs in elementary schools and standalone facilities. Approximately 90% of preschool-aged children in Newark enroll in one of these early childhood programs. *Enrollment figures are rounded **Next annual reporting update by November 2013 SitesTotalDistrictProvider SY 10-11 1063676 SY 11-12 1063676 SY 12-13 1063676 SY 13-14 (e) The ECERS consists of 43 items that assess the quality of the early childhood environment including use of space, materials and experiences to enhance children's development, daily schedule, and supervision. NPS is piloting tools to measure academic outcomes and will consider adding additional quality designations beginning with SY 2013-1024, this could influence the manner in which designations are determined in the future.

3 SY 10-11SY 11-12SY 12-13SY 13-14SY 17-18 SY 20-21 DistrictCharterDistrictCharterDistrictCharterDistrictCharterOne Newark Low74%54%61%36%56%44%20%5% On the Move 9%8%17%21%17%19%50% Good17%38%22%43%27%38%30%45% K-8 School Performance at a Glance Performance Group Definitions based student performance on the NJ ASK: Low: Average LAL Proficiency is below 200, and median Student Growth Percentile (SGP) is below 50. On the Move: Average LAL Proficiency is below 200, but median SGP is above 50 or SGP has improved by 8 points. Good: Average LAL Proficiency is above 200. Disclaimer: As the nation and NJ transition to the PARCC assessment, it is anticipated that proficiency scores will drop and therefore it will be difficult to make accurate year over year comparisons. Enrollment*TotalDistrictCharter SY 10-11 32,40026,9005,500 SY 11-12 33,00026,2006,800 SY 12-13 33,600 25,600 8,000 SY 13-14 35,50026.000(e) 9,500 Public K-8 education in Newark is provided by both public charter operators and the district. In 2011-2012 the district served approximately 80% of enrolled public school students. Public charters operated 14 schools and the district maintained 54 schools. SchoolsTotalDistrictCharter SY 10-11 665313 SY 11-12 685414 SY 12-13 705218 SY 13-14 695217 *Enrollment figures are rounded (e) Estimated Target

4 High School Performance at a Glance SY 10-11SY 11-12SY 12-13^^SY 13-14SY 17-18 SY 20-21 ScreenedUnscreenedScreenedUnscreenedScreenedUnscreenedScreenedUnscreenedOne Newark Overall Grad Rate92%47%94%58%95%61% ACT Graduates^N/A 26%2%33%45% HSPA Graduates82%20%87%27%89%29%25%35% Other Graduates10%28%8%31%6%32%15%5% Senior Cohort*TotalScreenedUnscreened SY 10-11 3,2956202,675 SY 11-12 2,9856132,372 SY 12-13 2,9166412,275 SY 13-14 Graduates*TotalScreenedUnscreened SY 10-11 1,8405701,270 SY 11-12 1,9555771,378 SY 12-13 1,9886091,379 SY 13-14 Target *Enrollment figures are rounded ** (2011) KPMG audited rate, compared to 61% rate reported by NJ DOE. ***(2012) NPS verified rate, calculated in consultation with KPMG and NJ DOE. 2012 cohort decreased due to NPS and NJ DOE ability to jointly verify transfers out of NPS ^ACT data collection began in 11-12 but reporting will lag by 1 year because it is administered in 11 th grade ^^Next annual reporting update by November 2013 Performance Group Definitions based on the school averages of various assessments: ACT Graduates: % of students achieving college ready benchmark in Reading High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) Graduates: % of students who successfully pass both the Math & Language Arts NJDOE exam Other Graduates: % of students who graduate using an alternative path such as the Alternative High School Assessment (AHSA) Public High School education in Newark is primarily provided by district schools – historically separated by the categories of screened (require conditions for acceptance) and unscreened (general admissions usually based on geographic proximity). Beginning in SY 12-13 NPS implemented a district-wide high school choice process to ensure greater access and equity to all district schools. In 2011-2012 the district served approximately 10,000 students in a diverse mix of 17 high schools. Overall District Grad Rate HSPA Grad Rate SY 10-11** 56%31% SY 11-12*** 66%39% SY 12-13 68%42% SY 13-14

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