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Procura + Campaign Natalie Evans Procura+ Campaign Officer ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "Procura + Campaign Natalie Evans Procura+ Campaign Officer ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procura + Campaign Natalie Evans Procura+ Campaign Officer ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

2 What can SPP achieve? Major reductions in CO 2 emissions – Passive construction, highly-efficient lighting, IT equipment Innovation - Development of new environmental technologies & new ways of carrying out services Improvements in air & water quality, reduce waste generation – low emission vehicles and organic, recycled, low carbon and closed loop products Save money – meet your needs more efficiently. Consider the real costs over the life cycle

3 The Procura + Campaign Procura + is an initiative designed to offer direct support to public authorities in implementing sustainable procurement, facilitate exchange and promote achievements internationally

4 Procura + Participants n 34 Participants n 14 Countries n 7 National Partners

5 Procura + Exchange n 675 subscribers from 40 countries n English, German and French n Annual Procura + seminars

6 The Procura + milestone approach

7 The Procura + Manual English, French, Italian, German, Greek & Catalan Available free as hard copy and pdf

8 What do participants get? Guidance and advice A systematic implementation model Opportunities to share with other public authorities Keep up to date with the latest news, tools and guidance material Priority for project participation & speaking at events Promotion Representation and advocacy

9 New projects and initiatives GPP 2020GPP 2020 – Low-carbon procurement mainstreaming across Europe in support of the EU’s 2020 goal INNOCATINNOCAT - Eco-innovative catering solutions for public & private buyers Procurement of Innovation (PPI) PlatformProcurement of Innovation (PPI) Platform - Latest news on PPI and PCP developments & events, the EU legal framework and policy support. Euro-Topten MaxEuro-Topten Max – Most energy efficient products in EU. Searchable database and procurement guidelines.

10 New Participants The City of Munich The City of Oslo Vaxjo Municipality Intermunicipal Community of Oeste Réseau des Acheteurs Hospitaliers d'Île-de-France Réseau Grand Ouest The City of Aalborg The City of Rotterdam

11 Procura + Chair and Vice Chairs Procura+ Chair Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki Vice Chair Lari Pitka Kangas Deputy Mayor, City of Malmo Vice Chair Mercè Rius i Serra Environment Deputy, Province of Barcelona

12 Does it work? A small selection... City of Oslo: established a framework contract for municipalities to audit social responsibility in supply chains City of Barcelona: received the Diamond Purchase Award for SMART-SPP activities in 2012. Province of Barcelona sets minimum requirements for vehicles Catalan Waste Agency - recycled products & green services City of Rotterdam - SPP construction, EPCs, CO2 targets City of Malmo – code of conduct, EcoProcura 2012 & Vice Chair City of Ghent strategic approach to SPP & EcoProcura 2014 Reseau Grand Ouest (RGO) – 99 municipalities, workshops and guidance, most recently textiles. Municipality of Cognac – RGO member, sustainable timber Intermunicipal Community of Oeste – LED street lighting City of Helsinki gives points for second generation biofuels City of Hannover regional, organic, fair trade – internal and external consultation Ecoinstitut – setting up an online network of Catalan authorities Ecosistemi – held GPP Awards for policy, tender and business

13 Thank you E-Mail

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