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1 Splash Screen

2 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation Visual Summary
Introduction Section 1: The Land Section 2: Climate and Vegetation Visual Summary Chapter Menu

3 A study of the physical geography of South Asia will explain the contrasts between the northern and southern areas of the region and how South Asia’s large populations depend upon the seasonal monsoon rains that sometimes bring devastating consequences. Chapter Intro 1

4 Section 1: The Land Places reflect the relationship between humans and the physical environment. In South Asia’s varied landscapes, large numbers of people depend on the region’s physical environment, river systems, and natural resources for their livelihoods. Chapter Intro 2

5 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation
The characteristics and distribution of ecosystems help people understand environmental issues. Seasonal winds in South Asia strongly influence temperature and rainfall, which affect what crops people grow and how people and the environment are affected by too much or too little rain. Chapter Intro 3

6 Chapter Preview-End

7 The Land In South Asia’s varied landscapes, large numbers of people depend on the region’s physical environment, river systems, and natural resources for their livelihoods. Section 1-GTR

8 The Land subcontinent alluvial plain Section 1-GTR

9 The Land A. Himalaya B. Khyber Pass C. Gangetic Plain D. Vindhya
E. Satpura Range F. Deccan Plateau G. Ganges River I. Indus River H. Brahmaputra River Section 1-GTR

10 The Land Which mountain range absorbs the monsoon rains and slowly releases them into the region? A. Eastern Ghats B. Western Ghats C. Himalayas D. Vindhya Range A B C D Section 1

11 Landforms South Asia’s landforms affect where people live and influence seasonal rain patterns. Northern landforms: Himalaya Mountains Karakoram Mountains Hindu Kush range Khyber Pass Section 1

12 Landforms (cont.) Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra rivers Gangetic Plain
Chota Nagpur Plateau Section 1

13 Landforms (cont.) Central and Southern landforms:
Eastern and Western Ghats Deccan Plateau Sri Lanka Maldives South Asia: Elevation Profile Section 1

14 South Asia is separated from the rest of Asia by which of the following?
A. Rivers B. Mountains C. Dense forests D. An ocean A B C D Section 1

15 Water Systems South Asia’s major river systems bring fertile soil to the floodplains, serve as transportation routes, and provide hydroelectricity. Three major river systems: Ganges—most important river in South Asia Brahmaputra Indus Section 1

16 Which river is known as the “cradle of ancient India”? A. Ganges
B. Brahmaputra C. Indus A B C Section 1

17 Natural Resources South Asia has a variety of natural resources upon which large populations are dependent for their livelihoods. Rivers: Drinking water Alluvial soil Transportation Hydroelectric power Fish Section 1

18 Natural Resources (cont.)
Mineral resources, such as iron ore and graphite Energy sources, such as petroleum, natural gas Timber resources, such as sandalwood and teak Section 1

19 Which country is the world’s largest producer of graphite?
A. Sri Lanka B. Pakistan C. Bangladesh D. India A B C D Section 1

20 Section 1-End

21 Climate and Vegetation
Seasonal winds in South Asia strongly influence temperature and rainfall, which affect what crops people grow and how people and the environment are affected by too much or too little rain. Section 2-GTR

22 Climate and Vegetation
monsoon tsunami cyclone period triggers Section 2-GTR

23 Climate and Vegetation
A. Bay of Bengal B. Sundarbans C. Thar Desert Section 2-GTR

24 Climate and Vegetation
Most of Asia experiences which type of climate? A. Tropical B. Highland C. Midlatitude D. Dry A B C D Section 2

25 Climate Regions Much of South Asia has tropical climates with ample rainfall and a variety of vegetation; however, the climates vary widely in the north and west, where mountain ranges block rainfall. Tropical regions: Tropical wet Tropical dry South Asia: Vegetation Section 2

26 Climate Regions (cont.)
Midlatitude and highland regions: Mixed forest Deciduous forest Humid subtropical Himalayan highlands Dry regions: Desert—Thar Desert Steppe Section 2

27 Does much of South Asia lie south or north of the Tropic of Cancer?
A. South B. North A B Section 2

28 Seasonal Weather Patterns
Seasonal weather patterns bring much-needed rainfall to South Asia, but monsoon winds, as well as other natural disasters, can also bring devastating hardships. Three distinct seasons: Hot Wet Cool Comparing Climates Section 2

29 Seasonal Weather Patterns (cont.)
These seasons depend on seasonal winds called monsoons. Temperature and rainfall impact agriculture in the region. Factors: Extreme heat Monsoon winds Section 2

30 Seasonal Weather Patterns (cont.)
Natural disasters: Flooding from monsoon rains Cyclones Earthquakes Tsunamis Section 2

31 The monsoons are heaviest in which part of South Asia? A. Eastern
B. Western C. Northern D. Southern A B C D Section 2

32 Section 2-End

33 A. The Himalaya Created by collision of tectonic plates; extend more than 1,500 miles (2,414 km) across northern edge of South Asia Includes Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak at 29,028 feet (8,848 m) VS 1

34 • World’s longest alluvial plain
B. Gangetic Plain • World’s longest alluvial plain • Watered by the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Indus Rivers; agriculturally productive area • India’s most densely populated area VS 2

35 C. Vindhya and Satpura Ranges
• Mountains in central India created by collision of tectonic plates • Separate the distinct cultures of northern and southern India VS 3

36 • Flows mainly through Pakistan; empties into Arabian Sea
D. Indus River • Flows mainly through Pakistan; empties into Arabian Sea • Known as the cradle of ancient India • Remains an important transportation route VS 4

37 • Rich soil with wet and dry seasons
E. Deccan Plateau • Plateau region in southern India; located between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats • Rich soil with wet and dry seasons VS 5

38 • Flows east from the Himalaya; empties into Bay of Bengal
F. Ganges River • Flows east from the Himalaya; empties into Bay of Bengal • Drainage basin covers about 400,000 square miles (about 1 million sq. km) • Named for Hindu goddess Ganga; sacred to Hindus VS 6

39 • Flows through India and Bangladesh
G. Brahmaputra River • Flows through India and Bangladesh • Joins the Ganges river to form a delta; empties into Bay of Bengal • Major inland waterway; also provides hydroelectric power VS 7

40 • Hot season is from late February to June
H. Monsoons • Hot season is from late February to June • Wet season is from June or July to September • Cool season is from October to late February VS 8

41 VS-End

42 Figure 1

43 Figure 2

44 Figure 3

45 DFS Trans 1

46 DFS Trans 2

47 subcontinent large landmass that is part of a continent but still distinct from it, such as India Vocab1

48 alluvial plain floodplain, such as the Gangetic Plain in South Asia, on which flooding rivers have deposited rich soil Vocab2

49 monsoon in Asia, seasonal wind that brings warm, moist air from the oceans in summer and cold, dry air from inland in winter Vocab3

50 cyclone storm with heavy rains and high winds which blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure Vocab4

51 tsunami Japanese term used for a huge sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake Vocab5

52 To navigate within this Presentation Plus! product:
Click the Forward button to go to the next slide. Click the Previous button to return to the previous slide. Click the Return button to return to the main presentation. Click the Home button to return to the Chapter Menu. Click the Help button to access this screen. Click the Exit button or press the Escape key [Esc] to end the chapter slide show. Links to Maps in Motion, static maps and charts, and transparencies appear near the bottom of slides as they are relevant. Links to the Reference Atlas and Geography Online are located on the navigation bar of most screens. Help

53 This slide is intentionally blank.
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