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Potential of European forest belt in energy production and carbon management Veli Pohjonen & Pertti Hari University of Helsinki Brussels 14.3.2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Potential of European forest belt in energy production and carbon management Veli Pohjonen & Pertti Hari University of Helsinki Brussels 14.3.2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potential of European forest belt in energy production and carbon management Veli Pohjonen & Pertti Hari University of Helsinki Brussels 14.3.2006

2 European forest belt is a vast resource source: European Forest Institute

3 European forest belt is 12 % greener - from 1981 to 1999 ref: Zhou et al. 2001

4 European forests grow more: surplus 260 mill. m 3 a -1 excluding Former Soviet Union; source: European Forest Institute

5 Finland: forests grow more, surplus 25 mill. m 3 a -1

6 Trees grow better also in northern latitudes in Lapland, Finland Scientists were surprised of the growth vigor of young Lapland forests (2004) During the last decade (1990s) the annual growth increased by 49 % source: Helsingin Sanomat

7 Measurements of gas exchange of Scots pine have been done since 1992 at northern tree line in Värriö Research Station, 200 km behind Arctic Circle

8 Explanations behind increased growth Successfull conservation Improved silviculture Sustained management Young, vigorous trees dominate Nitrogen deposition Climate change: temperature and CO 2 rise

9 EU25: top 10 countries in forest growth available for wood supply source: Finnish Forest Research Insitute

10 Forests available for wood supply: they are outside conservation areas; they are typically at thinning age

11 Sustained forestry takes care of continuity, diversification of landscapes and conservation of biodiversity After thinning the forests grow timber for mechanical wood industries

12 Research gaps 1.Woody biomass growth of young forests in changing climate 2.Woody biomass growth of young forests in various parts of European forest belt 3.Woody biomass growth of young stands by various tree species (currently known best for Scots pine)

13 Comparison of energy use and forest growth Energy use in EU 72 EJ (exajoules) Forest growth in EU 3.8 EJ Ratio 5.3 per cent Energy use in Finland 1488 PJ (petajoules) Forest growth in Finland 509 PJ Ratio 34 per cent Energy use in Lapland 53 PJ Forest growth in Lapland 67 PJ Ratio 126 per cent

14 Forest energy is local it is important regionally, in well-forested, remote areas it can contribute to energy mix at national level it cannot solve all energy needs at European level also other forms of energy (solid, liquid and gaseous) are needed

15 Carbon dioxide management Drop CO 2 emissions by 10 per cent EU25 emissions now 4 064 mill. tn a -1 CO 2 EU:drop 406 mill. tn a -1 Finland:drop 7.3 mill. tn a -1 Lapland:drop 0.26 mill. tn a -1 Is the forest growth sufficient?

16 Comparison of CO 2 drop by one tenth and forest growth Reduction in EU 406 mill. tn CO 2 From forest growth in EU 384 mill. tn CO 2 Ratio 95 per cent Reduction in Finland 7.3 mill. tn CO 2 Forest growth in Finland 49 mill. tn CO 2 Ratio 660 per cent Reduction in Lapland 0.26 mill. tn CO 2 Forest growth in Lapland 6.7 mill. tn CO 2 Ratio2600 per cent

17 Forest energy can contribute to reduction of CO 2 emissions Forest energy can solve the CO 2 emission reductions only in less populated remote areas Forest energy can contribute to CO 2 emission reductions at national and European level But again: also other forms of renewable energy (solid, liquid and gaseous) are needed to reduce CO 2 emissions at European level

18 Big potential to drop CO 2 emissions is in coal and steel, see case Finland source: Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry

19 Forest energy development Forest chips for local applications: successful development since 1956 (Pöttinger chipper from Austria) Wood pellets: development for local applications since 1976, for large-scale applications since 1992 Research into forest biomass energy as reduction agent in metallurgical industries in 2000s (in Finland: universities, Rautaruukki Oyj)

20 Transport of forest energy into CO 2 emission centres Rule of thumb for maximum transport: Forest chips, saw dust or shavings: 100 km (by truck) Round wood 1000 km (by train) Wood pellets 5000 km (by ship)

21 Unprocessed wood: why to transport air (and water)? Densify - press the wood into plain cell walls !

22 Wood pellets from Scots pine shavings

23 Pellets have been developed for 30 years near to 200 factories in Europe Small scale (house) use is well advanced Large scale use started in Hässelby, Sweden in 1992; Denmark also active Raw materials: shavings from carpenter industries, have become limited source: The Bioenergy International

24 Research gaps and needs for wood energy transport (e.g. as pellets) 1.Densify more 2.Diversify raw material (use of saw dust and chips, by tree species) 3.Raw material drying (thermal and other means) 4.Optimize production (reduce costs) 5.Co-firing with coal 6.Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)

25 Target of pellet development: to get it recognized in Commodity price lists see e.g. ”pink sheet” in Jan-Dec Jan-Feb DecJanFeb CommodityUnit20042005200620052006 Energy Coal, Australia$/mt52.9547.6245.4438.2343.1947.70 Crude oil, avg, spot$/bbl37.7353.3961.0856.4362.4659.70 Crude oil, Brent$/bbl38.3054.4361.7556.7563.5759.92 Crude oil, Dubai$/bbl33.4649.2957.9453.1358.3157.58 Natural gas, Europe$/mmbtu4.286.337.967.497.967.95 Natural gas, US$/mmbtu5.898.928.0712.838.667.49 Wood pellet, Europe€/tn ??? ???

26 Reintroduce woody biomass in steel industries Wood, as charcoal was the original reduction agent until 1800s Wood still in use in Brazilian steel industries Most promising route: injection to the blast furnace from below Possibility for 10 per cent reduction power and CO 2 emissions drop

27 How to process the biomass for injection? By Airgrinder?

28 Research gaps and needs How woody biomass should be injected into blast furnace: as wood powder (by airgrinder)? as pellets? or as charcoal? How do different tree species behave in woody biomass injection Co-firing of processed woody biomass with coal Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS)

29 A glimpse into economics: CO 2 emissions trading caused structural change in raw energy price relationships; prices in Finland, March 2006

30 A glimpse into sustainability CCS (Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage) is under research for coal-fired energy production; CCS will neutralize CO 2 emissions from coal CCS will be used with woody biomass energy as well; CCS will render CO 2 emissions negative, from woody biomass plants. CCS with woody biomass may give sustained way to reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere CCS needs long-term research

31 In conclusion Woody biomass growth in the European forest belt has increased More woody biomass becomes available for bioenergy production In EU forest energy can theoretically cover max 5 per cent Impact of forest energy on CO 2 emissions reduction is bigger Forest energy can contribute to the renewable energy mix Other energy forms (solid, liquid and gaseous) are needed In long run woody biomass energy may have a sustained role in CCS There is a need for wide, integrated R & D project at EU framework

32 Into research project in FP7 Whole chain from tree seedling into processed biomass and energy use needs to be included Research and development in three parts, based by existing gaps 1.Woody biomass growth and management of young forests in various parts of Europe and by various tree species 2.Harvesting and processing the woody biomass for transport and storage for use in populated and industrialized areas 3.Use of processed woody biomass, including applications for Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) Resea rch needs Whole chain Part 1: simulat ion of growth of variou s tree specie s in changi ng enviro nment Part 2: proces sing the bioma ss Part 3: CCS Carbo n Captur e and Storag e

33 References and sources The Bioenergy International; European Forest Institute (EFI); Finnish Forest Research Institute. Metsätilastollinen vuosikirja 2005. Statistical yearbook 2005; Finnish Ministry of Trade and Industry; World Bank Commodity prices (”Pink Sheet): ; search ”pink sheet” Helsingin Sanomat 6.9.2004; Zhou, L. et al. 2001. Variations in northern vegatation activity inferred from satellite data of vegetation index during 1981 to 1999. J. Geophys. Res. 106 (D17): 20,069-20,083.

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