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Summer Gales “I watched positive role models, saw how they interacted, and studied their examples of leadership.” – Summer Gales, former NGYCP cadet.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Gales “I watched positive role models, saw how they interacted, and studied their examples of leadership.” – Summer Gales, former NGYCP cadet."— Presentation transcript:


2 Summer Gales “I watched positive role models, saw how they interacted, and studied their examples of leadership.” – Summer Gales, former NGYCP cadet

3 Mentor An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon.

4 The Need…  An estimated 2.5 million youth are involved in mentoring today.  Nearly 15 million at-risk-youth are in need of mentors.  Current Administration began proposing new federal structured mentoring programs in 2001.

5 Federal Interest  Federal support for mentoring initiatives has increased. –Mentoring Initiative for System Involved Youth –Federal Mentoring Council  Two new bills concerning mentoring have been introduced to 110 th Congress.

6 The Case for Mentoring  Extends and fortifies positive changes  Translates lessons learned  Fortifies program values  Anchors reentry planning  Assists with post residential tasks  Extends program accountability

7 What does it look like? An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon.

8 Mentoring Typologies  Developmental  Prescriptive  Social  Instrumental

9 Mentoring Typologies  Classic –1:1 Adult to youth ratio –Structured, recognized relationship –Adult as “role model”  Friend to Friend –Highly gendered –Among age peers –Highly intimate  Long Term Relationship –1:1 Adult to youth ratio –Mentoring grows out of an existing relationship –Characterized by reciprocity  Group Mentoring –1:>2 ratio –Often held in a public place –A variation on classic mentoring

10 Effective Mentoring An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon.

11 The 5 Elements of Mentoring Programs  Recruit –Define eligibility, market the program, conduct information sessions  Screen –Written applications, reference checks, face to face interviews, orientations  Train –Overview of the program, role clarification, clarify roles, situational “how-to’s”

12  Match –Establish criteria, ensure all parties understand and agree to the terms and conditions of participation  Monitor –Continuing training opportunities, regular communication, goal setting and achievement, conflict resolution, documentation The 5 Elements of Mentoring Programs

13 Natural Mentoring An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon.

14 What is Natural Mentoring?  Empowering youth to identify and engage prospective mentors  “Friendly match mentoring”  Programmatic innovation

15 What are the benefits?  Minimal costs and programmatic effort  Greater retention  More durable  Increased community assets  Stronger outcomes

16 MATCH Mentor Acceptance and Orientation Mentor Application and Screening Youth- Initiated Mentor Nominations Youth Acceptance and Orientation The YIM Match Process Youth Application and Screening

17 It works… An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon.

18 A mentoring success story “Our mentor/cadet relationship has really gone beyond that to a friendship. Our friendship will continue far beyond the one year the [academy] asks.” – Mike Nichols, mentor to Ivan Snegirev, former NGYCP cadet

19 NGYCP Mission “…to intervene in and reclaim the lives of at-risk youth to produce program graduates with the values, skills, education and self-discipline necessary to succeed as adults.”

20 Core Components 1.Leadership/Followership 2.Responsible Citizenship 3.Service to the Community 4.Life Coping Skills 5.Physical Fitness 6.Health and Hygiene 7.Job Skills 8.Academic Excellence

21 Program Phases Frequent Durable Relationship s 1.Pre-ChalleNGe - 2 weeks 2.Residential Phase - 5 months 3.Post-Residential Phase - 12 months

22 The Mentoring Program

23 Mentoring Objective “productive placement at the conclusion of the post-residential phase” Mentoring is a proven strategy for anchoring long-term success

24 Embedding Mentoring Existing Program

25 Key Elements

26 Signature Features  Youth empowered to recruit mentors  Fully integrated into residential program  Mentors engaged in transitional planning  Leveraged case management Add photo of mentoring relationship

27 YIM: A case study Since the design of NGYCP’s youth-initiated mentoring program: –NGYCP received two national mentoring awards –95% of program graduates are matched with mentors at completion of Residential Phase –Over 90% of graduates are employed, furthering their education, or are active in the military –Cost of mentoring relationship is estimated at $700

28 The Results  90% of mentors are recruited by youth  90% of those “doing well” are mentored  50% increase in post residential outcomes  $700 per mentoring relationship

29 Proven Results  70,000 program graduates  75% receive high school diplomas or GEDs  90% continue on to higher education, military service or employment

30 Training and TA  Standardized mentoring model  Turn-key mentoring curricula  Train the trainer events  Ongoing training and technical assistance (insert photo of training event or one on one coaching)

31 An illustration from les Aventures de Télémaque by Francois Fenelon. Can we do it in YouthBuild?

32 Frequent Durable Relationship s Positive Effects Do These… Monitor These….Measure These… Active Mentoring Relationships Positive Effects Frequent Durable Relationships Strong Emotional Bonds Program Best Practices Mentoring Logic Model

33 Frequent Durable Relationship s Positive Effects ImplementDevelopDesignResearch & Design Phase One  Program Research  Site Selection  Program Design  Kick off training  Technical Assistance

34 Program Research  February through March 2008  Conduct organizational assessment –Focus groups –Online surveys –Site visits  Determine findings and recommendations for customized YouthBuild mentoring program  Publish written report

35 Site Selection  April 2008  Develop site selection criteria  Select fifteen YouthBuild programs to participate in pilot

36 Program Design  May through June 2008  Convene team of national experts  Design customized YouthBuild program model  Identify essential program materials  Finalize a written program model

37 Kick Off Training  July 2008  Conduct two days of training  Location: Chicago, Illinois  Objectives: Prepare YouthBuild leaders to implement the mentoring program

38  Key elements: –What is mentoring? –Mentoring best practices –The YouthBuild mentoring model –Implementation action planning Kick Off Training

39 Technical Assistance  October to December 2008  Monthly conference calls (2 hours)  YouthBuild National Mentoring Coordinator on staff  Limited offsite support

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