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Barlow-Vincent Elementary School. Grades K-8 with enrollment of 715 students 13% of students with disabilities 35% free and reduced lunch rate Met 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Barlow-Vincent Elementary School. Grades K-8 with enrollment of 715 students 13% of students with disabilities 35% free and reduced lunch rate Met 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barlow-Vincent Elementary School

2 Grades K-8 with enrollment of 715 students 13% of students with disabilities 35% free and reduced lunch rate Met 13 out of 15 indicators on local report card Did not make AYP with SWD last year Green value-added for three consecutive years Fewer than 30 districts in state spend less per pupil than Warren Local Schools (reduced 1/3 of staff in 8 years)


4 Focus on curriculum and instructional strategies Collaboration – teachers as learners Strong leadership amongst staff

5  High-Yield Strategies ◦ Setting objectives/providing feedback ◦ Identifying similarities and differences ◦ Non-linguistic representations ◦ Share through TBT and building leadership highlights  Formative instructional practices ◦ Laid foundation with online courses ◦ Book study on grading practices ◦ Differentiated support based on teacher need ◦ Share through TBT and building leadership highlights ◦ Grading practices committee

6  Unpacking the common core and revised standards using Marzano technique  Examining lessons and student work to determine the level of rigor


8 “I don’t close my door anymore. It’s not about competition.”  Data, data, data – every kid needs a plan  Walk-to-intervention model  Inclusion model  Using teacher-based teams to collaborate not “gab” borate!


10 Accountability for results (monitoring the plan) Fostering teamwork Self-improvement is non- negotiable – using our evaluations and walkthroughs

11  Support and insist -Monitor the plan -Hold accountable -Celebrate and recognize -Walk the walk

12 Stephanie Starcher Anne Boley Sandy Vincent

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