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Enhancing Quality of Teaching and Learning in the US: Factors Supporting Involvement and Development of Part- Time Community College Faculty Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Quality of Teaching and Learning in the US: Factors Supporting Involvement and Development of Part- Time Community College Faculty Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Quality of Teaching and Learning in the US: Factors Supporting Involvement and Development of Part- Time Community College Faculty Presented by Jamilah Jones June 15-17, 2009 Golden Sands, Bulgaria

2 Index  Research Purpose  Background  Literature Review  Preliminary Data and Results:  Part A: Teaching Techniques, Engagement and Satisfaction  Implications  Next Steps in Research  Part B: Student Outcomes

3 The Paradox of “Quality”  The community college runs the risk of being unfairly judged in terms of quality because of its open access mission.  4-year Institutions Measures of Quality:  Prestige  Selectivity  Specialized Curriculum  Research

4 Measures of Quality in the Literature  Determinants of quality at the community college:  Institutional Resources  Instructional and Management Processes  Student Outcomes  Value-Added Impact of Students  Curricular Structure and Emphasis

5 Why include community college faculty(professors) in discussions of quality?  A salient feature in all standard measures of CC quality is faculty.  Faculty (salaries & benefits) are of the largest instructional expenditures  regional accreditation perspective  Shared governance model (decision making, budgeting, and decision making) assumes CC faculty participation  The teaching and learning paradigm is inherently linked to faculty.

6 The Literature on Community College Faculty – Exposing the Gap  Investigating leading peer-reviewed US journals of Higher Education  30 articles published on the community college  3 articles (14%) addressed CC faculty as a central theme  Investigating leading peer-reviewed US journals on Community Colleges (Twombly & Townsend, 2008)  777 Articles on the community college  Of those only, 11% discuss faculty as a central theme

7 The literature on Community College Faculty  The utilization of part-time faculty is both a product and mandate of the open access mission of the community college.  Industry needs lend to utilizations of industry professionals on a part time basis  The use of part-time faculty at the community college is expected to continue to grow.  Part-time (adjunct) faculty currently account for 2/3 rd of all US instructional faculty in the community college  Teaching roughly 1/3 rd of all classes

8 Literature Continued  Those studies geared at part-time community college faculty have largely focused on characteristics, satisfaction, working conditions, and suggestions for improving integration (Banachowski, G., 1996, Eagan, 2007; Gappa & Leslie, 1993; Jacoby, D., 2005; Townsend & Twombly, 2007; Valdez & Anthony, 2001).  Studies that move beyond understanding general characteristic of community college part-time faculty, and seek to examine how the terms of their terms of employment affect student outcomes, are necessary.

9 Literature Continued.  A few recent of part-time community college faculty negatively affect student success as measured by attrition, and success in sequential courses. (Burgess & Samuels, 1999; Jacoby, 2006 and Jaeger & Eagan, 2009).  What these studies do not measure are “the specific mechanism by which reliance on part-time faculty reduces student graduation rates” (Jacoby, 2006, p. 1098).

10 This Study  Purpose: This study will investigate three variable of part-time faculty use at the community college, as potential mechanisms by which student outcomes are affected:  Teaching Techniques  Level of Engagement with the Institution  Satisfaction

11 ENGAGEMENT Conceptual Framework Active and participatory teaching techniques Variation of techniques utilized Interaction with students outside of classroom 1. Teaching & Student Engagement Techniques Participation in share governance Assessment/recognition of teaching Interaction with peers, lead faculty & admin. II. Engagement With the Institution Pay equity Contract Preferences for full time position III. Satisfaction Part A: 2009 Part B: 2010

12 Purpose – Part A.  Our goal in this portion of the research project is to identify the prevalent teaching and student engagement initiatives and the factors that support their use by part- time community college faculty.

13 Process/Methodology  Single institution study  Carnegie Classification: Associate’s –Public Suburban-serving Single Campus  Campus Setting: Rural: Distant  Title IV Participating Institution  Non-residential  Quantitative Study  Survey: Delivered Electronically to all part-time faculty

14 About Northwest State Community College (NSCC)  77 acres, 5 buildings  Programs:  Associates of Arts, Science, Applied Business, and Applied Science  Accreditation by NCACS  Student Populations: 5,543 (73% - PT: 27%-FT)  Tuition: $136/ credit hour  Employees : FT Faculty -39, PT Faculty 156, Staff - 233

15 Northwest State Community College Service Area Counties: Williams, Defiance, Paulding, Van Wert, Putnam, Henry, Fulton

16 Educational Attainment of Service Area* CountyPopulation (2008 Census Estimate) Population Change from 2000 -2008 Bachelors Degree Attainment (25+) Fulton42,4851%13.2% Defiance38,637-2.2%14.3% Paulding19,096-5.9%7.8% Van Wert28,748-3.1%12% Putnam34,543-1.5%12.9% Henry28841-1.3%11.1% Lucas440,456-3.2%21.3% Williams38,158-2.6%10.7% *US Census data:, accessed 5/27/2009 Μ= 12.91%

17 Preliminary Case Study Data from Surveyed Part Time Faculty at Northwest State Community College

18 Descriptive 1: Degree Attainment

19 Descriptive 2: Teaching Experience

20 Descriptive: Gender

21 Descriptive: Division/College

22 Descriptive: Cross-Tab, Division/Longevity Semesters0-67-1314-2021-2728-3435-41 Arts & Sciences52.4% (11)40.0% (4)42.9% (3)0.0% (0)100.0% (1)0.0% (0) Allied Health & Public Service9.5% (2)0.0% (0) Business23.8% (5)30.0% (3)28.6% (2)100.0% (1)0.0% (0)100.0% (1) Career and Technical Education/Workplace Credit0.0% (0) Developmental Education0.0% (0) Engineering Technologies9.5% (2)10.0% (1)28.6% (2)0.0% (0) Nursing4.8% (1)20.0% (2)0.0% (0) Total Counts21(51.21%)107111

23 Descriptive: Cross Tab, Feedback from Dean/Longevity Semesters Taught0-67-1314-2021-2728-3435-41 Yes 42.9% (9) 40.0% (4) 71.4% (5) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (1) No 57.1% (12) 60.0% (6) 28.6% (2) 100.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Total Counts21107111

24 Descriptive: Cross Tab, Value and Appreciated/ Longevity Semesters Taught1-67-1314-2021-2728-3435-41 Yes 71.4% (15) 70.0% (7) 85.7% (6) 0.0% (0) 100.0% (1) 100.0% (1) No 28.6% (6) 30.0% (3) 14.3% (1) 100.0% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) Total Counts21107111

25 Conclusions  Part-time faculty will be needed in the future.  For the sake of quality, we must do a better job of assessing our part-time faculty.  We must support, at the institutional level, maintain part- time faculty enthusiasm and satisfaction, while also arming them with the necessary tools and teaching techniques.  The most inexperienced faculty are potentially at the most risk of isolation  They report that there teaching is not being assess by senior faculty/deans(these reason should be explored)

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