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Layers of the Rain Forrest Write On Grade 4. Learner Expectation Content Standard: 2.0 Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment. The student.

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Presentation on theme: "Layers of the Rain Forrest Write On Grade 4. Learner Expectation Content Standard: 2.0 Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment. The student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Layers of the Rain Forrest Write On Grade 4

2 Learner Expectation Content Standard: 2.0 Interactions Between Living Things and Their Environment. The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with non-living elements of their environment. Learning Expectations: 2.1 Investigate the relationships among organisms in a specific ecosystem.

3 In this activity you will: Be able to describe each layer of the Rain Forest. Name an animal that lives in each layer. Illustrate each layer with an animal in its layer.

4 Rain Forest Layers Emergent Layer Canopy Layer Understory Layer Forest Floor Layer

5 Emergent Layer This is the top layer in the Rain Forest with trees over lapping each. Eagles, Hawks live among the branches.

6 Canopy Layer Just under the Emergent layer, fanning out and making a canopy over the lower layers Animals that live here are monkeys, parrots, and lizards. Glad for the warmth of the sun. Most animals in the Rain Forest live in this layer.

7 Understory Layer This layer is below the canopy layer, having shorter trees. It also receives less light than the canopy layer which makes it darker and cooler. Look closely to see the spiders, insects and frogs living in this layer.

8 Forest Floor Layer Here we are at the ground level of the forest where there are flowering shrubs. This area is very shady and only plants that can grow in the shade grow here. The larger animals like the Armadillos, Jaguars, and wild pigs roam on the ground level.

9 Writing Activity Write a paragraph that includes all four layers of the Rain Forest, and include an animal that lives in each. To learn more about the rain forest, visit one of these sites: Learning About Rainforest Rainforest Live Games

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