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WHAT IS ART?. Vocabulary words: Week 1-2 Contemporary Art Description Interpretation Medium/media Form / Formal elements / Elements of composition Context.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS ART?. Vocabulary words: Week 1-2 Contemporary Art Description Interpretation Medium/media Form / Formal elements / Elements of composition Context."— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulary words: Week 1-2 Contemporary Art Description Interpretation Medium/media Form / Formal elements / Elements of composition Context Content Concept Subject Subject matter Modern art (modernism) Behavioral theory of art Instrumental theory of art Institutional definition of art (George Dickie) Aesthetics

3 Let’s look at ART through 3 different lenses: 1. Behavioral / Anthropological perspective: - What kind of behavior is art making? - Is art necessary? Suggested additional reading: Ellen Dissanayake 2. Socio-cultural / Instrumental perspective: - What is art for? - Does contemporary art have a purpose, role, responsibility? Suggested additional reading: Arthur Danto 3. Philosophical perspective: -What role does beauty play in contemporary art? Does a work of art need to be beautiful?  Aesthetics - Why is something considered as art while other things may not? -What is the basis of value judgment? (E.g. “beautiful art” or “good art”) Who can make it?

4 BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE: What kind of a behavior is art making? Why do we do it? INSTRUMENTAL * PERSPECTIVE: What is art being used for? Why do we look at it? *instrumental = a tool for …

5 What kind of a behavior is art making?

6 Non-utilitarian purpose Exploration, innovation (curiosity, creativity) Play? Problem solving? Transcending “normal” modes of operation, seeking novelty and chaos Special kind of experience, heightened experience of being (achievement, catharsis, revelation) Creating an alternative reality “Flow” experience: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Watch at home: FLOWWatch at home: FLOW (Csikszentmihalyi’s talk on TED) Consider relationship between - skill (experience and ability to solve the problem / accomplish the task) and - challenge (novelty, innovation, investment)

7 Why do we do it?

8 Instinctual Basic human instinct for seeking balance, harmony, rhythm Experience of mystery Expression of imagination Need for communicating with others Ritualistic and symbolic functions Experience of FLOW Motivated (conscious, intentional) Communication of an idea, emotion Seeking pleasure, entertainment Political and social functions: - Agent of confrontation: change, transgression, subversion, anarchy e.g. JR on Use Art to turn the World inside out (TED talk, 2011) - Agent of confirmation: propaganda, commercialism – consumer culture (advertisements)

9 What is art being used for? Why do we look at it?

10 Pedro Reyes: Palas por Pistolas (Shovels for Guns)

11 What is it being used for? Why do we look at it? Visual pleasure, beauty?  Expectations toward art? - Being - a “mirror” - reflection/representation of reality ? - a “window” ? - an “alternative” to our reality? Art’s role for: - Individual (Art as an agent of consciousness, morality, empathy, enlightenment, transformation, pleasure, …) - Community, society (“art that does something other than sits on its … in a museum” Claes Oldenburg) - Culture/cultural history (artifact)

12 Homework Writing Assignment#1: Come up with your own definition of what ART is. Consider a definition for ART. Due: Sunday, January 20, 11pm -Create a set of criteria ART must have that distinguishes it from other things and activities. -Be sure to consider your set of criteria from both the point of view of the maker/artist, as well as that of the audience/receiver. -It's not an essay assignment, your definition should be a checklist of clear, concise sentences. Think about it as if you were to write an outline for a larger paper on what art is. -Important!: Make your set of criteria well-rounded and informed by what you’ve learned this week. -Include an (artwork) example for each point, from lectures, the textbook, and the SAM visit. -PDF format only! Remember, dropbox will close at 11pm!

13 My favorite things exhibition Make an exhibition in your home of 5 objects that you own. Pay attention to selecting your objects (what's their significance to you?), to the location (where are you setting them up in your home?), arrangement (distance, spatial relationship between the objects, etc.). 1.Present your exhibition focusing on concept. 2. Ask questions from your partner about context. 3. Together, come up with a 3 sentence Press Release about the exhibition (content). Write press release on index card.

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