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Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1 LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions Maria.

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2 Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style 1 LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, PhD Associate Dean of International Affairs College of Engineering & Computer Science FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 1 1 Maria Mercedes Larrondo Petrie, PhD Associate Dean of International Affairs College of Engineering & Computer Science Globalizing FAU on 0 budget

3 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI Introduction Benefits Impact Initiatives and Upcoming Grant Proposals Future Plans

4 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Introduction The world economy is constantly and rapidly changing and creating new world challenges There is an urgent call for a change in paradigm in engineering education to create the Global Engineer, in particular the Engineer for the Americas.  Organization of American States’ Engineering for the Americas (EftA)  The National Academies The Engineering of 2020 (2004) Educating the Engineer of 2020 (2005) Rising Above the Gathering Storm (2006) Engineers, technology and innovation are key elements for sustained economic development in both developed and emerging economies* *Source Lueny Morell, Global Colloquim 2007

5 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Grand Challenges for Engineering National Academy of Engineering

6 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Big Questions What is the Educational Innovation and experiences needed to produce engineers that can be competitive in the global market, that impact economic and social development, and address the Grand Challenges? How can we scale up initiatives effectively to a regional or national level?

7 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Opportunities in the Latin America Increasing efforts to develop accreditation initiatives in different countries or regions in Latin America Government programs and mandates for graduate degrees increased funds and pool of potential students and professors seeking PhDs. Easier to recruit students and professors in Latin America and the Caribbean – South Florida is a gateway Increased awareness of importance of internationalization of academic programs in this hemisphere. Extensive quantity of technical and natural resources available in the region which are sub-utilized. Well established international programs and offices in many institutions in the region. New U.S. programs to fund international collaborattive research

8 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI Idea originated at Florida International University 2002 at a gathering of Deans and Rectors during Engineering Week Gala 12 university founded LACCEI is 2003 Monterrey, Mexico

9 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI 1 st headquartered at FIU in 2007 headquarters moved to FAU In 2013,160+ universities in the Americas and Europe are part of the consortium Initiatives are part of OAS action plan and done in collaboration with other entities

10 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI = International Collaboration

11 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI - Example Since 2005 been part of OAS Ministers of Science and Technology Plan of Action  Charged with Engineering Education Innovation for Engineering for the Americas  Hemispheric Engineering Education Initiatives pass through LACCEI  Voice of Civil Society at the OAS COMCYT for past 6 years – will present next week in DC Invited to meet with African Ministers in Dec.9 in Tunisia to propose collaborative initiatives  am seeking funding to participate

12 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative 2010 The Inter-American Year of Women (OAS)  An opportunity to evaluate successes and challenges in the defense of women’s human rights and gender equity and equality, and create awareness regarding gender issues. “The low representation of women in science and engineering is a major hindrance to global capacity building in science and technology” Women for Science. An Advisory Report, InterAcademy Council, 2006

13 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative US data In the US, women make up about half of the total workforce and receive half of the degrees in certain scientific fields, yet they represent only about 20% of the nation’s scientific and technical workers (US-NA, 2007). ( Beyond Bias and Barriers, National Academies of Science, 2006 ) Percentage of STEM PhD degrees awarded to Women Source: National Science Foundation (2006). Survey of Earned Doctorates, 1974-2004, Arlington, VA.

14 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative US Data Ten-year Comparison of Undergraduate Women Enrolled in Engineering Disciplines in the U.S 1998 - 2008

15 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative US data % Women in Engineering Degree Programs in 1998 and 2008 (Summarized NSF data in Larrondo Petrie, Beltran Martinez, LACCEI 2010) Degree% Women 1998 %Women 2008 % Change 1998-2008 BS 19.73%17.53%-2.19% MS 20.11%21.60%1.49% PhD 17.50%22.12%4.62% Total 19.61%18.63%-0.98%

16 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative BRAZIL data CNPq Census of Research Groups % of Women Researchers and Women Group Leaders (2008) CNPq Census of Research Groups % of Women Researchers and Women Group Leaders (2008) Source: Strategies and Successes in Getting Women and Gender Considerations included in Brazil Scientific Institutions and Policies, Alice Abreu (2010) CNPq Census of Research Groups Researchers by Sex (%) – 1995-2008 Source: Strategies and Successes in Getting Women and Gender Considerations included in Brazil Scientific Institutions and Policies, Alice Abreu (2010) Scientific Areas % of Women % Women Group Leaders Engineering and Computer Sciences 27.3121.90 Exact Sciences and Earth Sciences 33.7328.21 Agrarian Sciences 37.8632.29 Applied Social Sciences 47.6944.20 Biological Sciences 53.2951.26 Health Sciences 59.2755.44 Human Sciences 60.4056.37 Arts and Linguistics 66.4666.49 TOTAL48.8944.52

17 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative BRAZIL data 20002002200420062008 PhD 49.151.852.854.455.1 MSc Undergraduates Total 54.155.756.057.358.2 CNPq Census of Research Groups Percentage of Women Students in Research Groups by Level 2000-2008 Source: Strategies and Successes in Getting Women and Gender Considerations included in Brazil Scientific Institutions and Policies, Alice Abreu (2010)

18 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative Equity in LAC in STEM research? Other countries in the Latin America and Caribbean % of women enrolled in technological careers: -Chile: 15% (2007) - Costa Rica: 20% (2004) According to a 2009 UN study,  46% of STEM researchers in LAC are female,  Argentina, Cuba, Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela have achieved gender parity. ( Women and Girls in Science and Technology: increasing opportunities in Educatiomn, Research and Employment, Eva M. Rathberger, UN, 2009 )

19 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 OAS-LACCEI Women in STEM initiative Next steps Identify 24 researchers in STEM gender research in the Americas, and write proposal to gather them to design a hemispheric study to produce data that can be compared Work with the researchers and the OAS Ministers of Science and Technology to gather the data Analyze and publish Follow up grants proposal to understand the differences and disseminate best practices

20 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Engineering Education for Disaster Recovery Initiative Launched in 2012 led by 3 Haitian Deans

21 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Engineering Education for Disaster Recovery Initiative Requested:  Redesign of curriculum and degrees to support the rebuilding of Haiti and disaster recovery Earthquake Engineering – University of Buffalo  Design of laboratories  Access and support for software on Cloud  Professors to teach STEM courses or online courses in any language  Research collaborations in area of disaster prevention and recovery. (Haitian National Labs)

22 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Engineering Education for Disaster Recovery Initiative Strategy: Grants (World Bank?) Virtual/Remote Labs (MOOLs) and private MOOCs (SPOCs), and Cloud Collaborators:  LACCEI: experts, infrastructure, double degrees, research  Canada provide Virtual/Remote Labs in French  France and RCI provide MOOC in French, credits  Haiti & Francophone Africa – partner in grant proposals Next step:  Invited to meet with African Ministers Dec 9 in Tunisia to propose, but must find seed funding for travel.

23 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 International Certifications via MOOCs, MOOLs, SPOCs IGIP International Engineering Pedagogist  International certification has been given for 40 years but curriculum content, methodologies and technology need to be updated IGLU University Management and Leadership  IGLU Institute has approached LACCEI to develop a specialization for academic Engineering leaders. Colaboration Community  > 10,000 in the database, designing specialized search engine for searching for academic or research collaborators

24 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI 2003 LACCEI Conference, Santiago, Dominican Republic 2004 LACCEI Conference, Miami, Florida, USA 2005 LACCEI Conference,Cartagena, Colombia 2006 LACCEI Conference, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 2007 LACCEI Conference,Tampico, Mexico 2008 LACCEI Conference, Tegucigalpa, Honduras 2009 LACCEI Conference, San Cristobal, Venezuela 2010 LACCEI Conference, Medellin, Colombia 2012 LACCEI Conference, Panama City, Panama 2013 LACCEI Conference, Cancun, Mexico 2014 LACCEI Conference, Guayaquil, Ecuador < cost, multilingual, multiconference,initiatives launched refereed, ISBN, indexed, archived, invited to LACCEI Journal Hemispheric Student Research Competition – go to Global (recruit) ~500 participants, opportunities for organizing Symposia

25 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI – Examples of conf. legacy LACCEI 2011 - Colombia  Develop a national infrastructure for pedagogy research and training centers (linked to FAU as the hub) For Engineering Faculty Pedagogical Development For STEM High School Teacher Pedagogical Development NSF solicited LACCEI and awarded planning grant (Obama – Colombia agreement) to design a high scale NSF grant under development Guatemala wants to fund the model proposed LACCEI 2014 – Ecuador  Mobile Science and Technology Museum Ioannis Miaoulis, President and Director of Boston Museum of Science gave keynote 2013 and is coming to meet in Dec.

26 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Other initiatives Increasing Internationally Accredited Engineering degree programs in LAC region Engineering Student Leadership and globalization  Hemispheric and Global Research Competition  Global leadership training Engineering Education for Competitiveness  Hemispheric Curricular surveys and pedagogical observatories cemters

27 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI Benefits for FAU Extremely high International visibility for FAU  Increase international rankings and name recognition  Increase graduate recruitment of students Will be named OAS Center of Engineering for the Americas  Plan to leverage Ministers to include FAU as a preferred school for government fellowships Opportunities for participating in grant proposals  NSF awarded unsolicited planning grant  European Union  Africa

28 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 LACCEI Benefits for FAU LACCEI Scholarships - $15,000+ a year tuition reduction without costing tuition waivers  Eligibility any citizen of Latin America or Caribbean (except Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) Graduate or Undergraduate, Any major. Currently the following colleges are offering:  Engineering and Computer Science  Science  Business  Design and Inquiry Requires small $250 per semester scholarship from the department or college from E&G funds Promoted through LACCEI and its conference

29 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Conclusions (1 of 2) Latin America and the Caribbean have understood the importance of engineering and technology as a driving force for economic growth. This is a region thirsty for knowledge, and development; it is also a region with opportunities and valuable human resources. It is important that the academia, industry and government join and align efforts for educating world-class engineers This is a multidisciplinary effort LACCEI provides high benefit and opportunities to FAU at little or no cost

30 FAU Lunch and Learn, 6 November 2013 Gracias, Merci, Obrigado, Thank You LACCEI Board of Directors 160+ Universities Skype:

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