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SPIE Europe Proposal December 2007 WG7 (or a task and term limited sub group of Photonics21) should establish a current and future skills inventory for.

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Presentation on theme: "SPIE Europe Proposal December 2007 WG7 (or a task and term limited sub group of Photonics21) should establish a current and future skills inventory for."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPIE Europe Proposal December 2007 WG7 (or a task and term limited sub group of Photonics21) should establish a current and future skills inventory for photonics in the EU. This should include a realistic assessment of workforce mobility and should cover the complete photonics stimulated economy, i.e. not be restricted to researchers but the broader skills required for successful innovation.

2 Reasons Why In order for the EU investment in photonics to produce a return there must be an innovative and suitably trained workforce, at all levels, to exploit the excellence in research Only a virtuous circle that includes the market will support the efforts in academia, with ongoing justification for funding, and opportunities for students

3 Talent Wars Worldwide there is a growing shortage of STEM talent The common theme from industrial leaders on recent SPIE Europe visits with major “photonics companies” in western Europe was concern on workforce issues There is increasing recognition that traditional engineering education is inadequate for the increasingly “globalized” economy

4 “Germany faces a shortage of engineers” The VDI estimates the shortage of 95,000 engineers is costing the economy $US11 BN a year. Two years ago the need was less than half this number “The main problem remains the lack of interest of young people in science or engineering” May 12 th 2008

5 Workforce shortfall in Japan Source: New York Times, 17 May 2008 1990: First signs of declining interest from undergraduates 2008: Digital Technology Industry: short of 500,000 engineers 1998 – 2008: –Number of undergraduates in Science & Engineering reduced by 10% to 503,026 –Applications to University Engineering programmes fell by one third –79% of companies have no plan to hire foreign engineers or are undecided* *Japanese Economic Ministry report, 2007 Reasons Why

6 “Japan is sitting on a demographic time bomb. An explosion is going to take place. They see it coming, but no one is doing enough about it.” Kazuhiro Asakawa, professor of business at Keio University. Reasons Why Workforce shortfall in Japan Source: New York Times, 17 May 2008

7 Small steps forward in Japan Utsunomiya University in cooperation with Canon added practical instruction to theory- laden curriculum and drew twice the expected turnout of students Asian Talent Fund: $30m/year to combat cultural barriers via language training and internships Fujitsu set a new target of hiring 30 foreign engineers a year (previously 2,000 Japanese / year) Early responses I

8 Early responses II University of Arizona College of Optical Sciences Industrial Affiliates Programme with Annual Affiliates Day Exposes students to industry & vice versa Final year undergraduate “capstone” programme for interdisciplinary student teams to work on industry defined projects. Real problems, not make work for students. Industry involvement and minor funding

9 Sample projects: Straylight Characterization in machine Vision Lenses – with Edmund Optics All Weather Multiple Field of View Infrared Imaging Surveillance Telescope – with BAE Systems Variable-Diameter Spot Projector for LCD Panel Testing – with Axometrics, Inc. Efficiency Test of Solar Panels – with Lockheed Martin Mouse-Optics Based Position Measurement and Display System – with Siskiyou Corporation Capstone projects

10 Internship programmes by Companies “Win-Win-Win” Survey of 50 leading companies on the site reveals: Internships from 10 wk summer programmes to indefinite length Education requirements range from completion of 3 years of college in engineering to PhD and beyond Interns sought for research, manufacturing, testing, design & technical writing – wide variety Early responses III Information taken from actual postings on SPIEWorks

11 Summary To ensure success of the entire EU photonics enterprise, industry needs to be closely involved in forming future education needs and requirements. The skills inventory should be carried out as a matter of priority – without knowing the existing resources, there is a danger of duplicating knowledge and resources as well as excluding tangential fields that need to play into training and education in order to meet the needs of industry

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