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*CASAColumbia. Addictions get their start in the teenage years *CASAColumbia.

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1 *CASAColumbia


3 Addictions get their start in the teenage years *CASAColumbia

4 1 in 4 Teens report having misused or abused a prescription drug at least once in their lifetime. *MedicineAbuseProject

5 1/3 of teens believe “it’s okay to use prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them to deal with an injury, illness, or physical pain” *MedicineAbuseProject

6 40% of teens Who have misused or abused a prescription drug obtained it from their parent’s medicine cabinet *MedicineAbuseProject

7 1 in 5 Parents Indicated that they have given their teen a prescription drug that was not prescribed for them *MedicineAbuseProject

8 Drug overdose became the leading cause of injury death in 2012 surpassing motor vehicle traffic crashes in the US (41,502) *CDC 22,114 (53%) were related to pharmaceuticals

9 113 people die from drug overdose in the United States every day *CDC

10 5 Sterling HS Graduates died from drug overdose in a span of 5 months (11/04/2013 – 04/06/2014)

11 Recognizing Drug Abuse Problems at School – frequently missing school – sudden disinterest in school activities or work – drop in grades or work performance Physical Health Issues – lack of energy and motivation – Drowsiness – Slurred speech – Lack of coordination – Constricted Pupils – Sweaty, clammy skin – Memory problems – Depression *MayoClinic

12 Recognizing Drug Abuse Neglected appearance – lack of interest in clothing, grooming or looks Changes in Behavior – exaggerated efforts to bar family members from entering his or her room – being secretive about where he or she goes with friends – drastic changes in behavior and in relationships with family and friends Spending money – Sudden requests for money without a reasonable explanation – discovery that money is missing or has been stolen – items have disappeared from your home *MayoClinic

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