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Our Academy is located in Piata Romana in the center of Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Academy is located in Piata Romana in the center of Bucharest, the capital of Romania."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our Academy is located in Piata Romana in the center of Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

3 Foreign student who want to study in our Academy are not supposed to take an exam. Entrance competition is based on application file assessment. The file must contain graduation diploma, transcript of records and your petition to your desired specialization.

4 Also, foreign students have to pay a fee. For 1 st cycle the fee is $320/month for full time learning courses or $960/academic year for the distance learning courses, for the 2 nd cycle the fee for full-time or on- line courses is $340/month and for the 3 rd cycle the fee is $340/month.

5 If you don`t have the possibility to pay this taxes Erasmus is your opportunity. Our Academy is a partner in this scholarship program.

6 In order for your ERASMUS stay to be successful, you should read the brochure available at ere/pdf/ERASMUS_2009/Erasmus%20guide. pdf.

7 Once you arrive here you will see that the Academy offers a real home to each student who needs it. There are 6 complexes with different levels of comfort.

8 Each room where are 4 students, has a sink, wardrobes, tables and chairs, internet access and other tools to meet our basic needs. The differences mentioned above are: presence of the bathroom in the room or on the hall and the situation of the campus (in the centre of the city or not). However the most important thing is that in all of them there is a friendly atmosphere and a real student life.

9 Once you have settled you would probably want to know more people. What better way than subscribing to a student organization? There are several student organizations operating within the Bucharest University of Economics. Each of them organizes a wide variety of projects at academic, national or international level with the support of their partners from various institutions and companies.

10 1.The International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences – AIESEC 2. The Bucharest Association of European Students – AEGEE 3. The Association of Students from the Faculty of Finance, Insurance, Banking and Stock Exchange - FINANS 4. The DaAfaceri (YesBusiness) Student AssociationThe International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial SciencesThe DaAfaceri (YesBusiness) Student Association 5. Business Organization for Students (BOS) 6. Microsoft Student Partners 7. ADVICE Students 8. Eurovox 9. The Independent Union of Students from the Faculty of Economics, Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics – SiSC 10. Volunteers for Ideas and Projects - VIPBusiness Organization for Students (BOS)Microsoft Student Partners The Independent Union of Students from the Faculty of Economics, Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics

11 You came, you set, you met new people, now it is time to have some fun. You can socialize with your new friends in one of the bars near A.S.E, you can visit one of the numerous museum that exist in Bucharest or you can go and see a movie, or play in one of our malls. As a first time to Bucharest, we recommend you to visit the old city (Curtea Veche – Lipscani area), the Parliament House (Casa Poporului), the Cotroceni Museum, The National Museum of Art, the Village Museum and all the other interesting places.

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