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Evidenced-Based Interventions for Preventing Further Limitations in Occupational Performance in Individuals with Fibromyalgia Vision in Action Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidenced-Based Interventions for Preventing Further Limitations in Occupational Performance in Individuals with Fibromyalgia Vision in Action Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidenced-Based Interventions for Preventing Further Limitations in Occupational Performance in Individuals with Fibromyalgia Vision in Action Conference Spalding University January 24, 2014 Brittany Hebert, OTS

2 What is Fibromyalgia? Unclear epidemiology Widespread muscle joint pain Fatigue and sleep disturbances Psychosocial factors ▫Depression ▫Anxiety

3 Why Do We Care? Second to osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia is the most common musculoskeletal condition.

4 Why Do We Care? Exercise, relaxation, and stress-reduction techniques may help to control symptoms.

5 Why Do We Care? Fibromyalgia can impact occupational performance. Consider this scenario: Wife and mother of three with fibromyalgia Decreased mobility and endurance Increased pain, trigger points, limited ROM Lack of sleep and anxiety

6 PICO Question What are the most effective interventions to prevent future limitations in occupational performance for individuals with fibromyalgia?

7 About the Research Mostly Randomized Controlled Trials (Level I), included a Pre-Post Test Study (Level III) Research is scarce in OT journals ▫American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ▫Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine ▫Clinical Rehabilitation Studies are from 2006-2012

8 Things to Consider Majority of studies are dominated by female participants ▫Why? Most commonly used outcome measure ▫FIQ  Links to OT  ADL/IADL completion

9 Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire

10 What the Research Says… Physical Aspects ▫Interventions focusing on a variety of exercises and specific techniques (i.e. yoga) coupled with educational programs showed statistically significant improvements for multiple outcomes.  Pain score/ pain catastophizing  Fibromyalgia impact score  Lowered number of tender points  ROM (lumbar extension, cervical flexion, cervical rotation, cervical side bending)  6 Minute Walk Test

11 What the Research Says… Psychosocial Aspects ▫Interventions focusing on patients’ thinking, self- efficacy, and individualized goal setting showed statistically significant improvements for multiple outcomes.  Depression  Emotional distress  Participation in daily occupations  Overall quality of life

12 What the Research Says… Psychosocial Aspects ▫Interventions focusing on a variety of exercises showed statistically significant improvements for multiple outcomes.  Depression  Sleep quality  Fatigue  Mental health  Overall quality of life

13 Implications for OT We can have a positive impact on quality of life and occupational performance through non- pharmacological interventions. Generalizable across a wide variety of settings Addresses multiple client factors Allows for collaboration with other disciplines

14 Thank you for your time!

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