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MammoGrid European federated mammogram database implemented on a GRID infrastructure presented by Salvator Roberto Amendolia / CERN on behalf of the MammoGrid.

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Presentation on theme: "MammoGrid European federated mammogram database implemented on a GRID infrastructure presented by Salvator Roberto Amendolia / CERN on behalf of the MammoGrid."— Presentation transcript:

1 MammoGrid European federated mammogram database implemented on a GRID infrastructure presented by Salvator Roberto Amendolia / CERN on behalf of the MammoGrid Consortium HealthGrid Forum Brussels, 20 th September, 2002

2 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 2 MammoGrid Consortium CERN (Technical Coordinator) –Vitamib (France) - subcontractor Finance/Admin Mirada Solutions (UK) – Medical Image Analysis S/W Univ of Oxford (UK) – Medical Vision Laboratory Univ of Pisa (I) – Medical Physics section Univ oF Sassari (I) – Maths & Physics Dept Univ West of England (UK) – Computing Research Univ of Cambridge (UK) – Addenbrookes Hospital Univ Hospital of Udine (I) – Inst of Diagnostic Imaging –Ospedale Valdese Torino (I) - Breast Screening Unit - subcontr. –Zybert Computing Ltd. (UK) - Subcontractor for GRIDserver Project kick-off meeting CERN 18 th -19 th September 2002

3 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 3 MammoGrid Objectives 1.To evaluate current Grids technologies and determine the requirements for Grid-compliance in a pan-European mammography database. 2.To implement the MammoGrid database, using novel Grid- compliant and Federated-Database technologies that will provide improved access to distributed data and will allow rapid deployment of software packages to operate on locally stored information. 3.To deploy enhanced versions of a standardization system that enables comparison of mammograms in terms of intrinsic tissue properties independently of scanner settings, and to explore its place in the context of medical image formats (DICOM). 4.To develop software tools to automatically extract image information that can be used to perform quality controls on the acquisition process of participating centres (e.g. average brightness, contrast).

4 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 4 MammoGrid Objectives (cont.) 5.To develop software tools to automatically extract tissue information that can be used to perform clinical studies (e.g. breast density, presence, number and location of micro- calcifications) in order to increase the performance of breast cancer screening programs. 6.To use the annotated information and the images in the database to benchmark the performance of the software described in points 3, 4 and 5. 7.To exploit the MammoGrid database and the algorithms to propose initial pan-European quality controls on mammographic acquisition and ultimately to provide a benchmarking system to third party algorithms.

5 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 5 Mammography Diagnosis and GRID. GRID opens up the possibility of addressing important clinical needs in radiology: - Data sharing among clinicians for second review diagnosis. - Image Based epidemiological studies - Computer Aided Quality Control in Acquisition and Diagnosis - Validation of Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems

6 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 6 A GRID INFRASTRUCTURE IS IDEAL The databases to statistically validate image based clinical hypothesis are: Populated by large number of cases Contain large files (1 mammogram 10Mb+) Geographically distributed repositories Heterogenous database formats Need to be accessible to co-workers Development and validation of medical image analysis solutions demands: Computationally expensive simulations. Repeated runs for optimal parameter tuning. Statistical test rigs. Remote execution and maintenance Services (e.g. security) must be system-resident, invisible, generic

7 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 7 Mammo GRID Philosophy Project concentrates on applying emerging GRID technology rather on developing it. It plans to implement a ‘lightweight’ (but fully functional) GRID and study its usage in hospitals It will draw heavily on other Grids projects e.g. DataGrid It will deliver a prototype federated database of mammograms in hospitals in the UK and Italy It will investigate : –the role of Grids-based meta-data for resolving queries –the use of standardised mammogram to resolve image and population variability –Health data security using a novel ‘Grid box’ –the infrastructure needed for CADe It will provide rapid feedback from the Hospital community And should inform the next generation of HealthGrids developments

8 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 8 HEP vs Mammogrid Similarities –Large number of big files –Files can be sensibly organized in directory tree –Need to replicate and move file copies between sites –Need to execute commands on the node which hosts data locally Difficulties –Complexity of co-working in medical environment –Lack of trained IT personnel –Confidentiality

9 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 9 Problem Typical next generation HEP experiment –Large scale simulation & reconstruction effort –Heavily distributed processing and event storage ~1000 scientists in ~100 of institutions –Complex analyses of distributed data –Large files (one event up to 2GB) 10^9 files/year (x n, n>2) 2 PB/year Experiment lifetime –20-25 years GRID –Widely accepted as a solution

10 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 10 The challenge in HEP Can we provide, building on top of available public domain and open source components and standards, a functional distributed computing infrastructure to the community of our users which will remain operational even if underlying technologies keep changing?

11 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 11 One HEP solution AliEn framework –Lightweight, simplified but fully functional GRID implementation –Distributed file catalogue with support for replication –Strong (certificate) based authentication –Resource broker –Possibility to submit and execute commands in the system It makes extensive use of Open Source components and the latest internet standards (SOAP, Web services, OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, Globus, MySQL, perl, CPAN) AliEn provides coherent interface and shields user from rapid changes in underlying technology On mid to long term, ALICE experiment remains committed to integrate AliEn with DataGRID solutions as they become available Given the worldwide nature of ALICE computing, AliEn will be interfaced to other GRID solutions (U.S., Asia, Japan..)

12 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 12 AliEn and Open Source Benefits of development based on OpenSource components are more than obvious…

13 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 13 Some AliEn features Authentication module which supports various authentication methods (including Globus/GSI) Distributed file catalogue built on top of RDBMS with user interface that mimics the file system Secure file transport and replication Service Task queue which holds commands to be executed in the system (commands, inputs and outputs are all registered in catalogue) Computing and Storage elements Metadata catalogue Monitoring framework C/C++/perl API Web portal EDG compatible authentication and JDL

14 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 14 GRID of GRIDs AliEn User Interface AliEn stackiVDGL stackEDG stack

15 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 15 Federated System Solution Hospital Italy Healthcare Institute University Database Hospital UK Shared meta-data Analysis-specific data Knowledge is stored alongside data Active (meta-)objects manage various versions of data and algorithms Small network bandwidth required Clinician’s Workstations Query Result Local Query Local Analysis Local Analysis Local Analysis Local Analysis Massively distributed data AND distributed analyses GRID Local Query Local Query Local Query

16 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 16 MammoGrid Workpackages WP 1Project Management WP 2User Requirements Specifications WP 3Information System Architecture and Grid Compliance WP 4Local Node Implementation WP 5 Integration Environment WP 6 Standardisation Software WP 7 Acquisition Control Software for a Grid deployment scenario. WP 8 Software for CAD Diagnosis and QC in a Grid deployment scenario. WP 9 Pilot Study 1: Breast Density Measurements in a Grid deployment Scenario WP10 Pilot Study 2: CAD for Quality Control in a Grid deployment scenario WP11 Dissemination & Exploitation

17 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 17 MammoGrid Implementation Use case/ validation User Req’s & Specs GRID/DB infrastructure H/W local node implem. Standardisation S/W. Application S/W Dissemination & Exploitation Project Management WP 2 CERN/UWE Hospitals WP 3 - CERN/UWE WP 4 - Mirada WP 6 - Mirada Integration test bed WP 5 - CERN WP 7&8 - Oxford, Pisa/Sassari WP 9&10 Cambridge Udine WP 11 - All WP 1 - CERN (Vitamib) specifications Information infrastructure

18 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 18 Main Deliverables/milestones User Requirements Specification and Technical System Specification (months 3, 6) Prototype GRID-compliant database and information infrastructure (first release m. 18, final rel. m. 36) Packaged medical imaging workstation with interface to GRID, secure GRID box, (month 12) Grid compliant SMF software (month 12) Application software (CADe etc.) (months 12, 24, 36) Clinical Trial results (month 24, 36)

19 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 19 Dissemination & Clustering “GRID related” dissemination efforts –CERN/UWE members of Global Grid Forum, GGF and of the Object Management Group, OMG –CERN already in GRIDSTART for dissemination and closely working with DataGrid. UWE to join. –Pursue relationship with EU funded GRID projects (e.g. CROSSGRID, BIOGRID, GEMSS) –Develop relationship with NDMA project (USA) “Clinical dissemination” –Advisory Group (Oxford, Torino, IMIM & GEIE-LINC) to give visibility to future MammoGrid partners. “Medical Image Analysis dissemination” –Academic dissemination through targeted conferences and journals in computer science & medical informatics

20 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 20 Exploitation Mirada –Establish SMF as a standard for breast density measurement. –Establish SMF as a standard for mammogram data exchange. –Prototype SMF based review workstation for CADiagnosis. CERN/UWE –Study the spinning-out of GRID/database technologies to address needs in healthcare Oxford –Develop patentable technologies for medical image analysis products. –Transfer of technology agreement with Mirada. Pisa/Sassari –Develop patentable technologies for medical image analysis products.

21 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 21 MammoGrid Added Value Previous EC projects MammoGrid Distributed network of medical images DB (Medimedia) GroupWare collaborative platform (Horizon) Remote consultation/diagnostic, (Europath) Case-by-case security implementations Point-to-point connectivity on the Web Multiple federated mammogram databases Clinicians tele- and co-working in new and innovative groupings (‘virtual organisations’) Distributed and ubiquitous analysis and diagnosis Security handled by services’ on the Grid’ Massive connectivity and datasets with massive available compute power

22 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 22 eDiamond (UK) and GP-CALMA (I) similar approach, one UK based, one Italy based, one Europe wide synergy!! Different areas of application Teaching & CPD eDiamond Tele-diagnosis GP-CALMA Quality control MammoGrid Epidemiology MammoGrid Algorithm development: data mining eDiamond CADe development GP-CALMA

23 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 23 GRID - which one? One year ago GRID projects were still in their infancy Globus Toolkit™ –Open source toolkit for building GRID infrastructure and applications –APIs, SDKs, and tools which implement Grid protocols & services Components Globus Toolkit™ are used in many current GRID (including EU DataGrid) projects but… –toolkit is only a toolkit –someone has to do integration work Emerging new technologies and standards –Web services, W3 standard protocols.. –B2B solution, not specifically designed to support massive distributed computing

24 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 24 “Web Services” Geneva, May 2001: –Instead of using Globus toolkit or waiting for DataGRID to deliver re- packaged version of Globus, we decided to try different path and use Web Services and related standards as a backbone of our GRID implementation Web Services - components –WSDL: Web Services Description Language Interface Definition Language for Web services –SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol XML-based RPC protocol; common WSDL target –UDDI: Universal Desc., Discovery, & Integration Directory for Web services GGF in Toronto, February 2002 : Web Services declared as a key element of new OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture) initiative

25 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 25 I OGSA

26 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 26 AliEn Open Source Components SASL/OpenSSL/OpenCA as authentication protocol Globus/GSS as an implementation of authentication compatible with other Grid projects ClassAds language for job description (compatible with EU DataGrid) OpenLDAP for configuration management Apache for Web Portal MySQL as relational database backend

27 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 27 Conclusions on AliEn After just one year of development with limited resources, AliEn has become a lightweight, simplified but fully functional GRID implementation Adding AliEn interface between our application and external GRID infrastructure –Allows us early prototyping of GRID technology –Enables massive distributed production –Protects users from rapid changes in technology It makes extensive use of Open Source components and the latest internet standards (SOAP, OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, Globus, MySQL, These components and modules are interchangeable and easily replaceable by other (possibly non-OpenSource) components offering the same functionality

28 20 September 2002HealthGrid Forum - BrusselsMammoGrid Project 28 (…) It is possible to define an abstract interface (API to be used by Mirada Workstation) for which we will provide an implementation based on AliEn. If there is clear benefit for our project, we could consider using WebSphere as UDDI service DB2 as relational DB backend However, this has not been planned and would require additional effort. In our current picture, GridBox will act as adapter between GRID (services) and Mirada Workstation

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