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Introduction of Staff Red Team White Team Mrs. Line – English Mr. Huesgen – Global Studies Mrs. McConnell – Math Mrs. Brown – Reading Mrs. Singleton –

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2 Introduction of Staff Red Team White Team Mrs. Line – English Mr. Huesgen – Global Studies Mrs. McConnell – Math Mrs. Brown – Reading Mrs. Singleton – Science Mrs. Arnold – English Mrs. O’Brien – Global Studies Mr. Honig – Math Miss Taylor – Reading Mrs. Carley – Science Mrs. Page—Gifted SupportMr. Lewis—Learning Support Ms. Hoebee—Autistic SupportMrs. Talotta—Learning Support Mrs. Breisch– Emotional SupportMs. Vitalo—ELL Support Mr. Moser—Learning Support Mrs. Levan—Learning Support

3 Grading Procedures CategoryWeight Summative Assessment55% Homework10% Other35% *Up-to-date grades can always be checked online with Skyward Home Access!

4 Retake Procedures Students will be allowed to retake summative assessments based on the following conditions: Students can retake a summative assessment regardless of score. The maximum score resulting from any retake is 100% Students may only retake each summative assessment one time Retakes may be taken with teacher discretion of what the student needs to complete: This will allow a child to retake only the topics that he/she has demonstrated a need to strengthen. Under this option, the student’s retake grade will replace his/her original score. Teacher discretion should be used if students must have completed all classwork and homework assignments in order to retake a summative assessment. Students may be asked to complete the “Retake Learning Plan” in order to retake a summative assessment. The retake assessment must be different in questions but equal in rigor. The structure of the assessment may change at the teacher’s discretion Formative assessments (quizzes) are available for retake at the teacher’s discretion.

5 Common Procedures Homework Daily homework assignments will not be accepted late Complete in pencil or blue or black ink Long term assignments and projects Grade based on rubric Handbook must be carried at all times Novel must be carried at all times

6 Homework Homework Hotline Library/Tutoring open until 4:00 Computer Lab open until 4:00 Use handbook for writing down daily assignments and long-term projects Check Teacher Webpages!

7 Field Trip “A Dickens of a Christmas” Connected to A Christmas Carol At Hope Mansion December 12 th Approximate cost $15 Cost can be reduced by participating in fundraising Magazine orders are due 9/20

8 Team Information Teams meet from 10:08-10:58 AM Red Team – Days 1, 4, and 6 White Team – Days 1, 5, and 6 Contact information can be found on the Southern website under teams or under staff

9 Specials Music—Mrs. Voigt Units of Study: Music listening vocabulary Chords Renaissance: Minstrel Song Baroque: Bach and Vivaldi Classical: Beethoven and Mozart GUITAR! Sing 3 part music and enter contest for pizza party! Notebooks: An important part of developing organization and study skills. Must have a MUSIC notebook. Must have a Table of Contents Must keep a listening chart with 5 characteristics

10 Family & Consumer Sciences—Mrs. Wolf Students will continue their Family and Consumer Sciences experience with a Pennsylvania State Standards based course which includes Food Science and Nutrition and Financial and Resource Management. Food Science and Nutrition will expand on skills and knowledge attained in grade 6 Family and Consumer Sciences course. In the Financial and Resource management unit students will also learn about their rights and responsibilities as a consumer and how to utilize various strategies to obtain quality consumer goods and services.

11 Web 2.0 Career Concepts— Mrs. Sczcepkowski In Web 2.0 Career Concepts, students will gain knowledge and experience in the Career Standards and Economics, while using Web 2.0 Tools to communicate and collaborate. Students will explore the local and national job market by reviewing recent statistics on employment, salaries, job outlook, and job responsibilities. They will research a career of choice, and through a self-analysis, determine if their dream job truly suites their future lifestyle choices. Students will study various entrepreneurs, and compare and contrast traits necessary for success in any career.

12 Art—Mrs. Jones Students will be building skills and using inventive ideas to produce works of art. We will start the quint by making a portfolio and art journal which will be used throughout the 7 weeks of art. The portfolio is an on-going project that is due the last week of the quint. Other projects include 2D and 3D artworks such as painting, drawing, and working with clay. Feel free to visit my website for more information on projects, grades, and the upcoming Spring art show.

13 Gateway to Technology — Mr. Luft Gateway to Technology (GTT) is a new curriculum that is aligned with the Pennsylvania Science & Technology Standards. GTT is part of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) pre engineering program that is offered at the high school. 7 th grade Gateway to Technology Design & Modeling - This unit introduces students to design and problem solving. Students will learn how to use Autodesk Inventor which is parametric 3-dimensional modeling software to solve problems. Students will also learn sketching techniques and use descriptive geometry as a component of design, measurement, and computer modeling. Magic of Electrons - Students will explore the science of electricity, the movement of atoms, circuit design, and sensing devices. Students will explore many concepts of electronics through lab activities such as building an electric motor. Students will also have an opportunity to solder together an electronics project that incorporates transistors, resistors, capacitors, and LED’s.

14 Wellness— Mr. Brubaker, Mrs. Underwood, Mrs. Worrell Wellness is a combination of Health and PE. Students will be graded each class based on their preparation, effort, attitude, respect, and knowledge. The rubric for this is on our website and the class guidelines. Uniform is a white shirt, red athletic shorts, socks, and sneakers Students are given a lock and locker to use. $3 to replace a lost lock. A parent note is required to miss 1 class. If more than 2 classes, then a doctor’s note is needed. ALL of this information is on our class guidelines, which is located on each one of our websites.

15 Extracurricular Eligibility Eligibility report is run on Thursday. Failing 2 major subjects or 1 major and 2 minor subjects – ineligible for 1 week (Monday to Sunday) Student must report to tutoring/ study session before going to practice or a game. If student misses a tutoring session, it must be made up the following week. Ineligible students will not be allowed to participate in field trips or non-graded musical performances. At the end of a quarter, student will be ineligible for 20 school days.

16 Student Assistance Program Seeks to identify at-risk students who are having problems in school and to refer them for help. Strictly confidential Referrals are made by administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and students. District SAP Coordinator – Mrs. Michelle Zawilla

17 Student Led Conferences Purpose: Students accept responsibility for learning and become more aware of the learning process. Students report academic growth to parents and progress toward becoming life long learners Increase parent participation in conferences Move students toward goal of being life long learners Conferences will be held in mid-January—more information will be forthcoming

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