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Miss Takes Challenge March Week 4. Monday kite floo away when I letted go of it 2.It flew more quickley than I thinked it would.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Takes Challenge March Week 4. Monday kite floo away when I letted go of it 2.It flew more quickley than I thinked it would."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Takes Challenge March Week 4

2 Monday kite floo away when I letted go of it 2.It flew more quickley than I thinked it would.

3 Tuesday 1.Plase the salt and pepper in the senter of the table 2.Put an fork a knife and a spune at each place setting.

4 Wednesday 1.we learnt a new danse in P.E. class 2.we has to cownt out all of our dance steps

5 Thursday 1.The soil are very sawft? us can plants our gardon.

6 Friday 1.Susie scremed look how big the slide at Dollywood is 2.Susie screamt, Look how big the slide at Dollywood are.

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