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Creating the Right Environment: Becoming a Strategic Partner March 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the Right Environment: Becoming a Strategic Partner March 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating the Right Environment: Becoming a Strategic Partner March 2007

2 Process Interface Map Project Management Development Lifecycles OIT Strategy & Enterprise Architecture Project Portfolio Management we do three things: OperateImplementStrategize Operations and Customer Support Product Management Business In support of our Customer PMO

3 Theory of Conscious Alignment Explicit and managed alignment of actual resource utilization with the stated strategic objectives of the organization. Grand Strategy / Vision / Mission Business Culture Strategic Objectives Strategic and Cultural Leadership Strategic Initiatives Prioritization Criteria Project Prioritization Resource Allocation Project Portfolio Management Solution Implementation Ongoing Operations Project and Business Management

4 Theory of Conscious Alignment Vision Grand Strategy Mission Business Culture Strategic Objectives Objectives Strategic Initiatives Prioritization Prioritization Criteria Project Prioritization Resource Allocation Allocation Solution Implementation Implementation Ongoing Operations

5 VisionVision / Grand Strategy / Mission The Office of Information Technology (OIT) supports the mission and objectives of BYU by providing: Infrastructure that supports communication, data, and multimedia; and offers worldwide access to services anytime Tools that enhance learning, teaching, and scholarship Tools necessary to improve the key decision-making and administrative processes of BYU Tools that enable electronic communication and collaboration Training and support that enable members of the BYU community to effectively use technology products and services All activities within OIT will be done with an attitude of customer responsiveness and cost consciousness, ensuring that all products and services are reliable and secure. OIT will appropriately leverage the resources of BYU in ways that benefit other CES units and the Church. “If you can’t say it simply, you probably don’t understand it.” Albert Einstein

6 Corporate Culture Collaboration Control Cultivation Competence Customer Oriented “Customer is King!” Process Focused “The Right Way!” Employee Retention “The Best Place to Work!” Product Driven “Quality is Job One!” “An organization’s culture provides order & structure for activity.” William Schneider

7 Corporate CultureCulture Collaboration Control Cultivation Competence “Culture determines how success is defined and accomplished.” Peter Drucker

8 During Resource Planning – this criterion is not applicable, since Product Portfolio Managers will have reviewed all projects with the members of the President’s Council. What level of sponsorship is directly involved in the request or proposal? 1Customer Responsiveness 7 Appropriate Technical Risk 6 Reach/Supports our customer-consumer base 5 Seamless and interoperable technology 4 Increased Effectiveness and accessiblity 3 Improvement of Reliability and Integrity 2 5 = Evidence of benefit and transferability 3 = Evidence of benefit but no evidence of transferability 1 = No evidence of benefit 5 = extends beyond BYU-Provo campus 4 = BYU-Provo, or large subsets of multiple campuses 3 = supports a large subset of BYU-P 2 = supports a smaller subset of BYU-P 1 = supports a very small subset of BYU-P 5 = supports the architecture/relatively easy to implement 3 = moves towards the new architecture/modifications to existing infrastructure required 1 = does not comply with the architecture/major modifications required to the infrastructure 5 = user and provider 3 = either one 1 = neither one 5 = urgent 3 = pressing need 1 = not urgent -and- 4 = system and process(data) integrity 2 = system or process(data) integrity 4 = unnecessary/likely redundancy and cycle time 2 = unnecessary/likely redundancy or cycle time -and- ↑ if it decreases identifiable hard costs ↓ if it increases identifiable hard costs Is this moving toward evidenced best practices? How broad? How varied? How many users? Does it easily integrate with the proposed architecture / standards / other products? Does it enable or improve the ability of the user/provider to do what they need to do? Does it respond to the immediacy of need and the dimensions of integrity? Does it reduce unnecessary/likely system redundancy, hard costs, and cycle time? 1 1 1 1 1.5 1Optimize the use of resources 1 Proposal Scoring AnchorsProposal CriteriaStrategy / Objective Project Prioritization ModelPrioritization

9 The Integrated Project System

10 Involvement at all levels of the company

11 Communicate status Evidence strategic alignmentCommunicate Monitor resource utilization Unify messages A dashboard should be used to:dashboard

12 Well defined processes support reliable, consistent, predictable results Step-by-Step Iterative Self-Correcting Scalable

13 Processes that support an organization must consider their impact on others Processes Departments People Strategies We call these “Stargates” – moving from one dimension into other -

14 Product Management Process Strategize Understand the Market Understand the Customers Evaluate the Portfolio Research the Industry I d e n t i f y O p p o r t u n i t i e s Investigate Options Implement Develop the Product D e s i g n Deploy the Product Operate Manage the Product Life Cycle Optimize the User-base Monitor Performance Metrics Maintain the Product Manage Financials D e f i n e R e q u i r e m e n t s E x p l o r e A l t e r n a t i v e s A n a l y z e F e a s i b i l i t y D e f i n e t h e P r o d u c t Develop Test Manage Training Manage Communications T r a n s i t i o n t o O p e r a t i o n s R e t i r e t h e P r o d u c t

15 Project Management Process

16 Process Innovation ModelModel

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