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About APTMetrics Global Talent Management Solutions Provider Comprised of: Ph.D. industrial/organizational psychologists Human resource consultants Information.

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Presentation on theme: "About APTMetrics Global Talent Management Solutions Provider Comprised of: Ph.D. industrial/organizational psychologists Human resource consultants Information."— Presentation transcript:

0 When “Who” and “How” Trump “What”:
Developing a Diversity Strategy That Sticks Mary L. Martinéz D&I Practice Leader

1 About APTMetrics Global Talent Management Solutions Provider Comprised of: Ph.D. industrial/organizational psychologists Human resource consultants Information technology specialists What Sets APTMetrics Apart: Professional integrity Evidence-based approach Technical expertise Customer service Diversity Supplier Certified as a women-owned business by WBENC Certified as a women-owned small business by the US SBA Global Strategies for Talent Management. APTMetrics, Inc. is the only human resource consultancy that builds world-class talent solutions and is nationally recognized for its employment litigation support services. This combination ensures that the talent management programs we deliver to our clients are fair, valid and legally defensible. 1 1

2 Our Areas of Expertise Leader Assessment Employee Selection
Litigation Support Diversity Strategy & Measurement Job Analysis Competency Modeling Performance Management Staffing for Mergers & Acquisitions Organizational Surveys Global Strategies for Talent Management. 2 2

3 Our Web-Based Solutions Platform
APTMetrics® SelectionMetrics® Employee Selection System LeadINsm Leadership Assessment Suite JobMetrics® Job Analysis System 360Metrics® 360-Degree Feedback System SurveyMetrics® Organizational Survey System 3

4 APTMetrics’ U.S. Offices

5 Agenda for Today’s Discussion
Your challenges? APTMetrics’ approach to sustainable D&I change Common strategy development missteps Steps to effective strategy Strategy development example Application Your comments and questions

6 What challenges have you faced in developing D&I strategy in your organization?

7 Underlying Principles for Our Work
An organization’s D&I definition, focus and measures reflect its stage of diversity and inclusion maturity Every successful intervention begins with accurate assessment and diagnosis of issues and opportunities in the business context Stakeholders must play an active role if change is to occur Assessment results need to tell a compelling story in order to motivate action D&I must be embedded in every aspect of how the organization does its work Strategy is not static: sustainability requires review, redirection and raising the bar Ongoing measurement that is meaningful and drives desired behaviors is the key to accelerating change

8 The D&I Journey Activation Inclusion Recognition Compliance
Increasing Cultural Competence Utilizing differences to achieve the organization’s competitive success Activation Seeking the positive value of differences through engagement Inclusion Acknowledging differences as a challenge to be managed Recognition Avoidance of legal issues relative to treatment of protected classes Compliance Increasing Linkage of D&I to the Business Strategy

9 Cultural Competence is Essential for Sustainable D&I

10 Missteps in D&I Strategy Development
Contributing Factor Impact D&I/HR or non-executive Council drafts strategy without business leadership participation Wrong messages sent about roles Lack of business leader ownership or understanding of the issues Strategy is too generic or high-level Organization has difficulty translating into concrete actions for implementation Strategy not built from business objectives D&I actions not seen as priority or related to achieving business goals Strategy designed around discrete activities and programs rather than an integrated vision for the desired end state Failure to leverage resources People don’t “connect the dots” Lack of flexibility for adaptation to local needs (function, site, region, country) Disengagement of stakeholder groups Lack of action at local level Inappropriate or inadequate metrics Measurement doesn’t drive progress on strategic objectives -- may drive undesirable behaviors

11 Steps to Effective Strategy
Be clear on the roles of business leaders v. HR/D&I Actively engage leadership in the strategy dialogue and decision making Assess the D&I status quo thoroughly, against the backdrop of the business and HR strategies to determine gaps for the Workforce Workplace Marketplace (customers/suppliers) Communities Ensure clear goals in alignment with HR and business needs and build specific plans, accountabilities, and milestones

12 Most Effective Roles for Key D&I Stakeholders

13 Executive and BU-level Councils Drive Action
Business Head Chairperson Exec Team Member Exec Team Member D&I or HR Facilitator D&I Influencer

14 Engaging Senior Leaders in Meaningful Dialogue about Strategy
Why it’s important Personal engagement requires interaction with the data, issues and reality of D&I in the organization and the marketplace Ownership at the top fosters accountability being pushed down through the organization Sends a message to the organization that D&I is part of the business landscape, not a separate endeavor Enables senior leaders to speak knowledgeably about D&I because they have struggled with what it means for their organization Ensures implementation resources

15 Engaging Senior Leaders in Meaningful Dialogue about Strategy
Your role and key tasks as D&I expert Be well-versed in the business Do your homework on status quo and potential “burning platform” factors If possible, work through an Executive-level D&I Council or Task Force Enlist individual champions at the senior leadership level Educate and engage through the strategy development process Know the questions to ask that point to connections between D&I and business success

16 A Metrics-Driven Approach that Accelerates D&I by Starting from the Business Strategy
HR/talent strategy to support the goal Product/ Market strategy to support the goal D&I Workforce and Workplace Linkages? (Issues + Opportunities) D&I Marketplace and Community Linkages? (Issues + Opportunities) Status Quo v. What’s Required to Optimize Leverage = D&I Strategy Workforce and Workplace Actions and Account- abilities Marketplace & Community Actions and Account-abilities RelevantD&I People Metrics Relevant D&I Business Metrics Business Goal Assess & Diagnose Engage & Embed The Process: Measure & Revise

17 Strategy Development Example: Workforce & Workplace
HR & Strategies D&I Linkages Gap Analysis D&I Strategies D&I Metrics Hire additional IT staff with social media expertise Provide work environment, challenges, and rewards for IT staff with required skills Many of those in target IT workforce are Gen Y, from diverse backgrounds Have different career goals/ expectations Don’t have strength in recruiting or retaining targeted workforce; need new sources/ approaches to recruitment and retention Improve brand image with targeted workforce Increase workplace flexibility and openness Implement new career paths for IT function Perception of company brand by potential hires Completion of changes to flex options by __ Hire and retention stats Business Goal Leverage Social Media to Increase On-line Sales to younger buyers

18 Strategy Development Example: Marketplace & Community
Business Goal Leverage Social Media to Increase On-line Sales to younger buyers Business Strategies D&I Linkages Gap Analysis D&I Strategies D&I Metrics Update online brand image to appeal to market Pilot crowdsourcing for product enhancement Target market has significant racial/ethnic diversity – will need to assess impact on product branding and marketing vehicles Do not currently have adequate market segment data Few linkages to on-line communities attracting targeted segments Conduct further research, starting with tapping Young Professionals ERG, who can also provide links to virtual (and actual communities) Market share increases Response rates to social media marketing # of ideas implemented from ERGs

19 Areas for Measurement Workforce Profile Programs/Processes
How many? What trends? What patterns? Programs/Processes How many? How well? What impact? Diversity Climate How fair, flexible, engaging, and open to differing perspectives? Business Impact How much more (productivity, sales/market share, cost savings)?

20 Example of a Multi-Dimensional D&I Scorecard
Workforce Profile Current picture of representation Trends in hires, advancements, departures Programs/Processes Participation in activities/programs (eg, training, mentoring) Evaluations of participant experience with programs Program impact (eg, on advancement, retention) Qualitative Processes Diversity Climate Employee perceptions Complaints; charges 360-degree feedback HR process audits Business Impact ROI (cost/benefit) of internal process changes Increased innovation, productivity, quality Market growth Customer satisfaction Quantitative Outcomes

21 Small Group Application
In your small group Select an HR or Market strategy that is critical to one of the companies represented in your group Identify the potential D&I implications for this strategy Suggest 1-2 strategies for D&I that would support the business/HR strategy? How might progress be measured? Be prepared to report out on your discussion

22 Your questions and comments?

23 Contact Information APTMetrics, Inc. One Thorndal Circle Second Floor Darien, CT 06820 Global Strategies for Talent Management.

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