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Reliability and Validity of 2004 LibQUAL+™ Scores for Different Language Translations Martha Kyrillidou Colleen Cook Bruce Thompson ALA Annual Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Reliability and Validity of 2004 LibQUAL+™ Scores for Different Language Translations Martha Kyrillidou Colleen Cook Bruce Thompson ALA Annual Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reliability and Validity of 2004 LibQUAL+™ Scores for Different Language Translations Martha Kyrillidou Colleen Cook Bruce Thompson ALA Annual Conference Chicago, IL June 26, 2005

2 Goals of LibQUAL+™ Foster a culture of excellence in providing library service Help libraries better understand user perceptions of library service quality Collect and interpret library user feedback systematically over time Provide libraries with comparable assessment information from peer institutions Identify best practices in library service Enhance library staff members' analytical skills for interpreting and acting on data

3 LibQUAL+™ 2003 Summary United Kingdom

4 LibQUAL+™ 2004 by the Numbers LibrariesSurveys Total202112,551 American English16986,195 College or University12174,660 Academic Law234,244 Academic Health Sciences124,077 Hospital71,113 Community College3771 Family History1784 Smithsonian Institution1459 Public187 British English2222,039 College or University1820,517 European Business41,522 French Canadian1458 Continental French1335 Dutch/Dutch English2398 Swedish/Swedish English73,126 ARL5733,035

5 LibQUAL+™ International Participation Countries: Canada, the U.K., France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia Languages: American English, British English, Swedish, Dutch, French, French Canadian Consortia: SCONUL (Society of College, National, & University Libraries – U.K.), EBSLG (European Business Schools Librarians’ Group)

6 Participating Libraries World LibQUAL+™ Survey

7 Participants by language Years Language20002001200220032004 American English1342164285170 British English 2021 Continental French 1 Dutch 1 Dutch English 11 French Canadian 21 Swedish 5 Swedish English 2 TOTAL1342164308202

8 LibQUAL+™ Languages

9 Standard Translation

10 LibQUAL+™ Web Interface: Mapping Survey Items

11 Cronbach's  for 2004 Scale Scores n AffServ LibPlace Info_Con American Eng 30,706.9426.8816.9056 British Eng 10,086.9256.8398.8756 Canadian Fr 266.9294.8633.8506 Continent Fr 229.9145.8055.8501 Dutch 126.9041.8528.8788 Swedish 1,262.9499.8347.9073

12 LibQUAL+ TM Total Scores 2004 n  American Eng 30,706.9557 British Eng 10,086.9412 Canadian Fr 266.9349 Continent Fr 229.9173 Dutch 126.9057 Swedish 1,262.9530

13 American English (n=30,706) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.717270.248600.18210 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.711900.246850.20260 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.797550.192280.19451 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.755660.305170.24028 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.715590.358780.21813 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.809690.243850.25478 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.734580.364530.25152 AS18 Willingness to help users0.778210.313250.23487 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.642970.392740.25943 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.210020.204560.79704 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.229550.199450.77358 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.289040.238600.73978 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.253370.345600.73198 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study0.201510.279000.68609 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.213050.691260.12656 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.272780.692940.19427 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.320750.545280.34269 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.303250.738920.22903 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.324480.592650.36892 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.373440.674180.28281 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.404780.666450.30582 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.244430.701260.28204

14 British English (n=10,086) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.698800.239540.15054 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.657750.195120.20928 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.786540.147640.17040 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.717820.295980.20843 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.674030.335370.20267 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.805300.185180.22729 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.722670.339230.21210 AS18 Willingness to help users0.777030.289840.21710 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.623450.378630.20837 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.186170.189320.79020 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.138650.165050.77582 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.285300.228050.72189 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.248430.295630.76764 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study0.182560.155810.56469 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.152710.642820.07780 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.240820.675360.13846 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.318960.460340.38960 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.249620.728970.20539 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.311270.588250.35423 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.347340.649170.23640 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.385790.651740.28373 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.219260.665950.27799

15 Canadian French (n=266) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.738630.098830.16487 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.621030.132160.22017 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.780910.176530.05171 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.751360.283410.16035 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.741110.198990.25165 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.777090.321120.21831 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.767090.266600.27808 AS18 Willingness to help users0.821230.238330.10307 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.683350.328510.26546 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.223610.739990.14417 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.247030.710160.08446 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.223380.809110.11506 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.179240.803540.25087 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study0.251650.671210.13038 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.022930.082540.69242 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.272450.025060.64826 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.293540.435320.37566 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.223120.401640.63865 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.258190.502080.43301 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.302160.153350.73939 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.347120.145660.71351 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.026320.414330.60758

16 Continental French (n=229) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.696530.195410.07195 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.565120.320300.08096 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.797500.042110.24734 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.839460.091530.13849 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.645900.351830.11111 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.846500.224750.02517 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.772830.304900.07437 AS18 Willingness to help users0.771460.205340.08630 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.667370.363650.06141 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.076060.126940.76630 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.14997-0.006910.73399 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.080990.197190.75726 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.123620.262770.72120 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study0.021130.268090.62378 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.065410.716060.08991 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.184900.687570.21053 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.321960.523170.35785 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.229910.747140.14412 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.264940.511220.33970 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.435610.588260.19004 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.326910.583770.18020 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.344030.539410.11130

17 Dutch (n=126) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.743180.00402-0.00972 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.748560.253110.13842 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.845740.070280.06720 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.731660.151890.08746 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.711620.260650.13972 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.761600.257990.20674 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.449950.377210.15616 AS18 Willingness to help users0.783820.171620.06237 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.665730.280760.17591 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.155860.189780.76607 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.056990.058220.81605 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.294170.209520.67277 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.237440.085250.81706 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study-0.059460.035870.81185 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.137690.633050.17682 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.083000.816760.01141 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.376200.562640.24276 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.153840.736070.04932 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.210490.702130.18129 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.199200.752220.01908 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.213310.752340.04761 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.096960.756380.10949

18 Swedish (n=1,262) AS01 Employees instill confidence in users0.795990.195580.15766 AS04 Giving users individual attention0.695060.220000.20302 AS06 Employees are consistently courteous0.816110.236670.16861 AS09 Readiness to respond to users^ questions0.793540.273690.18446 AS11 Employees have knowledge to answer user questions0.770230.312130.21969 AS13 Employees deal with users in a caring fashion0.856150.187500.21054 AS15 Employees understand the needs of their users0.781920.342900.20502 AS18 Willingness to help users0.815780.253840.19534 AS22 Dependability handling users^ service problems0.682920.356490.21999 LP03 Lib space that inspires study and learning0.226700.286630.72828 LP08 Quiet space for individual activities0.269820.184040.74211 LP12 A comfortable and inviting location0.400770.286420.46485 LP17 A getaway for study, learning, or research0.217570.244580.79913 LP21 Comm space for group learning and group study0.091710.241330.71012 IC02 Making elec resources access home or office0.190500.730980.12808 IC05 Lib Web site enabling locate info on my own0.218770.742500.20967 IC07 The printed lib materials I need for work0.413900.479000.33634 IC10 The elec info resources I need0.283790.758190.21343 IC14 Mod equip lets me easily access needed info0.399030.569980.36441 IC16 Easy access tools allow find things on my own0.277110.733350.27892 IC19 Making info easily access for independent use0.371200.650260.31834 IC20 Pr and/or elec journal coll require for work0.263850.687270.25782

19 Scale with Total Score Correlations American British Lib_TOTL Lib_TOTL Aff_Serv.8798.8886 (81852) (21530) LibPlace.6978.7455 (81852) (21530) Info_Con.8976.8836 (81852) (21530)

20 r of Gap with Perception Scores American British Lib_TOTL Lib_TOTL AdqGAP.4874.5358 (81852) (21530) SupGAP.6943.6970 (81852) (21530)

21 Validity Coefs (American Eng) Aff_Serv LibPlace Info_Con Outcome.5278.4403.5993 (81705) (81705) (81705) Satisfact.7093.4871.6687 (81783) (81783) (81783)

22 Validity Coefs (American Eng) LibqTOT Outcome.6252 (81705) Satisfact.7565 (81783)

23 Validity Coefs (British Eng) Aff_Serv LibPlace Info_Con Outcome.4856.4593.5575 (21496) (21496) (21496) Satisfact.6910.4872.6224 (21505) (21505) (21505)

24 Validity Coefs (British Eng) LibqTOT Outcome.5875 (21496) Satisfact.7232 (21505)

25 References Thompson, B. (Ed.). (2003). Score reliability: Contemporary thinking on reliability issues. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Thompson, B. (2004). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Understanding concepts and applications. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

26 LibQUAL+™ Resources LibQUAL+™ Website: Publications: Events and Training: LibQUAL+™ Bibliography: LibQUAL+™ Procedures Manual:

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