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LIFEHEALTH & WEALTH Ron Watt, Second VP of Wellness & Engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "LIFEHEALTH & WEALTH Ron Watt, Second VP of Wellness & Engagement."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIFEHEALTH & WEALTH Ron Watt, Second VP of Wellness & Engagement

3 LifeHealth & Wealth update Onsite screening event (lessons learned) LifeHealth & Wealth – What is it? – What have we learned? Voice of the customer Consultant findings – Solution enhancements – How is it best leveraged by producers? Where do we go from here?

4 HealthFitness A Trustmark company since 2010 Serving one out of five Fortune 100 firms

5 HealthFitness overview Division of Trustmark Mutual Holding Company Years in business 35 HealthFitness revenue (2012)$128 million Number of associates nationwide 5,000+ Number of clients 250+ Covered lives 3.5 million Participant satisfaction 94% Client retention94% Client awards: NBGH, IHPM, C. Everett Koop, WELCOA, multiple state awards and others

6 Producer conference onsite screening event We wanted you to experience our health screening services…

7 What could have been…. It’s free, it’s convenient and we had poor participation…

8 What happened? Made the same mistakes thousand of HR people make every day: – Assumed because WE personally understand the benefits that all employees must think like us…offer it and they’ll come!

9 Onsite Screening Event “We” gave you no compelling reason or incentive and communicated via stealth tactics… Result – we had 18 of 130 attendees sign up

10 Onsite screening event To promote wellness programs, it takes sustained effort and proactive (over)communication! Employees need: – Awareness – Trust – Buy in - What's in it for them – Multiple methods of ongoing communication – Incentives or simply a call to action How could this possibly be communicated on a postcard (or wellness table, etc.)?

11 Common client challenges Rising healthcare costs Employees are unengaged in managing their health Employees lack knowledge of benefits options

12 8% Employers impact 80% of the “influencers of health” Source: Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, University of California at San Francisco, Institute for the Future. Reprinted from Advances, Robert Wood Johnson Quarterly Newsletter, 2000; 1:1 Influencers of Health Access to Care EnvironmentGeneticsHealth Behaviors U.S. Healthcare Expenditures 88% Other Access to Care (treatment) 4% 10%20% 50% Employer Impacts

13 LifeHealth & Wealth solution Employee engagement solution Drives participation for the right reasons Employee engagement through 1-on-1 communications Physical well-beingFinancial well-being Financial solution - enabled by voluntary products Provide financial well-being Fill gaps in benefits Wellness solution Helps clients improve employee health and contain costs

14 Engagement solutions Multimedia communications designed to trigger employees to think about their current lifestyle and overall well-being. Get their attention

15 Engagement solutions One-on-one messaging formulated to educate employees about the available wellness programs, motivate them to participate and stimulate engagement. Motivate action

16 Engagement solutions Multimedia communications intended to encourage ongoing participation in your wellness program. Keep them going

17 Multidimensional engagement Pre-launch communication campaigns Meet with a benefits counselor one-on-one Engage employees to take the first step with a path Post-launch communication campaigns Engaged & participating employees Plan design Incentive programs Behavioral economics Core business strategy Health risk assessment Biometric screening Health advising & coaching Walking and other “fun” programs

18 Wellness solutions INPUTADVISEACTION 12 3 DRIVES RESULTS Reporting Suite eHealth platform Physical well-being HRA Biometric Screening (optional) Health Advising Daily Emails Monthly Newsletters Quarterly Webinars Health Coaching Personalized Lifestyle Programs Spring walking program Fall web-based program

19 LifeHealth & Wealth is a modular solution Enhance employer’s existing wellness program with engagement solution Bundled wellness & engagement solutions for the mid-market (100 to 3,000 lives) Customized wellness & engagement programs (typically 3,000+ lives)

20 Market feedback While we’ve been inspired that: – Clients need this solution – Brokers like to offer this solution – It provides producers another compelling communication solution – Clients get positive results

21 Market feedback We’ve also heard loudly that: – Clients (and producers) like to customize – Clients don’t always like being told to tie programs together (e.g. voluntary and wellness) – Many clients don’t want to make choices – would rather an “expert” tell them what to implement

22 Consultant feedback Market opportunity – Much larger than anticipated – Recognize strength in broker distribution HealthFitness solutions – In line with market desires – Acknowledged many do not see tie between voluntary benefits and wellness (three decisions necessary)

23 Large and growing mid-market for wellness: Big opportunity – ~$800m available market ($360m via brokers), fragmented competition, emerging innovation areas Right solutions – Large and growing “full-range wellness” buying segment with advantage for single-vendor with broad solutions offering

24 LifeHealth & Wealth enhancements for 2013 Positioning: – Wellness tailored solution options – “Why wouldn’t you?” vs. “You have to.” Health screening package options/tablets tech Addition of achieve incentive tracking option Engagement - more multimedia available Modular marketing pieces More systems flexibility coming – >$25m investment in Portal 2.0

25 Wellness solutions 12 3 DRIVES RESULTS Reporting Suite eHealth platform INPUTADVISEACTION HRA Biometric Screening (optional) Health Advising Daily Emails Monthly Newsletters Quarterly Webinars Health Coaching Personalized Lifestyle Programs Spring walking program Fall web-based program

26 “We can’t afford that program.” “We want to start with the basics and grow.” Tailored solutions - positioning “Can we offer coaching to everyone?” “Can we reach out to every participant regardless of risk status?”

27 Biometric screening

28 Worksite screenings Tablet technology – Electronic waivers – Enhanced health advising – Electronic confirmation of results – No internet or wireless required – Time/date stamped event data

29 Engagement solutions Post-enrollment communications – Flyers – Posters – Email & direct mail template – Motivational clips

30 Employer marketing materials – Additional specifics for each area – Overview (elevator pitch) Modular approach for a modular solution – Recommended & tailored solutions

31 Leveraging wellness Stage 1 You have never sold voluntary benefits, or you’re just getting into the voluntary world. Stage 2 You have sold voluntary benefits, but you have yet to leverage a proactive approach to sales. Stage 3 You have leveraged other value-added services with voluntary sales, but you haven’t leveraged wellness. Stage 4 You have fully leveraged wellness to sell voluntary benefits.

32 Stage 1 Large regional broker Leveraging wellness as a way to enter the VB market Objective: Find a way to expand revenue for the agency and solve wellness need for client Solution: Provided LH&W in conjunction with VB Results: Client was provided a subsidized wellness solution and agency drove new revenue. Saw 87% of EE’s & sold over $730,000 in premium Stage 2 Large Midwest broker Using wellness to increase VB sales Objective: Successful health brokerage seeking more proactive VB sales activity Solution: Provided LH&W as a value-added solution to help drive VB sales Results: Sold first VB case (1,500+ lives) Stage 3 Small regional broker Impacting employee health through VB Objective: Client needed to improve the health of its employee population Solution: Broker provided LH&W’s engagement and wellness solution Results: Drove high engagement levels (without incentives) and made a positive impact on group health risks Stage 4 Long-time client Using VB to drive wellness engagement Objective: Increase participation in an existing wellness program Solution: Leveraged VB to develop custom engagement solution Results: Of employees seen, 77% signed up for 1 or more wellness programs Leveraging wellness

33 LifeHealth & Wealth Trustmark VBS will be the premier wellness solution for mid-market employers Leveraging VB with wellness is a no-brainer Brokers are the key mid-market distribution partners We want to continue working with you to provide your clients with the best engagement and wellness solutions Drive business by helping people help themselves….

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