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Panel Discussion. Dr. J.M.Franklin Vice President – Human Resources SRM Technologies Private Limited.

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Presentation on theme: "Panel Discussion. Dr. J.M.Franklin Vice President – Human Resources SRM Technologies Private Limited."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panel Discussion

2 Dr. J.M.Franklin Vice President – Human Resources SRM Technologies Private Limited

3 Development of individual employees over a reasonable service period to improve KSA and achieve individual and organizational goals. Steps  Career Awareness and Self Assessment  Identification of Individual & Organizational Goals and Congruence of Goals  Gap Analysis and Identification of KSAs to be acquired  Transparent, Time Bound and Employee Driven Career Planning  Execution, Evaluation and Refinement

4 Components  Resources: Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling, Job Rotation/Enrichment/ Enlargement, Multiple Roles, Managers, Training Programs, Workshops, Info on Growth plans and possibilities, etc.  Expected Outcome: Accountability, Achievements (MBOs), Training Attended, Certification and Experience  Multiple Tracks, Succession Plan, Evaluation, Feedback and Refinement  Commitment, Support and Guidance from Managers

5 Advantages  Opportunity for Self Appraisal; Guidance and Assistance from managers  Setting and meeting realistic individual and organizational goals  Feedback to improve KSA  Increases the level of attachment to job and organization  Job Satisfaction and Engagement  Distinct Career Tracks and Accelerated Promotion Cycles  Personalized Training schedules Continued…..

6  Authority and Incentives to Employees  Better RM, HRP and Internal Communication  Succession Plan to fill the senior positions in future  Retention and Transfer of Knowledge of Aging to G-Y workforce  Positive Employer Branding, Measurable Results  Win-Win deal for both Employer and Employees Summary  No CD - Loss of Best Talents; Increased cost of Hiring and Training; Decreased Productivity; Dissatisfied Client  Yes CD - High Engagement – High Retention and Attraction of Best Talents

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