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Published byChester Walker Modified over 9 years ago
Voluntary Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas Karin Zaunberger, DG ENV 7th EU Overseas Roundtable meeting, 31 March 2015, Brussels
Reminder BEST III activities BEST III working team Communications strategy & website BEST global strategy Progress of regional ecosystem profiling Outlook: timeline of next milestones
BEST III activities in a nutshell Lot 1: Establishing a BEST platform Setting up a BEST working team (central team + 7 regional hubs) BEST website & communication BEST III Steering Committee and organise regular meetings Organising fundraising activities to leverage long-term funding Developing BEST investment strategies based on regional strategies Lot 2: Development of regional ecosystem profiles (EPs) Preparatory work Regional coordination of stakeholder involvement Developing regional strategies
BEST central team Pacific Indian Ocean Polar and Sub-polar South Atlantic Amazonia Caribbean Macaronesia 7 regional teams * BEST III working team
Communication strategy Website: Printed material: brochures, banner Social media: @IUCNEurOverseas@ EU Environment @ IUCN Supporting channels: Europe Overseas Forum IUCN Europe overseas website E-newsletter (1 st edition in April 2015) + Shorts films ( early 2016) BEST III CommunicationBEST III Communication
Launched in June 2014 EN / FR Platform for information on project & progress, funding opportunities, news & events BEST website Homepage
Showcases 7 regions with facts −Main characteristics −Socioeconomic, Policy and Civil Society Context −Facts & Figures −Main challenges...and pictures Ecosystem profiles to be uploaded here once completed BEST website Regions
with pdf factsheet of each project BEST website Current projects
explaining BEST Initiative 2-page factsheet of each project BEST BannerBEST Banner BEST BrochuresBEST Brochures BEST communication material
Assessment of funding needs per region Analysis of fundraising environment Existing funding sources in the EU Trends in environmental funds New and ongoing funding for conservation + First draft of BEST fundraising strategy + Bilateral meetings with potential partners for BEST BEST investment StrategiesBEST investment Strategies
Hubs developed regional factsheets Established regional and local contacts Data collection & stakeholder consultations ongoing Regional outreach & buy-in First drafts of EPs Development ofDevelopment of regional ecosystem profiles (EPs)regional ecosystem profiles (EPs)
CARIBBEAN Hub Caribbean team Ongoing EP consultations: informative presentations started in 11 entities & ongoing workshop planning Ongoing EP consultations: informative presentations started in 11 entities & ongoing workshop planning First draft of EP and OR and OCT factsheets First draft of EP and OR and OCT factsheets > 200 regional & local contacts/15 entities > 200 regional & local contacts/15 entities Outreach through newsletters, website, facebook, flyer, poster, 6 regional/international & 20 expert meetings Outreach through newsletters, website, facebook, flyer, poster, 6 regional/international & 20 expert meetings Caribbeanfactsheet Newsletter Caribbean biodiversity poster,599 BEST Caribbean webpage +15 environmental factsheets 15 entities (FR / EN / NL)
MACARONESIAN Hub Ongoing EP consultations: 6 EP workshops in 3 entities in Nov 2014, 80 people mobilized, follow-ups planned Ongoing EP consultations: 6 EP workshops in 3 entities in Nov 2014, 80 people mobilized, follow-ups planned First EP draft online available for stakeholder review First EP draft online available for stakeholder review > 450 regional & local contacts – large research network and synergies with NetBiome-CSA > 450 regional & local contacts – large research network and synergies with NetBiome-CSA Outreach through website, local newspaper, flyer, poster Outreach through website, local newspaper, flyer, poster Online-Geoportal as tool for EP process Online-Geoportal as tool for EP process Macaronesian team Poster Website & Online - Geoportal Media Macaronesian factsheet + 3 additional factsheets/entity 3 ORs (PT / ES) Local newspaper
SOUTH ATLANTIC Hub Ongoing EP consultations: first presentations & stakeholder engagement, workshops planned Ongoing EP consultations: first presentations & stakeholder engagement, workshops planned First EP draft under stakeholder review First EP draft under stakeholder review 55 regional & local contacts, 55 regional & local contacts, Outreach through website, local news release, flyer, poster Outreach through website, local news release, flyer, poster Ascension, St Helena & Tristan da Cunha - very remote location of islands logistical challenges New: Falklands now under South Atlantic hub (SAERI home base) Media Biodiversity poster South Atlantic factsheet South Atlantic team 4 remote island groups SAERI Website of-european-overseas-best-iii of-european-overseas-best-iii Ascension Island news release
PACIFIC Hub Ongoing EP consultations: presentations mobilized many regional/local stakeholders, workshops ongoing Ongoing EP consultations: presentations mobilized many regional/local stakeholders, workshops ongoing EP draft for Wallis and Futuna & gap analysis for NC EP draft for Wallis and Futuna & gap analysis for NC > 100 contacts for French Polynesia & Pitcairn > 100 contacts for French Polynesia & Pitcairn > 75 contacts for New Caledonia & Wallis and Futuna > 75 contacts for New Caledonia & Wallis and Futuna Great coverage in local news & radio stations (FP) Great coverage in local news & radio stations (FP) Large region, work implemented by 2 sub-teams 2 large sub-regions East Pacific team West Pacific team East Pacific factsheet West Pacific factsheet In the local newspaper Ongoing EP consultations
INDIAN OCEAN Hub 2 ORs & 2 uninhabitated OCTs Indian Ocean team Ongoing EP consultations: Joint meetings with Mayotte (existing biodiversity strategy) and Réunion, in contact with stakeholders/experts for 2 uninhabited OCTs Ongoing EP consultations: Joint meetings with Mayotte (existing biodiversity strategy) and Réunion, in contact with stakeholders/experts for 2 uninhabited OCTs First EP draft chapters ready for stakeholder review in June First EP draft chapters ready for stakeholder review in June > 60 contacts for 4 entities > 60 contacts for 4 entities Coordination with TAAF for Scattered Islands (Îles Eparses) Biodiversity poster Indian Ocean factsheet
AMAZONIAN Hub French Guiana in South America Amazonianteam Ongoing EP consultations: first presentations mobilized great interest, formation of local SC and 4 working groups: marine ES, terrestrial ES, KBAs, threats Ongoing EP consultations: first presentations mobilized great interest, formation of local SC and 4 working groups: marine ES, terrestrial ES, KBAs, threats EP document: Focus on ecosystem services (ES), first chapters discussed in workshops with working groups EP document: Focus on ecosystem services (ES), first chapters discussed in workshops with working groups 150 contacts in French Guiana 150 contacts in French Guiana Support from French Guiana bishop for environmental initiative Amazonian factsheet Local newsletter announcements
POLAR & SUB-POLAR Hub Arctic & Antarctic regions Ongoing EP work: Data collection & workshops for TAAF region ongoing, consultation meeting planned for British Sub-Antarctic islands (May 2015), contact with SPM, New contacts for Greenland Ongoing EP work: Data collection & workshops for TAAF region ongoing, consultation meeting planned for British Sub-Antarctic islands (May 2015), contact with SPM, New contacts for Greenland EP document: review of documents & context drafting EP document: review of documents & context drafting 46 contacts, mostly experts (research) of the regions and government 46 contacts, mostly experts (research) of the regions and government 2 remote sub-regions, sparsely or not at all inhabited challenges in logistics and local engagement Polar & sub-polar region team Announcement of Red List for TAAF region Polar & Sub-polar factsheet
Year 2 (2015): Ongoing BEST III activities & additional events January Meeting with Commission and SC meeting June December --------------------------------------Meetings with Donors -------------------------------------- --------Regional Workshops for consultation--- and validation of the regional ecosystem profiles outcomes September Meeting with Commission &SC meeting November ------------------Regional Ecosystem profiles and BEST strategies ------------------- ------------------------Regional information and outreach events ------------------------ --------------------------------------- Info on the BEST website -------------------------------- -------------------------------------Potential new BEST Partnerships ---------------------- Timeline for main deliverables/ milestonesTimeline for main deliverables/ milestones Side event at Green Week BEST event with EP Intergroup October
Deliverables / milestones Lot 1: Establishment of BEST platform Lot 2: Development of ecosystem profiles Lot 1 & 2 Internship in regional hub Intern event in Brussels (to be confirmed) LotMilestones, deliverables and interim reports M13M14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21M22M23M24 1/2Meeting with Commission & Steering Committee 1/2First interim reports 1/2Reports of 1 st round of interns 2Information events 1 Information event throughout this period 2 Regional workshops for consultation & validation of the regional ecosystem profile (EP) outcomes Regional workshops throughout this period 2Regional EPs & BEST strategies 2 Regional EPs and BEST strategies delivered 1 Information of funding possibilities on website; and other info Updates on the website throughout this period 1Min. 8 bi-/multilateral donor meetings 3 Meetings to take place throughout this period 1Global BEST StrategyFinalized once regional BEST strategies done 1PartnershipsPartnerships potentially established throughout this period 1 Min attendance at 4 external events related to BEST per year (incl. 2 speaking opportunities) 4 Presentations and attendance at events throughout this period Internship – year 2 M13M14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21M22M23M24 Amazonia Caribbean Indian Ocean Macaronesia Pacific – East (FP, Pitcairn) Pacific – West (NC, WF) Polar and Sub Polar – South Polar and Sub Polar – North* South Atlantic Work plan – Year 2 (2015)Work plan – Year 2 (2015)
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