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 1270 Students  130 Teaching & Support Staff  6 Community Classes.

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Presentation on theme: " 1270 Students  130 Teaching & Support Staff  6 Community Classes."— Presentation transcript:

1  1270 Students  130 Teaching & Support Staff  6 Community Classes

2 Grades 9 & 10  the curriculum content establishes solid knowledge and skills foundation prior to grades 11 & 12 Grades 11 & 12  the curriculum has increased relevance due to connections with post-secondary destinations

3 PERIODTIMES BSP 8:00 - 9:00 1 9:20-10:40 210:45- 12:00 LUNCH12:00- 1:00 3 1:00 - 2:15 4 2:20 - 3:35 ASP 3:45 p.m. onwards


5  Athletic Council  Best Buddies  Eco Team  ESP  Free the Children  Healthy Schools  Improv Team  Ensemble Groups & Music Council  Spartan Swing Band  Science Club  SNL  Starbooks Cafe  Student Cou ncil  Tech Crew  Badminton  Baseball  Basketball  Cross Country  Field Hockey  Golf  Hockey  Rugby  Track & Field  Volleyball  Weight Room  SNAP

6 A student’s “functioning in school is inextricably linked with his or her sense of belonging and connection to the school environment and his or her relationships with peers and teachers within it.” (K.A. Schonert-Reichl for Pan Canadian Education Research Symposium, Children and Youth At Risk, Ottawa, 2000)

7  Student Services ◦ (career, academic and social/emotional counselling)  Grade 9 transition activities  SNL – Stouffville Network of Leaders  Student Success Teacher  Learning Centre

8 TIME MANAGEMENT  maintain regular attendance  spend a minimum of 1 hour per night on homework  prepare ahead, budget your time for upcoming due dates PLANNING  write down goals you wish to attain and follow an action plan PARTICIPATION  become involved in school activities  enjoy your high school years at Stouffville D.S.S. accept responsibility for your own learning = SUCCESS

9  Goal Setting  Contact teachers  Check Teach Assist  Take an active part in educational/career planning  Actively participate in course selection completion  Help your child select appropriate courses and listen to the advice of education professionals

10  Be informed about school policies  Encourage community involvement starting in Grade 9  Read the “Spartan Speaks”  Put Stouffville’s Website in your “favourite” website addresses:

11 If your child wishes to transfer to Stouffville D. S.S from a YRDSB school:  Select courses electronically  Submit a printable version of course selection to your home elementary school  Attach a transfer form obtained at your home elementary school to your course selection sheet  The elementary school will submit all of the above to your designated home high school  Superintendents make transfer decisions based on enrolment

12 Registration packages are available in our Guidance office tonight for:  Students new to our attendance area  Students in our attendance area not currently attending a YRDSB school  Appointments for registrations may be booked January 19 – 23, 2015

13  January 12 th – 16 th, 2015 – Guidance Counsellors visit SDSS Elementary Schools  February 13 th, 2015 – Grade 8 Course Selection Due  September 1 st – 3 rd, 2015 – Orientation @ SDSS*  September 8 th, 2015 – Grade 9 Day @ SDSS

14  Consider your course selections carefully with parent/guardian and grade 8 teachers  Secondary school classes have “hard caps”  It is important to realize that students may not be able to change courses due to these caps


16  Career Cruising   Allows parents and students to create trial course selections for grades 9 – 12  Shows links to post-secondary destinations to match course selections

17 In grades 9 & 10, students will choose courses from four types: Applied Academic Open Locally Developed

18 Grade 9 & 10 courses – focus is on establishing solid knowledge and foundation skills  Applied (P) – courses focus on the essential concepts of a subject,emphasizing practical, and concrete applications of the concepts. Students in these courses might be asked to describe, record, identify, organize, compare and formulate.  Academic (D) – courses emphasize theoretical, abstract applications of the essential concepts of a subject and incorporate practical applications as appropriate. Students in these courses will be asked to analyze, evaluate, formulate, select, gather, record and recommend.

19  Open (O) – an opportunity to explore an area of interest for all students. These courses are “open” to all learning styles.  Locally Developed (L) – courses for students who have not yet attained the prerequisite skills to be successful in Grade 9 Applied courses in English, Math and Science

20 Grade 9 Academic Grade 9 Applied Grade 9 Locally Developed Grade 10 Academic Grade 10 Applied Grade 11 Workplace + Co-op / OYAP Grade 11 Workplace Grade 11 College Grade 11 University Grade 12 University +Co-op / OYAP Grade 12 College +Co-op /OYAP Grade 12 Workplace +Co-op / OYAP Grade 12 Workplace + Co-op / OYAP Apprenticeship Workplace University College Apprenticeship College Apprenticeship Some College Apprenticeship Workplace Apprenticeship Workplace Grade 10 Locally Developed

21  Students who choose Locally Developed DO have options both in secondary school and post-secondary  Locally Developed courses DO count as compulsory graduation requirements  Students have a genuine pathway to graduate with an OSSD

22 18Compulsory Credits + 12Optional Credits = 30 Total Credits (110 hours each) + Successful Completion of Ontario Secondary Literacy Test + 40 hours of Community Involvement

23  4 credits in English (1 per grade), which may include : OLC4O1, 3 credits in ESL  1 credit in French as a second language  3 credits in mathematics  2 credits in science  1 credit in Canadian history  1 credit in Canadian geography  1 credit in the arts (music, visual arts, drama)  1 credit in health and physical education .5 credit in civics &.5 credit in career studies (grade 10) Plus …..

24 Plus: Group 1: 1 Additional credit in English, (including the OLC course) or French as a second language, native language** or native studies, international language, or a social science, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education (includes learning strategies) or cooperative education* Group 2: 1 Additional credit in health and physical education, or business studies, or the arts (music, visual arts, drama), French as a second language** or cooperative education*

25 Group 3: 1 Additional credit in science (grades 11 or 12), or technological education, (grades 9 – 12) French as a second language**, computer studies or cooperative education* ** a maximum of 2 credits of French as a second language * a maximum of 2 credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits

26  Optional credits allow students to build an educational program over the four years that suits their individual interests and meets university, college, apprenticeship or work experience

27  Administered in March of the Grade 10 year  A test based on curriculum expectations in reading and writing across subject areas

28  A diploma requirement  Complete 40 hours before graduation  Can begin at the beginning of the summer break, just prior to the start of Grade 9  Must be approved by a Guidance Counsellor


30 SubjectAppliedAcademicLocally Develop. EnglishENG1P1ENG1D1ENG1L1 MathMFM1P1MPM1D1MAT1L1 ScienceSNC1P1SNC1D1SNC1L1 GeographyCGC1P1CGC1D1 FrenchFSF1P1FSF1D1 Physical and Health Education PPL108 (female) PPL109 (male)

31 All other selections for Grade 9 will be from the Open type courses. The electives to choose from vary from school to school. The following courses are available at our school for Grade 9: 1. Arts – Drama, Music or Visual Art 2. Integrated Studies – Business or Technology 3. Social Sciences – Exploring Family Studies 4. Repertoire or Vocal – offered after the regular school day, an expectation for all students taking music

32  On-line course selection begins with….

33  Click the “SUBMIT” button to submit the courses  Print your selections and have them signed by your parent/guardian  Hand in to your Grade 8 teacher  Reminder deadline

34 Thank you for attending this presentation. We look forward to seeing you in September! We welcome you to visit our school. Please direct all questions to our staff.

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