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May 15, 2009 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Fiscal Forum 1.

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Presentation on theme: "May 15, 2009 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Fiscal Forum 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 15, 2009 Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Fiscal Forum 1

2 Fiscal Forum Review current year budget revenues and expenses- FY 2009 Review possible revenue sources for FY 2010 budget Critique Budget process-suggestions for FY 2011 Budget Presentations by Division 2

3 Others 3

4 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi FY 2009 Budgeted Expenses by Function 4

5 5

6 FY 2010 Sources State Appropriations-as of May 4, 2009 conference committee just beginning their work See handout on differences in House and Senate Budget bills Tuition and Fee increases could still be limited due to pending legislation or system required 6

7 Fee DescriptionBasisCurrentIncrease New FALL 09New Funds Designated TuitionSCH$91.00$12.00$103.00$2,334,190.00 Graduate Statutory TuitionSCH$62.50$7.50$70.00$184,543.00 International Education FeeSTU$1.00$2.00$3.00$44,544.00 Student Service FeeSTU$16.64$1.66$18.30$300,862.00 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Proposed* Fee Increases for FY2010 * Pending Board Approval Fall ‘09 Undergraduate Student Tuition & Mandatory Fees(15 SCH) = $ 3,049 – approximately 6.3 % increase Fall ‘09 Graduate Student Tuition & Mandatory Fees (9 SCH) = $2,183 -- approximately 9.7% increase 7

8 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Known FY 2010 Budget Challenges Faculty & Staff Merit Increases$1,334,562 SACS and QEP$220,000 Decrease in Interest Income($1,000,000) Capital Excellence now in formula($511,126) Increase in System Assessment$235,620 Scholarships/Set Asides$475,948 Decrease in Endowment ReturnsWill impact FY 2011 8

9 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Performance reviews due earlier, short notice, collides with other tasks such as SACS Guidelines and instructions will be out well in advance of March 31 st deadline HR in process of developing on-line tools for performance review preparation to assist managers 9

10 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Information requests for new or increased fees issued November Comprehensive review of operations and existing funding must occur to plan for 2011 fee considerations October-fee and budget guidance distributed to begin review for potential fee increases or new fees Likely our fee requests will be impacted by current legislation, may require a student referendum Expect student referendum for Athletic Fee increase 10

11 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Self-funded accounts had submission separate from University requests need to be routed through VP office and require review and approval by president same as other requests – Merit decisions earlier in process to facilitate one budget book and information distribution earlier To be eligible for merit, employee must be appointed by first day of Spring Semester 11

12 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Summaries not able to merge from the individual department submissions Will look at ability to have interactive ways to select items and pull into a summary 12

13 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Weave On-line and assessment information could not be entered until later in year due to upgrade of software Data collections and findings for 2008-09 cycle can be entered anytime after May 2009 Weave On-Line 2008-09 cycle will be completed much earlier –November 2009 Objectives for 2009-10 will be entered and available to assist with budget planning for 2011 13

14 Fiscal Forum Review of Budget Process FY 2010 Issues, recommendations or changes – Weave On-line and assessment information linked to Budget process was not as effective as needed Objectives and assessment information needs to be used to plan and as basis for closing the loop on strategic planning. Will not use Weave On-Line to enter budget requests for FY 2011 Will still need all requests to identify the unit plan objective or a new objective in linking assessments to resource allocations 14

15 Fiscal Forum Division Budget Priorities FY 2010 Recap from each division – Total Amount of Division budget request – Total Amount put forward for consideration – Top 5 budget priorities with brief description 15

16 Fiscal Forum Academic Affairs Budget Priorities FY 2010 Total Amount of Division budget request $11,098,774 Total Amount put forward for consideration $3,895,701 16

17 Fiscal Forum Academic Affairs Budget Priorities FY 2010 New Tenure Track Faculty to meet the needs of growing student population Retention Initiative to increase student retention from 61% to 70% Enrollment Management Initiatives to improve recruitment and customer satisfaction Graduate TA’s, RA’s, and GA’s to match new degree program proposal commitments Library funding to maintain the quality of library services and the library collection 17

18 Fiscal Forum Student Affairs Budget Priorities FY 2010 Total Amount of Division budget request $311,707 Total Amount put forward for consideration $311,707 18

19 Fiscal Forum Student Affairs Budget Priorities FY 2010 Increase Interpreter Services Increase for minimum wage, address equity issues Islander Lights Fund administration of University Housing Services currently funded by SS Fees Fund other university services currently funded by SS Fees 19

20 Fiscal Forum F&A Budget Priorities FY 2010 Total Amount of Division budget request $2,500,000 plus $271,000 one time Total Amount put forward for consideration $475,000 $171,000 one time 20

21 Fiscal Forum F&A Budget Priorities FY 2010 IT positions supporting growing technological needs HR immigration specialist, facilitate processing foreign nationals Student wage increase- minimum wage New facility costs-supplies and personnel Mandatory commitments for banking, credit card fees and software maintenance One-time costs for WEB CT 21

22 Fiscal Forum IA Budget Priorities FY 2010 Total Amount of Division budget request $194,300 $240,000 one time Total Amount put forward for consideration $181,900 $200,000 one time 22

23 Fiscal Forum IA Budget Priorities FY 2010 Student wages and minimum wage increase Campus Call Module Lexis Nexis Research Metro Recruitment Postage costs One Time Micro campaign costs 23

24 Fiscal Forum IA Budget Priorities FY 2010 Athletics Priorities – Realistic Revenue Budget – Realistic Expense Budget with increases for Cover scholarship expenses & summer school, Insurance claims Southland conference championships, additional postseason funding and dues Salaries and benefits for retention and new hires Facilities, athletic training funding & software Travel 24

25 Fiscal Forum Planning &IE Budget Priorities FY 2010 Total Amount of Division budget request $72,600 Total Amount put forward for consideration $72,600 25

26 Fiscal Forum Planning & IE Budget Priorities FY 2010 Assessment Analyst to provide additional guidance and assistance for unit assessments 26

27 Fiscal forum All requests total $14,177,381 Requests moved forward $4,936,908 27

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