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To what extent can Napoleon’s downfall be explained by the impact of the continental system?

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Presentation on theme: "To what extent can Napoleon’s downfall be explained by the impact of the continental system?"— Presentation transcript:

1 To what extent can Napoleon’s downfall be explained by the impact of the continental system?

2 Introduction Context of 1807 and 1815 Context of 1807 and 1815 Background to Continental System Background to Continental System After the battle of Trafalgar Napoleon realised he could not defeat Britain by sea, therefore he had to find another way he then introduced the continental system and tried to do it economically. His aim was to strike Britain’s trade and wealth. Other factors Other factors End with question End with question

3 Continental system Set up to : Set up to : Forbid France or any of its allies to accept any goods from Britain. Forbid France or any of its allies to accept any goods from Britain. Confiscate the goods whenever found. Confiscate the goods whenever found. Exclude British from all ports. Exclude British from all ports. This would therefore cut off Britain’s means of export, while still allowing her to import French goods. Napoleon wanted to rob the British of their gold reserves, start a financial crisis and bring his enemy to bankruptcy. Napoleon seemed to have bitten more off than he could chew but still appeared unfazed by the situation. This would therefore cut off Britain’s means of export, while still allowing her to import French goods. Napoleon wanted to rob the British of their gold reserves, start a financial crisis and bring his enemy to bankruptcy. Napoleon seemed to have bitten more off than he could chew but still appeared unfazed by the situation.

4 If any country followed Napoleon’s orders Britain would then starve it of other nation’s supplies. (BLOCKADE) If any country followed Napoleon’s orders Britain would then starve it of other nation’s supplies. (BLOCKADE) This meant that the countries would be starved of all types of goods resulting in: rising prices and national hardship. This meant that the countries would be starved of all types of goods resulting in: rising prices and national hardship. Hardship would eventually turn people against Napoleon because he was the one causing it all. Hardship would eventually turn people against Napoleon because he was the one causing it all. Britain would find this easy as there was no French navy to stop them. Therefore Napoleon decided to take Danish navy. Britain would find this easy as there was no French navy to stop them. Therefore Napoleon decided to take Danish navy. This did not work either. Britain told the Danes to hand over the navy until the end of the war but they refused. Britain bombarded Copenhagen and Danish eventually surrendered. This did not work either. Britain told the Danes to hand over the navy until the end of the war but they refused. Britain bombarded Copenhagen and Danish eventually surrendered. This meant Britain could carry out orders effectively. This meant Britain could carry out orders effectively. Commerce of Europe began to stifle. Commerce of Europe began to stifle. But this helps by showing Napoleons weakness to the enemies. But this helps by showing Napoleons weakness to the enemies.

5 Did not lead to downfall However this did not bring about the downfall of Napoleon yet until another nine years. However this did not bring about the downfall of Napoleon yet until another nine years. Slow drain on his power Slow drain on his power Imposition of French system created more resentment across the satellite states Imposition of French system created more resentment across the satellite states

6 The Peninsular war First country to revolt against system (Portugal) First country to revolt against system (Portugal) Napoleon ‘typically’ collected five French armies on Spanish soil for an advance on Portugal. He succeeded. Napoleon ‘typically’ collected five French armies on Spanish soil for an advance on Portugal. He succeeded. However, this was not enough and he bullied the Spanish royal family into giving up their throne for his brother Joseph. THIS PROVED FATAL! However, this was not enough and he bullied the Spanish royal family into giving up their throne for his brother Joseph. THIS PROVED FATAL! British army could operate now and they were victorious along with the Portuguese at Vimiero in 1808. British army could operate now and they were victorious along with the Portuguese at Vimiero in 1808. Napoleon came from central Europe to ease situation but British staged a desperate hit and run attack into Spain. Napoleon came from central Europe to ease situation but British staged a desperate hit and run attack into Spain. This prevented the Emperor from overrunning Portugal. This prevented the Emperor from overrunning Portugal. Napoleon shows his weakness of wanting more and more. Napoleon shows his weakness of wanting more and more. It proves disastrous here. It proves disastrous here. Europe in terrible financial state and there a general negative feeling building up throughout Europe against Napoleon, for causing it all. Europe in terrible financial state and there a general negative feeling building up throughout Europe against Napoleon, for causing it all. BRITAIN DEFINITELY ON TOP! BRITAIN DEFINITELY ON TOP!

7 Did not lead to downfall  Guerilla tactics but not immediate cause of downfall  Slow drain of power

8 Russia campaign Russia campaign Lost army 570,000 men Lost army 570,000 men Nap invincibility destroyed Tactics ineffective Nap invincibility destroyed Tactics ineffective Alliances coming together i.e. Prussia and Russia, Britain and Austria Alliances coming together i.e. Prussia and Russia, Britain and Austria Did not lead to downfall Did not lead to downfall Still got a large army together Still got a large army together Not final blow Waterloo three years away Not final blow Waterloo three years away Austria wanted to make peace terms in 1813 Austria wanted to make peace terms in 1813

9 4th Coalition 4th Coalition Defeat at waterloo at the hands of the coalitions Defeat at waterloo at the hands of the coalitions Tsar Alexander holy alliance with the Prussians Tsar Alexander holy alliance with the Prussians Could not defeat Wellington at PW and waterloo Could not defeat Wellington at PW and waterloo Did not lead to downfall Did not lead to downfall Napoleon was not at his strongest, he was already weak after P. War and the Russia campaign Napoleon was not at his strongest, he was already weak after P. War and the Russia campaign Waterloo not whole coalition only half Waterloo not whole coalition only half

10 Napoleons character Inexperience Did not estimate opposition strength Did not estimate opposition strength Could not conquer Russia and did not expect coalitions Could not conquer Russia and did not expect coalitionsAmbition Puts himself over people Puts himself over people Wants universal empire- personal glory Wants universal empire- personal glory Wants to be leader of European state Wants to be leader of European state Do to much before consolidating his power Do to much before consolidating his powerImpatience Always trying to increase empire Always trying to increase empire No time to do things- so Grande armee ruined No time to do things- so Grande armee ruined Fighting more than one battle at a time Fighting more than one battle at a timeHealth Stress Stress Stomach ulcer Stomach ulcer

11 Conclusion Conclusion 1799 to 1807 Napoleon had nothing to lose by trying out new tactics such as the c. system which did not bring about his downfall but showed his over ambitious nature. 1799 to 1807 Napoleon had nothing to lose by trying out new tactics such as the c. system which did not bring about his downfall but showed his over ambitious nature. 1807 to 1815 Napoleon had everything to lose as he tried to increase his empire across Europe which eventually led to his downfall. 1807 to 1815 Napoleon had everything to lose as he tried to increase his empire across Europe which eventually led to his downfall.

12 Conclusion (2) Compare factors Compare factors Justify most important factor e.g CS most important as Justify most important factor e.g CS most important as - Shows N overreaching/not realising art of the posssible - Led to nationalism - Led to PW and Russia - Led to loss of support at home - No other factor had all these negative consequences…

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