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PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT A definition for HE. ‘a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high.

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Presentation on theme: "PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT A definition for HE. ‘a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high."— Presentation transcript:


2 ‘a process which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance.’ (Armstrong and Baron 2004) A definition

3 Does this definition adequately describe what performance management needs to deliver with HE? If no, what words would you want included in a definition? In your group, write these words on post-its. Exchange them with a group near you, compare and contrast.


5 Greater ownership & commitment from the line Strengthen relationships between the manager and their staff Mapping improvement Identifying career paths

6 Commitment to employer ‘going the extra mile’ Thirst for improvement Solve problems Take initiatives

7 TITLE Perform better More sustainable workload Feedback on performance Linkages to competencies Help colleagues & customers Work collaboratively with their manager

8 Focus attention Serve as an energiser Affect commitment Activate cognitive abilities and strategies Reduce anxiety and stress USING GOALS

9 Companies whose CEO’s demonstrated high commitment to management by objectives showed on average a 56% gain in productivity.

10 Companies with CEO’s who showed low commitment only say a 6% gain in productivity (Rodgers & Hunter 1991)

11 Goal setting works better for some people Nearly everyone puts things off Train the reviewing managers The quality of the conversation matters Some managers may see it as time- consuming FACTORS TO BE AWARE OF

12 CHANGE IN EMPHASIS FROM: Systems Appraisal Outputs Performance related pay Ratings The top-down Direction The monolithic Ownership by HR TO: Processes Joint review Outputs and inputs Development Few ratings 360 degree feedback Support Flexibility Ownership by line managers

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