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MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL AUTUMN 2 YEAR 6 MATHS The children will be securing their understanding of the four operations (+ - / x) and using different.

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Presentation on theme: "MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL AUTUMN 2 YEAR 6 MATHS The children will be securing their understanding of the four operations (+ - / x) and using different."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOUNT PLEASANT PRIMARY SCHOOL AUTUMN 2 YEAR 6 MATHS The children will be securing their understanding of the four operations (+ - / x) and using different methods to carry out mental and written calculations. There will be a large focus on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be revising measures including time. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY : Making sure they learn their times tables up to 12 x 12 and complete homework on time. Encourage children to carry out tasks on SCIENCE In Science we will be looking at ‘Light’. We will be investigating how light travels, how shadows are formed. We will also look at the structure of the human eye in detail. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY : Discussing their learning with them and encouraging them to do independent research. Also, to use the BBC revisewise website. ENGLISH We are reading ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ by Michelle Magorian. Children will be exploring characters through discussion, drama and role play. We will be encouraging children to respond to questions by referring to the text. Children will be writing descriptions of settings persuasive letters, balanced arguments, reports and radio broadcasts. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY Encouraging your child to read daily and discussing what they have read. Please make sure all homework is completed on time. FRENCH This term children will learn how to read, write and pronounce the names of animals. We will also be studying French grammar and revising parts of the body. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY: Encouraging them to share the new words they have learnt with you and try to use them a little at home. TARGETS Reading: In year 6 pupils are challenged to read for 20 minutes everyday. Please use their planners to let the teacher know if they have been reading. Help them meet the reading challenge and receive their rewards. Maths: Each week the children will be tested in the ‘Kung Fu Maths’ challenge. They will need to learn their times tables to pass each test and move on to the next level. HISTORY We will be learning more about the World War II in which ‘Good night Mr Tom’ is set. Our focus will be on life as an evacuee, rationing, and on the Blitz as these themes are central to the novel. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY Encouraging them to research World War II in the library and on the internet and watching any suitable television programmes which will give them an idea about what life was like. ART AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY The children will be making Anderson shelters (complete with furnishings and vegetable plots) in D.T. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY : Sharing any experiences family members have had of WW II. ICT The children will consolidate their programming skills using a software called Scratch which will develop their programming skills further. By the end of the term they should be able to begin to develop their own simple games. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY Using the computer to help them find out more about their topics. PSHCE Our theme is ‘Getting on and falling out’ where children will focus on working collectively. We will also be doing some work on Anti-Bullying. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY : By praising and celebrating their individuality. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Our topic this term is ‘Can Charity Change the World ?’ This will involve looking at established charities such as: Christian Aid and Islamic Relief and the work they carry out throughout the world. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY: Discussing any charities you are involved with and also pointing out the work of charities in current media. PHYSICAL EDUCATION For indoor PE children will be learning about circuit training, and its importqance on stamina. Outdoor PE will focus on hockey. Both areas will help the children develop their hand eye coordination and control of balls and other equipment. They will also develop their understanding of the rules of a range of sports. YOU CAN HELP YOUR CHILD BY Make sure your child has the correct PE kit labelled with their name. PE lessons take place every Monday and Tuesday.

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