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Eubacteria & Archarbacteria

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1 Eubacteria & Archarbacteria
Prokaryotes Eubacteria & Archarbacteria

2 Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus
Prokaryotes are identified by characteristics such as shape, the chemical nature of their cell walls, the way they move, and the way they obtain energy.

3 Types of Prokaryotes There are two domains/kingdoms that contain prokaryotes Domain Bacteria- Kingdom Eubacteria Domain Archaea-Kingdom Archaebacteria

4 Classification-Shape
Shapes: Rod-shaped = bacilli Spherical = cocci Spiral/corkscrew = spirilla

5 Classification- Cell Walls
Prokaryotes can be distinguished by the presence of absence of peptioglycan Violet and red dyes are applied; violet stains peptidoglycan. Alcohol is used to wash the sample, then the red dye is applied. Gram-positive have thick walls that retain the violet stain. Gram-negative lose the violet dye and appear reddish from the secondary stain. They have an extra lipid layer outside their thin cell wall.

6 Classification-Movement
Some prokaryotes do not move; other move using flagella (whip-like tails), or cilia (tiny hairs). Some move in snake-like motions, or secrete a slime to help them glide along.

7 Classification-Obtaining Energy
Heterotrophs vs. Autotrophs Heterotrophs: must consume organic molecules Autotrophs: use light energy or chemical energy to make their own food

8 Classification-Growth & Reproduction
Binary Fission: DNA is copied, and the cell splits in half Conjugation: A hollow bridge is formed between two cells and genetic material is exchanged Spore Formation: If growth conditions are unfavorable, an endospore may form; a thick internal wall is made to enclose the DNA and some of the cytoplasm; may remain dormant for months or years; e.g. Anthrax

9 Crossword!

10 Review: Quiz #3

11 Grudge Ball

12 Question #1 What are the eight levels of Linnaeus’s Classification from least inclusive to most inclusive.

13 Question #2 A koala bear’s scientific name is Phascolarctos cinereus. What does the scientific name tell us about the classification of a Koala bear? (Levels)

14 Question #3 Animals that create their own food using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are called____________?

15 Question #4 An organism that is a prokaryote could be a member of which kingdoms?

16 Question #5 Name the following prokaryotes based on their shape. 1 2 3

17 Question #6 What are the 3 methods of reproduction that prokaryotes can undergo?

18 Question #7 Make a dichotomous key for the following set of aliens. A B C D E F

19 Question #8 An organism has a true nucleus, is an autotroph and doesn’t have cellulose in their cell wall. What Domain and Kingdom would this organism belong to?

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