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Data Infrastructure for Low-Income Adults.  Which workforce programs are most effectively channeling adults towards further education and higher earnings?

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Presentation on theme: "Data Infrastructure for Low-Income Adults.  Which workforce programs are most effectively channeling adults towards further education and higher earnings?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Infrastructure for Low-Income Adults

2  Which workforce programs are most effectively channeling adults towards further education and higher earnings?  Where are low-income adults falling out of the educational pipeline?  What are the employment and earnings outcomes for various education and training paths?

3 Better Understanding Better Programs Better Outcomes

4 An effective state data system combines information from K-12, workforce development, and postsecondary education programs, including adult basic education and skills development programs systems, and tracks employment outcomes. – WPFP Policy Brief, Fall 2009

5 Education & Training Employment Participant

6 Data ProviderData Elements  Employers ◦ Unemployment Insurance wage record system  Employment status  Location of employment  Job type (employer and occupation codes)  Employment tenure  Earnings

7 Data ProviderData Elements  K-12  Postsecondary ◦ College or University  Schools attended  Enrollment status  Courses taken  Degree(s)/ credential earned  Grades Traditional Focus

8 Data ProviderData Elements  Community College ◦ Developmental education ◦ Part-time enrollment  Career/Technical  Adult Education ◦ Basic and Secondary ◦ ESL  Other Skill Development ◦ WIA Title 1 ◦ TANF training ◦ Corrections  Program Attended  Length of Participation  Enrollment status  Courses taken  Degree(s)/ credential earned  Transitions WPFP Preferred Focus

9 Data ProviderData Elements  Variable ◦ Education providers ◦ Health and human service agencies ◦ Workforce agencies ◦ Corrections agencies  Sex  Age  Race/ethnicity  Other ◦ Veteran ◦ Disability ◦ Public assistance ◦ Foster child

10 How to create a coherent picture? K-12College Career K-11 GED Low- wage job Public Assistance Career/ Technical Higher- wage job Community College

11 Source: Data Quality Campaign, 2009-2010 Survey List of Advanced states (WPFP states in bold): AK ARFL MNMONC TXWA Match K-12 & Postsecondary Match Education & Workforce

12 Employment Outcomes K-12 College/ University Career GED Low-wage job Career/ Technical Higher- wage job Community College Adult Education ESL WIA Title 1 SNAP- ET TANF Training Other Skill Development Low-income adults

13 Leadership & Coordination Resources Data Quality & Technical Linkages Legal Concerns

14  Cited by 18 states  DOE grant rounds (3) – target education systems and helped build foundation  ARRA – greater flexibility  DOL – Workforce Data Quality Initiative State contribution? States left out of earlier DOE rounds?

15 States should legislate authority for coordination and alignment of systems consistent with their postsecondary education, workforce, and economic development goals…Whatever the approach, the involvement of the governor’s office is essential. – National Commission on Adult Literacy Report, 2008

16  Cited by 18 states  Common ID  Systems incompatability/Data silos  Common definitions and data fields  Culture of “outputs” vs. “outcomes”  Tracking ALL participants across ALL educational & employment systems

17  Cited by 12 states  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  Other privacy/confidentiality issues  State prohibitions/barriers

18 Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP)

19 Available? Accessible? Actionable?

20  Facilitate data systems development ◦ Support applications for funding ◦ Promote leadership & coordination ◦ Help resolve legal issues & secure enabling legislation ◦ Assure that ALL parts are connected  Create demand & support for data systems ◦ Build public & policymaker awareness ◦ Participate in pilot efforts to use data tools  Use data systems to create better outcomes ◦ Identify key questions ◦ Analyze & follow-through on results

21 Garrett Martin Maine Center for Economic Policy 207-622-7381

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