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American Chemical Society Welcome to the ACS Leadership Institute Division Track John Pochan, DAC Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "American Chemical Society Welcome to the ACS Leadership Institute Division Track John Pochan, DAC Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Chemical Society Welcome to the ACS Leadership Institute Division Track John Pochan, DAC Chair

2 American Chemical Society 2 A Message from the ACS President AND Administrivia

3 American Chemical Society Getting the Key Items on Your Radar Screen John Katz, ACS Staff John Katz Director, Member Communities Group/Membership and Scientific Advancement Division

4 American Chemical Society 4 Divisions—WHY? Take a few minutes to consider: Why do Divisions exist?

5 American Chemical Society 5 Why do Divisions exist? For many reasons … but most if not all boil down to the following: To disseminate technical and professional information To allow people who share a technical or professional interest to identify and communicate with one another * If you agree with this general statement, you may want to assess your activities to determine if they support one or both of these primary goals.

6 American Chemical Society 6 Division Responsibilities/Opportunities Getting and keeping members Providing members with the technical/professional information they want, and the opportunities to connect and communicate with one another Creating a fiscally responsible entity Maintaining a viable website to communicate with members Providing accurate input for the national meeting program through the use of PACS Filing the secretary (administration) and treasurer (financial) annual reports and appropriate tax returns using FORMS Conducting elections Participating in and supporting the governance activities of ACS

7 American Chemical Society 7 Division Responsibilities/Opportunities Participating in regional meetings Securing and using monthly e-rosters Setting division dues Applying for Innovative Project Grants Sending representatives to ACS sponsored leadership events— P2C2, Division Leaders’, Leadership Courses Recognizing your members by creating division awards and participating in ACS programs such as the ACS Fellows Program Forming alliances with other divisions and non-ACS entities

8 American Chemical Society 8 Division Officers Chair Chair-Elect Secretary Treasurer Councilor * Some divisions consider Program Chairs to be officers

9 American Chemical Society 9 Division Officers—Chair Recommended term of office: 1 year Ensure that the business of the Division is carried out properly and expeditiously. The leader of the Division and must ensure that all Division officers, as well as the nonelected leaders, are performing their assigned duties and meeting deadlines.

10 American Chemical Society 10 Division Officers—Chair-Elect Recommended term of office: 1 year Become familiar with the responsibilities associated with the office of Division chair. Be prepared to step in for the chair if need be.

11 American Chemical Society 11 Division Officers—Secretary Recommended term of office: 2 years Record the official business of the Division and to ensure that such business is carried out in accordance to the Division bylaws.

12 American Chemical Society 12 Division Officers—Treasurer Recommended term of Office: 2 years Coordinate and monitor the financial activities of the Division Accurately maintain the Division financial records Report on the financial health of the Division to the Division Executive Committee, Division members, the IRS, and to the Society.

13 American Chemical Society 13 Division Officers—Councilor Serve as a Division representative to the Society through active participation in the decisions and activities of Council.

14 American Chemical Society 14 American Chemical Society 14 Annual Reports—FORMS FORMS (Forms Online Reporting Management System) is the new web-based tool for local section and division annual reporting and other form submissions. Replaces the word document for the secretary’s report and the excel document for the treasurer’s report 2010 Reports are due February 15th.

15 American Chemical Society 15 E-Rosters and Labels Permission must be granted to access e-rosters Send a note to for access using your ACS ID and Must be an ACS Member Roster Information (Confidential) –Primary address and membership category –Personal Information (gender, birth date, degree) Using your roster –Check for new members, address changes, emeritus, etc. –Communicate with members –Recruit members for committees –Determine demographics for local section & division collaborations

16 American Chemical Society 16 E-Balloting and Division Dues E-balloting –Division bylaws must be changed to conduct elections via email or other technology-based system –Contact Barbara Polansky, ACS staff, for information Division dues –Executive committees set dues for following year at spring meeting

17 American Chemical Society 17 ACS Branding What is Brand? –A brand is much more than just a logo. It’s something that is communicated on a daily basis, whether it’s contained in a letter or an advertising campaign. It tells the outside world what you do and what you stand for and, as a result, it’s one of the most powerful things an organization can own. Resources for ACS Branding ( About Us > About ACS > Branding Guidelines) –Logos and typefaces –Microsoft Office Templates

18 American Chemical Society 18 ACS Fellows Program In 2008, then President Bruce Bursten established a Presidential Task Force to study and recommend the establishment of an ACS Fellows Program The Board of Directors approved the program for initiation in 2009 Nominations are sought from divisions, local sections, and committees, as well as individual ACS members Nominations for the 2011 class of ACS Fellows opens the first quarter ACS Fellows are recognized and honored at the Fall ACS National Meeting

19 American Chemical Society 19 Collaboration with non- ACS entities ACS encourages divisions to pursue joint activities in areas of mutual interest with other national and international scientific and technical societies and organizations All cosponsorship agreements involving an ACS division must be approved by the ACS Previous joint activities associated with national meetings –ACS and AIChE (Spring 2008) –ENVR and WaterCAMPWS (Spring 2008) –GEOC and Clay Minerals Society (CMS) (Spring 2008)

20 American Chemical Society 20 Sources of Funding Division Allocations Semi-Annual Division Dues Semi-Annual Innovative Project Grants Thematic Program Division Initiatives

21 American Chemical Society 21 Division Allocation Factors Allotment CategoryFraction of Allocations Base Allotment12.5% Per Member Allotment12.5% Innovative Projects Allotment10% Total Programming Allotment*65% * Distribution of Programming Allotment Category% of Programming Allotment # attendees at oral sessions † 50% # members at meeting25% # posters presented25% † All sponsoring Divisions receive full credit for cooperatively cosponsored sessions.

22 American Chemical Society 22 Division Allocation Average Allocations in 2009 –Class I: $14K –Class II: $38K –Class III: $81K Division Types –Type I: AGRO, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CELL, CHAL, CHAS, CINF, FLUO, FUEL, GEOC, HIST, NUCL, PETR, PROF, RUBB, SCHB, TOXI –Type II: AGFD, BIOT, COLL, COMP, IEC –Type III: ANYL, BIOL, CHED, ENVR, INOR, MEDI, ORGN, PHYS, PMSE, POLY

23 American Chemical Society 23 Division Dues –Division dues collected by ACS (Member & Subscriber Services) (except RUBB) –Revenues distributed semi-annually to Divisions Average Distributions July – December, 2010 –Class I: $7K –Class II: $14K –Class III: $55K Division Types –Type I: AGRO, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CELL, CHAL, CHAS, CINF, FLUO, FUEL, GEOC, HIST, NUCL, PETR, PROF, RUBB, SCHB, TOXI –Type II: AGFD, BIOT, COLL, COMP, IEC –Type III: ANYL, BIOL, CHED, ENVR, INOR, MEDI, ORGN, PHYS, PMSE, POLY

24 American Chemical Society 24 Innovative Project Grants –Innovative Grants pool: 10% total division allotment ($136K in 2009) –Grant applications reviewed at national meetings by the Divisional Advancement Subcommittee of DAC San Francisco, CA Distribution: $27,500 –CINF, ORGN, PHYS, TOXI Boston, MA Distribution: $102,400 –AGFD, AGRO, CATL, CELL, CINF, COLL, ENVR, I&EC, NUCL, ORGN, FUEL, PROF, and RUBB

25 American Chemical Society 25 Thematic Program Thematic Program Participation at each National Meeting –$30K provided by DAC –Administered by ACS –Invited speaker registrations and travel No honoraria Documented expenses reimbursed Division registration site

26 Member Communities Group John Katz, LaTrease Garrison Mark O’Brien Cheryl Brown Juanita Hampton Mikal Ankrah Kate Sellar Farai Tsokodayi Alvin Collins,

27 Member Communities Group American Chemical Society 27 Laura Melohn, Max Saffell, David Thomas, Carol Payton, Sam Toba, Chris McCarthy, Tanya Fogg, Richard Love,

28 American Chemical Society 28 Provides logistical support to divisions with respect to bylaw requirements—division dues, officer lists, cosponsorships Maintains a website that supports division needs especially those of division officers and division volunteers Manages the collection and production of the national meeting program Administers division dues and allocation payments Supports Committee on Divisional Activities (DAC) Supports the subcommittees of DAC by distributing and helping to manage annual reports, Innovative Project Grants, ChemLuminary Awards Member Communities

29 American Chemical Society 29 Member Communities Collaborates with other ACS offices who interact with divisions—Secretary’s Office, Education, International Activities, etc. Coordinates training conferences and workshops –Program Planning and Coordination Conference (P2C2) –Leadership Institute –Division Summit Manages and facilitates division strategic planning sessions

30 American Chemical Society 30 Get Involved, Stay Involved If you remember only one or two things from this weekend, please remember that GISI has been designed as an essential online resource to help you complete your ACS volunteer duties. Online resource for veteran volunteers and new volunteers with essential links of volunteer procedures and resources specifically geared towards divisions. Links are organized in tabs according to topic areas: Event & Meeting Planning, Communications Resources, Division Information, Annual Reports, Funding and Financial, Elections & Bylaws, Member Recognition, and Leadership Development. The most time sensitive items and communications are listed to the right in the “What’s Important Now!” area.

31 American Chemical Society 31 Strategic planning Pre-planning –Trend data (membership counts, financial data, etc.), Member needs assessment data, and other information considered relevant to a given division is retrieved and reviewed by the Member Communities (MC) staff and is given to the strategic planning participants in advance of the planning session. –Arrangements or assistance with the logistics (location, timing, identification of stakeholders, etc.) is provided by MC staff. Facilitating –On a first come, first serve basis, MC provides a facilitator and covers the professional fees of the facilitator. Follow-Up –MC assists each division through a mutually agreed upon follow-up plan.

32 American Chemical Society 32 QUESTIONS


34 American Chemical Society DAC and Technical Divisions John Pochan Chair, Committee on Divisional Activities American Chemical Society

35 35 ACS Committees Joint Board-Council Committees (12) Society Committees (2) Board Committees (13) Council Committees (6) Divisional Activities* Economic and Professional Affairs Local Section Activities Meetings and Expositions* Membership Activities Constitution and Bylaws What do they do? Much of the tactical governance work of the Society.

36 American Chemical Society 36 Divisions and ACS 33 technical divisions Autonomous 501(c)(3) organizations, each with its own set of bylaws Division membership optional– approximately 50% of ACS members choose to belong to one or more divisions

37 Why do Divisions exist? Professionalism –Resources –Networking Create and present scientific information –Presentations at and from meetings –Publications Recognition –Awards –Grants/scholarships/fellowships American Chemical Society 37

38 Divisions and DAC Divisional Activities Committee (DAC) –Chair: John Pochan, 2011 –Comprised of up to 25 Division and Local Section Councilors (lots of division representation, but we don’t have reps from every division) –Meets at each national meeting American Chemical Society 38

39 DAC Charter Bylaw III, 3d(1)(c)  Study and make recommendations concerning Society policy affecting interests of divisions  Assist divisions in coordinating their efforts with Society and Local Section activities  Promote interdivisional cooperation and communication  Cooperate with the Committee on Meetings and Expositions….  Perform duties incident to the creation of new divisions……  Acting for the Council….in approving the affiliation of divisions with other technical organizations American Chemical Society 39

40 How DAC is Structured to Serve Divisions Divisional Activities Committee (DAC) –Subcommittees Annual Reports Constitution and Bylaws Divisional Enhancement Meetings (Division Status) Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group (MPPG) American Chemical Society 40

41 Annual Reports Subcommittee Chairs: Mike Brownfield and Bruce Ault Reviews all Divisions and Secretariat annual reports All DAC members are part of AR, review reports American Chemical Society 41

42 Annual Reports Written by Division members to record what the Division has accomplished in the past year Offer highlights of Division activities Give ideas for other Divisions to use Provide data for DAC to present to Council Policy Committee Serve as historical documents American Chemical Society 42

43 Completed Annual Reports Consists of Administration and Financial Form, as well as event summaries Submit to Department of Volunteer Support by February 15 –To be eligible for ChemLuminary Award Must be received before a Division can receive the annual allotment American Chemical Society 43

44 Divisional Enhancement Subcommittee Chairs: Christopher Welch, Paul Rillema Assists Divisions with meeting their objectives –Provides financial support –Recognizes excellent Division initiatives –Encourages collaboration among Divisions, between Divisions and local sections, and/or society committees, and/or external groups American Chemical Society 44

45 Divisional Enhancement Subcommittee Provide financial support  Innovative Projects Fund o10% of annual division allotment oProposals and guidelines available on web, due July 1 Recognize excellent divisional initiatives  Outstanding Division ChemLuminary Award  Must submit annual report, self-nominate by Feb. 15 Encourage Collaboration  Division/Local Section ChemLuminary award co-sponsored by DAC & Local Section Activities Committee American Chemical Society 45

46 Constitution and Bylaws Subcommittee Chair: Fred Heineken Keeps committee apprised of petitions Presents official DAC position to the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws and the Council For Fall 2011: 1 petition as of 1/15/11 –Petition on Policy statements American Chemical Society 46

47 Meetings Subcommittee Chairs: Mike Miller, Gary Anderson Develops policy for Division programming at national meetings Promotes multidisciplinary programming Deals with meeting related topics Serves as liaison between DAC and Meetings and Expositions Committee American Chemical Society 47

48 MPPG Chair: Dave Lohse Representatives from all Divisions Responsible for planning society thematic, multidisciplinary programming Operating for now as DAC subcommittee Will work with Divisions on broader enhancements of national meeting programming American Chemical Society 48

49 DAC Activities Initiated thematic programming concept starting with the 2006 fall national meeting Worked with M&E, ComSci to create the Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group to oversee continuing thematic programming Working with CATL, PETR, FUEL Reviewing Division allocation formula for Council in Anaheim Sponsors annual leadership conference for newly elected officers Sponsors annual Leaders’ Track at ACS Leadership Institute for Division Chairs American Chemical Society 49

50 Divisional Officers Caucus (DOC) Current chair: Fred Heineken Meets on Tuesday at 3:30 pm during each national meeting Gathers past and present Division officers Unofficial forum for informal discussion of mutual concerns American Chemical Society 50

51 How to Interact with DAC? Meets Sundays from 8 a.m.-Noon at each national meeting; guests welcome except for brief closed sessions, Subcommittees meet various times Saturday prior to committee meeting With M&E, co-sponsors a luncheon at each national meeting for committee members, program chairs, and associated groups At annual ACS Leadership Institute At annual Program Planning and Coordination Conference for program chairs Website: E-mail: American Chemical Society 51

52 American Chemical Society 52 Administrivia

53 American Chemical Society Opportunities and Obstacles: What Does Your Division Want to Accomplish? What is Holding it Back? David Lohse, Past DAC Chair

54 Questions to Consider  Where do you want to go?  What is holding you back?  How can DAC and staff help?  What resources are needed?  What external factors have to be considered?  What trends are you seeing in your specialty area? Employment status of chemists? American Chemical Society 54

55 NETWORKING BREAK After the break, please go to Texas Ballroom C for our next session. American Chemical Society 55

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