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MACROMOLECULES Large molecules found in living (& once living) organisms Made up of more simple building blocks.

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Presentation on theme: "MACROMOLECULES Large molecules found in living (& once living) organisms Made up of more simple building blocks."— Presentation transcript:

1 MACROMOLECULES Large molecules found in living (& once living) organisms Made up of more simple building blocks

2 Macromolecules contain mostly these four elements: C H O N Over 95% of any organism is made-up of just these four elements!

3 Do you recognize any of these MACROMOLECULES?

4 Carbohydrates Lipids (fats) Proteins Nucleic Acids The 4 Major Categories of Macromolecules:

5 What do all these Macromolecules have in Common? Carbon backbone or “framework” !!!

6 WHY CARBON? 4 Valence Electrons Can bond with 4 different atoms This allows for thousands of combinations!

7 Carbohydrates HOW MANY CARBONS IN THIS MOLECULE? 6 Remember this? C 6 H 12 O 6 Glucose is the product of photosynthesis! H I

8 Glucose is a monomer –Mono means “one” –A monomer can exist alone or can form with other similar molecules to form a larger molecule Carbohydrates are polymers –Poly means “many” –Polymers are compounds formed of long chains of monomers

9 Saccharides – “sugars” Monosaccarides –i.e. Glucose, Fructose Disaccarides –Glucose + Fructose = Sucrose (table sugar) –i.e. sucrose & lactose Polysaccharides –Carbohydrates (i.e. starch, cellulose, glycogen)

10 Q: So what would you call a macromolecule made up of many monosaccharides? A: CARBOHYDRATE

11 Remember, carbohydrates are just one example of MACROMOLECULES. Don’t forget the PROTEINS, LIPIDS, and NUCLEIC ACIDS.

12 Today’s LAB You will be testing foods for the following MACROMOLECULES: Glucose – monosaccharide Sucrose – disaccharide Starch – polysaccharide Lipids – ( a.k.a. fats ) Proteins

13 Carbohydrates ElementsC,H,O, Building blocksMonosaccharides (glucose, fructose) ExamplesGlycogen, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, cellulose UsesCell transport, intercellular junctions, structural, mechanical

14 Lipids ElementsC,H,O* (*much less oxygen than other biomolecules) Building blocksFatty acids (mostly hydrocarbon chains) ExamplesPhospholipids, steroids, UsesCell membranes, hormones, triglycerides (energy storage)

15 Protein ElementsC,H,O,N Building blocksAmino Acids ExamplesKeratin, actin/myosin, hemoglobin, UsesCell transport, intercellular junctions, structural, mechanical

16 Nucleic Acids ElementsC,H,O,N, P Building blocksNucleotides ExamplesDNA, RNA, ATP UsesCell metabolism, protein synthesis, storage of genetic material

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